Publications and presentations

Publications and submitted manuscripts

Reeve, Matthew & Zhang Min. 2024. The typology of implicit cause(r)s: Evidence from Mandarin Chinese. Ms., Zhejiang University. [Submitted.]

Reeve, Matthew. 2024. The argument structure of have and other transitive verbs. [Submitted – second round of reviews.]

Franco, Ludovico & Marchis Moreno, Mihaela & Reeve, Matthew (eds.). 2019. Agreement, Case and Locality in the Nominal and Verbal Domains. Berlin: Language Science Press.

Reeve, Matthew. 2019. Beyond constituency tests: A reply to Osborne. [Discussion note on Osborne, Timothy. 2018. Tests for constituents: What they really reveal about the nature of syntactic structure.]. Language Under Discussion 5, 68–82.

Reeve, Matthew. 2019. An agreement-based analysis of extraction from nominals. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 37, 263–314.

Osborne, Timothy & Reeve, Matthew. 2018. Scope domains: Toward a Dependency Grammar account of thesyntactic distribution of negative polarity items. Acta Linguistica Academica 65: 119–167.

Reeve, M. & G. Hicks. 2017. Adjunct extraposition: Base-generation or movement? Syntax 20, 215–248.

Reeve, M. 2014. On control and envy. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 26, 43–71.

Reeve, M. 2014. A unified analysis of gapping and cleft ellipsis. In: N. Melnik (ed.), MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 72 (Proceedings of IATL 29), 141–168. Cambridge, MA: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.

Reeve, M. 2014. If there’s anything cleft ellipsis resembles, it’s (pseudo)gapping. In: R. A. Santana-LaBarge (ed.), Proceedings of WCCFL 31, 351–360. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.

Reeve, M. 2013. Conditions on ellipsis licensing: Evidence from gapping and cleft ellipsis. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 25, 144–175.

D. Bury & M. Reeve. 2013. Backward coreference from relative clauses and the nature of Condition C. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 25, 112–130.

Reeve, M. 2013. The cleft pronoun and cleft clause in English. In: K. Hartmann & T. Veenstra (eds.), Cleft Structures, 165–186. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Reeve, M. 2013. Review of Amanda Patten, The English It-Cleft: A constructional account and a diachronic investigation (Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2012). Journal of Historical Syntax 2(3).

Reeve, M. 2013. Review of Jae Jung Song, Word Order (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012). Linguist List 24-2929.

Reeve, M. 2012. Against FP analyses of clefts. In: A. Neeleman & R. Vermeulen (eds.), The Syntax of Topic, Focus, and Contrast, 157–187. Berlin: Mouton.

Reeve, M. 2012. Clefts and their Relatives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Reeve, M. 2012. Review of Paul M. Postal, Edge-Based Clausal Syntax (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011). Linguist List 23-3084.

Reeve, M. 2011. The syntactic structure of English clefts. Lingua 121, 142–171.  

Reeve, M. 2010. Clefts. Ph.D. dissertation, University College London.

Reeve, M. 2008. A ‘pseudo-biclausal’ analysis of Slavonic clefts. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 20, 63–85.

Reeve, M. 2007. Relatives and pronouns in the English cleft construction. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 19, 157–182.

Daskalaki, E., N. Katsos, M. Mavrogiorgos & M. Reeve (eds.). 2005. CamLing 2004: Proceedings of the University of Cambridge Second Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge Institute of Language Research.


2023. The syntax of implicit cause(r)s: Evidence from Mandarin Chinese. Syntax Reading Group, Newcastle University, 16/11.

2022. The thematic structure of have and other transitive verbs. Academic Forum, Zhejiang University, 12/22.

2021. Argument-licensing in have-constructions and passives. 9th International Conference on Formal Linguistics, Fudan University, 17/11/21.

2019 (w/ Jiaxin Feng). Affectedness as a default: the case of bèi-constructions. 12th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics, University of Macau, 07/19.

2019. Affectedness and theta-theory: on bèi, get and have. Workshop on Formal Linguistics and Language Variation, Department of Chinese, Zhejiang University, 20-21/04/19.

2019. Extraposition: Binding, scope, topic/focus. Invited seminar, UCL, 01/02/19.

2018 (w/ Liu Ying). Focus- and background-marking in Mandarin and English ‘clefts’. 8th International Conference on Formal Linguistics, Zhejiang University, 24/11/18.

2018. Agreement and extraction from DP/NP. Invited talk, Current Issues in Comparative Syntax: Connecting Past, Present and Future, National University of Singapore, 01/03/18.

2017 (w/ T. Osborne). Control vs. raising in English: A Dependency Grammar account. International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2017), Pisa, 18/09/17.

2017. MaxElide and the identity condition on ellipsis. Forum ‘Reason, Romance, Resonance’, School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, 26/06/17.

2016. Left branch extraction: The role of agreement. Academic Forum, Department of Linguistics & Translation, Zhejiang University, 09/12/16.

2016. Clefts and ellipsis in English and beyond. Seminar, Centre for Language and Cognition, Zhejiang University, 30/11/16.

2016. Fragments, truncated clefts and island-sensitivity. Poster presentation, Ellipsis Across Borders, Sarajevo, 20/06/16.

2016. On the island-sensitivity (or otherwise) of fragments and truncated clefts. Generative Grammar Seminar, CLUNL, 06/05/16.

2016. Agreement and extraction from DP/NP. Generative Grammar Seminar, CLUNL, 27/01/16.

2015. Binding by possessors in Colloquial Finnish. Poster presentation, Conference on Projection and Representation in Honour of Michael Brody, Budapest, 13/04/15.

2015. Blocking in clausal gerunds. Job talk, National University of Singapore, 01/04/15.

2013. A unified approach to gapping and cleft ellipsis. Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics (IATL) Annual Meeting, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 06/10/13.

2013. Conditions on ellipsis licensing: Evidence from gapping and cleft ellipsis. Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB) Annual Meeting, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, 30/08/13.

2013 (w/ Dirk Bury). Backward coreference from relative clauses and the nature of Condition C. Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB) Annual Meeting, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, 29/08/13.

2013. Ellipsis without movement in premodified reduced it-clefts. 25th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, University of Iceland, 14/05/13.

2013. If there’s anything cleft ellipsis resembles, it’s (pseudo)gapping. West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 31, Arizona State University, 02/2013.

2012. If there’s anything cleft ellipsis resembles, it’s (pseudo)gapping. Invited seminar, National University of Singapore, 12/09/2012.

2012 (w/ Glyn Hicks). Adjunct extraposition and the wide/narrow focus distinction. Invited talk, UCL Syntax Workshop ‘In the Hope of Spring’, 18/02/2012.

2011 (w/ Glyn Hicks). Complexity and/or Minimalism(?). Workshop on Complex Systems in Linguistics, University of Southampton, 05/09/2011.

2011 (w/ Glyn Hicks). Adjunct extraposition and the wide/narrow focus distinction. Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB) Annual Meeting, University of Manchester, 08/09/2011.

2010. Relative clauses with two antecedents: The syntax of clefts and only-relatives. Invited talk, 2nd Potsdam/UCL Workshop on Syntax and Information Structure, UCL, 22/01/2010.

2009. Extraposition and theta-binding in clefts. LingLunch, UCL, 25/03/2009.

2008. English vs. Russian: Two types of cleft construction. Cleft Workshop 2008, Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin, 29/11/2008.

2008. English vs. Russian: Two types of cleft construction. Linguistics Association of Great Britain Annual Meeting, University of Essex, 12/09/2008.

2007. Cleft sentences and non-restrictive non-appositive relatives. LangUE: University of Essex Postgraduate Conference, 13/07/2007.

2007. Cleft it and cleft relatives. The 2nd Newcastle Postgraduate Conference in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 25/06/2007.

2007. Cleft sentences in English. PhD Day 2007, UCL, 26/04/2007.

2007. Cleft sentences in English. Syntax discussion group, Queen Mary, University of London, 15/02/2007.