
Ph.D. thesis

Constraints on Feature Checking

(University of Connecticut, 1999)

Articles/Book Chapters (selected)

"Split Lexical Insertion in Parasitic Gap Constructions," Studia Linguistica, 2022. [with Brian Agbayani]

"Some Notes on Nominative/Genitive Object Constructions in Japanese," Nanzan Linguistics 17, 117-130, 2022.

"Feature Splitting Lexical Insertion in Tough Constructions," Proceedings of WECOL2020, California State University, Fresno, 2021. [with Brian Agbayani]

"Feature Inheritance and Nominative-Genitive Conversion in Japanese," Proceedings of WCCFL38, 2021.

"Agree, Move, and Nominative Objects in Japanese," Nanzan Linguistics 16, 81-106, 2021.  [with Asuka Isono]

"Nominative-Genitive Conversion in Japanese, Focus, and Improper Movement," Proceedings of WECOL2019, California State University, Fresno, 2020.

"Feature Transfer, Left Periphery, and Case Conversion (Review Article of Miyagawa's (2017) monograph, MIT Press)," English Linguistics 36:2, 263-294, 2020.

"Labeling Algorithm, Agreement, and Pro-form no in Japanese," Proceedings of WECOL2018, 151-161, California State University, Fresno, 2019.

"Nominative/Genitive Conversion in (in)dependent clauses in Japanese," Proceedings of WAFL10, MITWPL, 2018. [with Asuka Saruwatari]

Ga/No Conversion,” in Mouton Handbook of Japanese Syntax, eds. Masayoshi Shibatani, Shigeru Miyagawa, and Hisashi Noda, 663-700, De Gruyter, 2017. 

"Meishi Syuusyoku Setsu Ni Okeru Kaku no Kootai Gensyoo (Case Alternation Phenomena in Noun-Modifying Clauses)", 村杉恵子・斎藤衛・宮本陽一・瀧田健介(編)『日本語ハンドブック:言語理論と言語獲得の観点から』, 146-188. 開拓社, 東京, 2016. 

Numeral Classifiers, Negative Polarity, and Movement to the Nominal Periphery,” Nanzan Linguistics 11, 35-56, 2016.

Wh-adjuncts, Left Periphery, and Wh-in-situ,” in Chinese Syntax in a Cross-linguistic Perspective, eds. Y.-H. Audrey Li, Andrew Simpson and W.-T. Dylan Tsai, 401-428, Oxford University Press, 2014.

Remarks on Classifiers and NominalStructure in East Asian,” in Peaches and Plums, eds. C.-T. James Huang and Feng-hsi Liu, 53-74, Taipei: Academia Sinica, 2014. [with C.-T. James Huang]

Universal Numeric Quantifiers in Japanese,” Iberia: An International Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 4.2, 40-77, 2012.

Numeral Classifiers, Plural/Collective Elements, and Nominal Ellipsis,” Nanzan Linguistics 8, pp. 89–108. Center for Linguistics, Nanzan University, 2012.

Multiple Wh-questions and Left Periphery,” Nanzan Linguistics 7, 23–42. Center for Linguistics, Nanzan University, 2011. 

Overt object shift in Japanese," Syntax 12:4, 324-362, 2009.

Agree/Move, successive cyclicity, and island phenomena,” English Linguistics 21:1, 235–255, 2007.

Move F and PF/LF defectiveness,” in Minimalist Essays, ed. Cedric Boeckx, 19–34, John Benjiamins, 2006. [with Brian Agbayani]

Syntax of the hell: Two types of dependencies,” Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society 34, 279–293, GSLA Publications, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2004 [with C.-T. James Huang].

"Review of Peter Culicover and Paul Postal (eds.) Parasitic Gaps," Studies in English Literature English Number 45, 265–272, English Literary Society of Japan, 2004.

How come and other adjunct wh-phrases: A cross-linguistic perspective,Language and Linguistics 5.1, 29–57, 2004.

Reciprocity and null operator movement,” Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society 33, 245-264, GSLA Publications, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2003  [with Junko Ochi].

Move F and Ga/No conversion in Japanese,” Journal of East Asian Linguistics 10:3, 247–286, 2001.

Adjunct wh-in-situ and the Nominal Island,” Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society 30, 557–568, GSLA, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2000.

Embedded topicalization in English and Japanese,Lingua 109, 1–14, 1999.  [with Hideki Maki and Lizanne Kaiser]

Some consequences of Attract F,Lingua 109, 81–107, 1999.

“Multiple Spell-Out and PF adjacency,” Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society 29, 293–306, GSLA, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1999.

“Move or Attract?” Proceedings of the Sixteenth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 319–333, CSLI, Stanford, 1998.

Scrambling of wh-phrases and the Move-F hypothesis,Japanese/Korean Linguistics vol. 8, 487–500, CSLI, Stanford, 1998. [with Hideki Maki]

Handouts/Posters (more on the way!) 

"Numeral Classifiers in Japanese and (Anti-)Labeling," Core-to Core project Workshop at Osaka University, December 16, 2023. [with Yuta Tatsumi]

"Plurality in Japanese and (Anti-)Labeling," The Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics 13 (TEAL13), National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 12, 2023.

"Feature Inheritance and Nominative-Genitive Conversion in Japanese," 38th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL38),  University of British Columbia, March 6, 2020.

"Ga/No Conversion and Feature Inheritance," workshop presentation at Generative Perspectives on the Syntax and Acquisition of Japanese, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL), December 9, 2017.

"Nominative/Genitive Conversion, Nominative Object, and Optional Movement," workshop presentation at Kansai Linguistic Society 40 (KLS40), June 30, 2015. 

"Nominative objects in Japanese and covert/overt movement," poster presentation, FAJL7, June 27, 2014. [with Asuka Saruwatari]

"Split lexical insertion hypothesis in parasitic gap constructions," LSA annual meeting, January 4-7, 2007. [with Brian Agbayani]