NSF conference on Mathematical Sciences Challenges in Quantum Information

The purpose of this conference is to explore emerging opportunities for the mathematical sciences community in the cross-disciplinary field of Quantum Information Science.

Conference Report Update:

We have prepared a report summarizing the findings of the meeting, and discussing more generally some of outstanding mathematical challenges in quantum information.

  • executive summary (2 pages)
  • full report (10 pages)

The conference, organized by Lorenza Viola (Dartmouth), Aram Harrow (MIT), and John Johnson (PNNL) will be held in the Ballston Room of the Hilton Arlington, February 12-13, 2015. We anticipate ten-half hour talks on the first day, followed by a panel discussion, and breakout sessions the second day. There will be plenty of opportunity for folks to interact informally with each other.

Registration is now closed, but for posterity here is the registration link.

Invited Speakers:

Fernando Brandao (UCL and MSR Redmond)

Sergey Bravyi (IBM Yorktown Heights)

Andrew Childs (UMD)

Patrick Hayden (Stanford)

Vojkan Jaksic (McGill)

Christopher King (Northeastern)

Pablo Parrilo (MIT)

John Preskill (Caltech)

Peter Shor (MIT)

Stanislaw Szarek (CWRU)

Invited Panelists:

Xie Chen (Caltech)

Stephen Jordan (NIST)

David Meyer (UCSD)

Michele Mosca (Waterloo)

Bruno Nachtergaele (Davis)

Francesco Ticozzi (Padova and Dartmouth)
