Useful Math links

This is only the first version. I will try to add more and more data here.

1. For math student.

I would like to introduce some useful math. links to young student whose interested in doing mathematics.

You can find here the links to some universities and organizations supporting long-terms/short terms scholarship

to help you pursuing a Ph.D degree or attending their conferences or workshops.

Click here.

2. Some Vietnamese top math. organizations

I would like to introduce here some top math. group and top univesities/institutes which offer math. programs.

The choice here is only reflected my own favourite. The data will be updated.

Click here

3. Math. research opportinuty.

Click here

4. Math in the world.

Click here (To be update)

5. People in Math.

Here I would like the personal web of some mathematicians whose I visited and interested in.

Click here (tobe update)