Matthieu Bouvard

Professor of Finance

Toulouse School of Economics & TSM Research

1 esplanade de l'université, 31080 Toulouse, France


Long CV

Working papers

Fair Cost Sharing: Big Tech vs Telcos, with Bruno Jullien

Lending and Monitoring: Big Tech vs Banks with Catherine Casamatta and Rui Xiong, slides

Should Cities Diversify? City Risk and Industrial Policy, with Adolfo de Motta and Sheridan Titman


Equilibrium Bitcoin Pricing, with Bruno Biais, Christophe Bisière, Catherine Casamatta and Albert Menkveld, Journal of Finance, 78(2), 2023.

Labor Leverage, Coordination Failures, and Aggregate Risk, with Adolfo de Motta, Journal of Financial Economics, 142(3), 2021.

Horizontal Reputation and Strategic Audience Management, with Raphael Levy, Journal of the European Economic Association, 18(3), 2020.

Risk Management Failures, with Samuel Lee, Review of Financial Studies, 33(6), 2020.

The Blockchain Folk Theorem, with Bruno Biais, Christophe Bisière and Catherine Casamatta, Review of Financial Studies, 32(5), 2019. Editor's choice.

Two-sided Reputation in Certification Markets, with Raphael Levy, Management Science, 64(10), 2018.

Transparency in the Financial System: Rollover Risk and Crises, with Pierre Chaigneau and Adolfo de Motta, Journal of Finance, 70(4), 2015.

Real Option Financing under Asymmetric Information, Review of Financial Studies, 27(1), 2014.


Mobile Payments and Interoperability: Insights from the Academic Literature, with Milo Bianchi, Renato Gomes, Andrew Rhodes and Vatsala Shreeti, Information Economics and Policy, 65, 2023.

Blockchains, Coordination, and Forks, with Bruno Biais, Christophe Bisière and Catherine Casamatta, AEA Papers and Proceedings, 109, 2019.

Strategic Interactions in Blockchain: A Survey of Game-Theoretic Approaches, with Bruno Biais, Christophe Bisière and Catherine Casamatta, in Principles of Blockchain Systems.