White Space

White space enhances readability by making the individual components of statements stand out.

Surround =, &, and | by spaces

Using space around the assignment character provides a strong visual cue separating the left and right hand sides of a statement. Using space around the binary logical operators can clarify complicated expressions.

simpleSum = firstTerm+secondTerm;

Conventional operators can be surrounded by spaces

This practice is controversial. Some believe that it enhances readability.

simpleAverage = (firstTerm + secondTerm) / two;
1 : nIterations

Commas can be followed by a space

These spaces can enhance readability. Some programmers leave them out to avoid split lines.

foo(alpha, beta, gamma)

Semicolons or commas for multiple commands in one line should be followed by a space character

Spacing enhances readability.

if (pi>1); disp(‘Yes’); end

Keywords should be followed by a space

This practice helps to distinguish keywords from functions.

Logical groups of statements within a block should be separated by one blank line

Enhance readability by introducing white space between logical units of a block.

Blocks should be separated by more than one blank line

One approach is to use three blank lines. By making the space larger than space within a block, the blocks will stand out within the file. Another approach is to use the comment symbol followed by a repeated character such as * or -.

Use alignment wherever it enhances readability

Code alignment can make split expressions easier to read and understand. This layout can also help to reveal errors.

weightedPopulation = (doctorWeight * nDoctors) + …
                     (lawyerWeight * nLawyers) + …
                     (chiefWeight  * nChiefs );