
These charts help answer the question: “On average how are utilities performing with regard to interconnecting three project types?" Two types of projects are

used in the DPU-approved Timeline Enforcement Mechanism (DPU 11-75-F). Projects following the Expedited process with Supplemental Review are not in the metric.

The average time lapsed is accounted for by dividing the total utility work time lapsed by the total number of projects by each utility and compared against the

utility time allowed.* This interactive analysis is updated monthly and is usually available within 30 days after the end of a reporting period (e.g., as of this posting on 1/16/15, data covering all projects through Decemeber 2014 has been posted to the Interconnection Page and the consultants made that data active in these charts by the end of January).

*DISCLAIMER: The summary provided herein represents monthly data submitted to DOER by the utilities but may not be identical to the utility performance reporting filed with DPU in April 2015. Please note that only projects with an "Interconnection Agreement Sent" date are included in this summary and that utility times allowed can be project specific (see DOER and utility joint response to IR DPU-1-7 in D.P.U. 11-75; 12/22/14).

For instructions on using this chart, please see How To Use This Chart below.

How to use this chart

The default view is total projects across all utilities. To view applications for a specific utility, click the check boxes in the right sidebar under "Company Name."

To view the data within a specific year, select the year under “Year.”

To export the chart, click the export icon in the toolbar at the top/center and choose:

  • Image: Exports an image of the chart as a .png image file

  • Data: Opens a new window where you can view the data used to create the chart. The Summary tab shows only the specific data points use to build the chart. The Underlying tab shows all columns associated with each row of data used to build the chart. Click "download all rows as a text file" to download a .csv file containing the data you see, which can be opened in Excel.

  • Crosstab: Downloads a .csv file of the data points used to create the chart, which can be opened in Excel

  • PDF: Exports an image of the chart as a PDF file

Download additional information about using interactive chart features (PDF)