Work in progress

Multinationals and International Tax Shifting: Shutting Down the Mauritius Route to India (with J. De Lyon, S. Dhingra, M. François)

Lost in Haven (with M. François)

An economic analysis of extra-territorial taxation (with G. Zucman)

Working papers

Profit Shifting and International Tax Reforms  with A. Ferrari, S. Laffitte, F. Toubal, CEPR DP 17801  (Last update: Dec 2024)

Corporate tax avoidance and sales: micro evidence and aggregate implications with J. Martin and F. Toubal, CEPR DP15060 (Jan 2022)  R&R Management Science


A simple theory of deep trade integration with G. Vannoorenberghe, CEPR DP (April 2022​​) Accepted at the Journal of the European Economic Association

Relationship Stickiness, International Trade, and Economic Uncertainty with J. Martin and I. Mejean (Nov. 2023), Accepted at the  Review of Economics and Statistics

Lobbying for Globalization with M. Blanga-Gubbay and P. Conconi, CEPR DP 14597 (Jan 2022) . Accepted at the Economic Journal

Sales and markup dispersion: theory and empirics with M. Mrázová​ and P. Neary,  Econometrica (2021)

One Way to the Top: How Services Boost the Demand for Goods with A. Ariu and F. Mayneris, Journal of International Economics (2020)

Knocking on Tax Haven's Door: Multinational Firms and Transfer Pricing with R. Davies, J. Martin and F. Toubal, Review of Economics and Statistics  (2018) 

Large and Small Firms in a Global Market: David vs. Goliath Journal of International Economics (2018)

Toward a theory of monopolistic competition with P. Ushchev and J. Thisse,  Journal of Economic Theory,  (2017)

Variable mark-ups in the long-run: a generalization of preferences in growth models with R. Boucekkine and H. Latzer, Journal of Mathematical Economics (2017)

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Monopolistic Competition: Beyond the C.E.S. (with S.Kokovin, J.Thisse and E.Zhelobodko)  Econometrica, (2012)