

25% -- Classroom participation (Attendance for final project presentations on the last day, May 16, is required. For other class dates, please email or contact the staff in advance if you will have to miss class. Unexcused absence will affect your grade.)

30% -- Homework assignments (reading/response) (10 points for each assignment; grade drops 1 point per hour past deadline submitted; Lowest overall HWK grade is dropped).

45% -- Project and presentations

COUHES for Class Projects:

All projects that involve research on human participants must have the PRIOR approval of the MIT Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects (COUHES) before you do any work with human participants.

If you can piggyback on a current COUHES protocol, that is fastest/easiest. If not, you need to MOVE FAST to submit a COUHES application because of the spring COUHES meeting date. COUHES requires applications to be in by March 22, which if you want Media Lab faculty to sign off, means you have to have it signed off by your faculty advisor by March 15 and delivered to Linda Peterson for her to sign off. She requires a week. If you want our input, please get it to us by March 7. Please hit these deadlines, so your project can be approved as early as April 12 or 13.

IMPORTANT, for everyone: before your COUHES application can be approved you must pass your "CITI certification."

If you've never done a COUHES application, you should start this in February.

Please plan to meet with Prof. Picard and Kristy Johnson to brainstorm project ideas as soon as possible. We will have several office hour times before COUHES forms and project plans are due, and you can always book time with Picard's assistant Mary as well.

Let's work together to help you have an enjoyable research/learning experience and a successful project!