

Working papers:

- S. Bervoets and M. Faure: Long-run disagreement before consensus: an introduction to quasi-stationary distributions.

- S. Bervoets, B. Decreuse and M. Faure: Cheating in contests by improving regularity.

Submitted and published papers

- F. Andreoli, M. Faure, N. Gravel and T. Kundu: Evaluating allocations of opportunities

- M. Belhaj, F Deroian and M. Faure: Do people share opportunities? 

- O.Bochet, M. Faure, Y. Long and Y. Zenou: Perceived competition in networks.

- M. Faure and N. Gravel: Reducing inequalities among unequals, International Economic Review, 62(1), 357-404 (2021)

- S. Bervoets and M. Faure: Convergence in games with continua of equilibria, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 90, 25-30, (2020).

- S. Bervoets, M. Bravo and M. Faure: Learning with minimal information in continuous games, Theoretical Economics, 15(4), 1471-1508, (2020). 

- S. Bervoets and M. Faure: Stability in games with continua of equilibriaJournal of Economic Theory, 179, 131-162, (2019). 

- M. Faure, P. Gaillard, B. Gaujal and V. Perchet Online learning and game theory. A quick overview with recent results and applications;  ESAIM: proceedings and surveys, 51, 246-271, (2015).

- M. Faure and S.J. Schreiber: Convergence of generalized urn models to non-equilibrium attractors; Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 125(8), 3053-3074, (2015).

M. Bravo and M. Faure: Reinforcement learning with restrictions on the action space; Siam Journal on Control and Optimization, 53(1), 287-312, (2015).

- M. Faure and S. J. Schreiber: Quasi-stationary distributions for randomly perturbed dynamical systems; Annals of Applied Probability, 24(2), 553-598, (2014).

- M. Benaïm and M. Faure: Consistency of Vanishingly Smooth Fictitious play; Mathematics of Operations research, 38(3), 437-450, (2013).

- M. Faure and G. Roth: Ergodic properties of weak asymptotic pseudotrajectories for set-valued dynamical systems; Stochastics and Dynamics, 13(1), (2013).

- M. Benaïm and M. Faure: Stochastic Approximations, Cooperative dynamics and Supermodular Games; Annals of Applied Probability, 22(5), 2133-2164 (2012).

- M. Faure and G. Roth: Stochastic approximations of Set-valued Dynamical systems: convergence with positive probability to an attractorMathematics of Operations research, 35(3) pp. 624-640 (2010).

- M. Faure  Self-Normalized Large Deviations for Markov Chains;  Electronic Journal of Probability,  pp. 1-31  (2002).

- M. Faure  Principes de grandes déviations autonormalisées pour des chaînes de Markov;  Comptes-rendus de l'académie des sciences - Série 1 -   333(9)  pp. 885-890 (2001).