Shibaura Algebra Seminar

2023 Shibaura Algebra Seminar @ 芝浦工業大学(大宮キャンパス)の情報ページです.

DATE: 2023 May 20th (Sat.)


Title: On duals of pointed Hopf superalgebras of low dimension

Title: Classification of coideal subalgebras of low dimensional Hopf algebras 

Title: Unimodular H-comodule algebras

Abstract: Unimodular Hopf algebras H are an interesting subclass of Hopf algebras which can be used to construct invariants of 3-manifolds. For instance, semisimple Hopf algebras are unimodular. In this talk, inspired by applications to TQFTs, we will introduce the notion of unimodular H-comodule algebras. We will also provide examples and discuss some open questions. 

Title: Algebraic supergroups and its root systems

Title: Nakayama functor for monads on locally finite abelian categories

Organizers: 清水健一,柴田大樹