Policy Work

Inflation dynamics in the high inflation period: insights from microdata, with Klara Strömberg and Oskar Tysklind, Sveriges Riksbank Economic Commentary, 04/07/2024. EN/SE 

Price dynamics in Sweden: Insights from a new dataset,  with Jacob Ewertzh and Oskar Tysklind, Sveriges Riksbank Economic Commentary, 17/01/2022. EN/SE 

A Stabilization Fund Can Make the Euro Area More Crisis-Proof, with Marius Clemens, DIW Weekly Report, 06/06/2018. EN/DE 

What Determines the Costs of Fiscal Consolidations?, DIW Roundup, 19/02/2018. EN

Low Interest Rate Environment Amplifies Negative Effects of Austerity, DIW Focus, 23/01/2018. EN/DE

Austerity Measures Amplified Crisis in Spain, Portugal, and Italy, with Philipp Engler, DIW Economic Bulletin, 22/02/2017. EN/DE