Work in Progress

Stairway to Heaven? Selection into Entrepreneurship, Income Mobility and Firm Performance (with Jarkko Harju and Toni Juuti)

[new version 06/2024] 

The Aftermath of a Superstar Firm Collapse: Labor Market Trajectories and Entrepreneurship following Nokia's Decline (with Andrés Barrios-Fernández, Jarkko Harju and Sami Remes)

[paper 06/2024] 

Tax Enforcement and Firm Performance: Real and Reporting Responses to Risk-Based Tax Audits (with Jarkko Harju, Kaisa Kotakorpi and Annika Nivala)

[paper 06/2024] 

Combining Part-time Work and Social Benefits: Evidence from Finland (with Salla Kalin and Tomi Kyyrä)

[paper 04/2024] 

Discrete Labor Supply: Quasi-experimental Evidence and Implications (with Tuomas Kosonen)

[new version 03/2024] 

Once or Twice a Month? The Impact of Payment Frequency on Spending Behavior (with Jani-Petri Laamanen and Tuuli Paukkeri)

[paper 09/2022] 

Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard in Social Insurance for Entrepreneurs (with Youssef Benzarti, Jarkko Harju, Ella Mattinen and Alisa Tazhitdinova)

Tax Optimization Errors and Ability (with Jarkko Harju, Aliisa Koivisto, Tuomas Kosonen and Daniel Reck)