Ph.D. in Economics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2002 ~ 2007.

Ph.D. student in Economics, Sungkyunkwan University, 2000 ~ 2002.

B.A. in Economics, Sungkyunkwan University, 2000.



Professor, School of Economics and Finance, Yeungnam University, 2023. 9 ~.

Associate Professor, School of Economics and Finance, Yeungnam University, 2018. 9 ~ 2023. 8.

Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, University of Arizona, 2017.7 ~ 2018. 7.

Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Finance, Yeungnam University, 2012. 9 ~ 2018. 8.

Research Fellow, Samsung Research Institute of Finance, 2007. 7 ~ 2012. 8.

Teaching Fellow, University of Pittsburgh, 2003 ~ 2007.



Game Theory and Its Application, Experimental Economics

Microeconomics, Industrial Organization, Law and Economics

Insurance Economics



Research Promotion Grant, Yeungnam University, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022.

Research Grant, National Research Foundation of Korea, 2014-2015.

Research Grant, National Research Foundation of Korea, 2013-2014.

New Faculty Research Promotion Grant, Yeungnam University, 2012-2013.

Teaching Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh, 2003-2007.

Reuben E. Slesinger Paper Award, University of Pittsburgh, 2005-2006.

Honored as an outstanding graduate student at Honors Convocation, University of Pittsburgh, 2005-2006.

Faculty of Arts & Science Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh, 2002-2003.

Faculty of Arts & Science-PBC Award, University of Pittsburgh, 2002.



Cheap Talk with Prior-Biased Inferences,” (with Wooyoung Lim and Chen Zhao),  Games and Economic Behavior 138 (2023), 254-280. 

“A Note on Reputation in Noisy Cheap Talk,”  Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics 33(3), (2022), 11-32.

“Students’ preference for grading rules: the role of ratio bias,” (with Hyunkuk Cho), Journal of Economic Psychology 87, (2021), 102446.

“Signaling, Prior-bias and Welfare Implications,” (with E. Joo) Korean Journal of Economics 27(1), (2020), 3-22.”

“The Effects of Copayments on Healthcare Utilization in Korea's Medical Aid Program,” (with Yong-Woo Lee), B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 19(3), (2019).

“The Evolution of FTA Network: Empirics and Theory," (with Kichun Kang), Korean Journal of Economics, 26(1), (2019), 3-33.

“Kim Young-ran Act and Bribery Deterrence,” (with Joo, E.), Korean Journal of Economics 25(1), (2018), 3-24.

“A Game-Theoretic Explanation on the Persistence of Political Conflict,” Journal of Market Economy 47(1), (2018), 153-187.

“Contest between David and Goliath," Korean Journal of Economics 23(2), (2016), 149-163.

“Distribution Channels, Matching, and Welfare Asymmetry in the Korean Insurance Industry: A Hint from Matching Theory,” Asia Marketing Journal 17(4), (2016), 89-104.

“Information Sharing Networks in Oligopoly,” Korean Economic Review 30(1), (2014), 41-66.

 “Social Norms, Information and Trust among Strangers,” (with John Duffy and Huan Xie) Economic Theory 52(2), (2013), 669-708.

“Social Norms and Trust among Strangers,” (with Huan Xie) Games and Economic Behavior 76(2), (2012), 548-555.

“A Game-Theoretic Explanation on Legislative Inefficiency in Korea,” Korean Economic Review 27(2), (2011), 293-309.

 “On the Prevalence of Online Trade among Strangers: A Game Theoretic Explanation,” Korean Economic Review 27(1), (2011), 139-161.



“도시가스 용도별 수요 결정요인의 분석” (with 최해억, 박철웅), 한국혁신학회지 15(2), (2020), 83-112.

“기온효과를 반영한 한국의 환경쿠즈네츠가설 검정” (with 박철웅), 에너지경제연구 17(1), (2018), 67-94.

“상품공간에 의한 동태적 산업분류 및 상품공간 중력모형,” (with 김인무, 이성로, 김대용), 경제학연구 65(1), (2017), 103-139. 

“산업별 전력수요의 기온효과 분석” (with 김인무, 이성로, 김대용), 자원∙환경경제연구 25(2), (2016), 141-178.

“공휴일 전력수요에 관한 산업별 분석” (with 김인무, 이성로, 김대용), 에너지경제연구 15(1), (2016), 99-137.

“의료급여 본인부담제도의 분석: 정액부담과 정률부담의 후생효과,” 한국경제학보 21(1), (2014), 67-80.



“Shame and Fame in Competition,” (with Wooyoung Lim) (2020).

“Gender difference in guessing behavior: evidence from exam feedback,” (with Hyunkuk Cho) (2020)

“Strategic Communication with Two-Dimensional Hurdles,” (2020).



Korean Economic Review, Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics, Korean Journal of Economics, Asia Marketing Journal, 

Asian Journal of Law and Economics,  International Economic Journal, Journal of Market Economy, Korean Review of Applied Economics.

산업연구, 중소기업금융연구, 에너지경제연구


제1차 세계대전과 게임이론 (번역서), 박영사, 2024

경제경영을 위한 수학 (번역서, with 설윤 외), 한티미디어, 2017

보험경제학 (번역서, with 이용우), 글바당, 2016



Game Theory and Information Economics: undergraduate/graduate

Microeconomics: undergraduate/graduate

Industrial organizations: graduate

Mathematical Economics, Mathematics for economics: undergraduate

Insurance Economics, Insurance market analysis: undergraduate

Social science and mathematics: undergraduate



Bijeta Sangraula (PhD dissertation committee (Chair), Economics, Yeungnam University)

Buzurukov Bilol (PhD dissertation committee, Economics, Yeungnam University)

Daeyong Kim  (PhD dissertation committee, Economics, Sungkyungkwan University)

Choelwung Park (PhD dissertation supervisor, Economics, Yeungnam University)

Hae-Eok Choi (MA Thesis supervisor, Economics, Yeungnam University)

Syed Fahad Ali Shah (PhD dissertation committee, Economics, Yeungnam University,

            Position: Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Chitral campus, KPK, Pakistan)

Ning Song (MA Thesis committee, Economics, Yeungnam University)



Applied Economics Seminar organizer, Yeungnam University (2013-2016)

Graduate Director, Yeungnam University (2018-2020)

고시원 행정고시반 지도교수, Yeungnam University (2014-2016)

경제금융학부 취업담당교수, Yeungnam University (2014-2015)

교수회 평의원/상경대 의장, Yeungnam University (2015-2022)

대학평의원회 의원, 영남대학교 (2023-)

행정고시, (2차) 출제/선정/채점위원, (3차) 면접위원, 인사혁신처

외교관후보자 선발시험, (2차) 출제/선정/채점위원, 인사혁신처

입법고시, 출제위원, 대한민국국회

공무원 시험 (7급), 출제/면접위원, 인사혁신처

경찰간부시험, 출제위원, 경찰대학

국가교육통계본부 자문위원, 한국교육개발원 (2022-2024)

KDI 경제전문가 패널 (제14기), 한국개발연구원 (2024.7 - ) 

Last updated: April 30, 2024