
I am or was involved in:

Society for Neurobiology of Language;

European Society for Philosophy and Psychology;

Cognitive Science Society;

Centre for Philosophical Research;

Polish Semiotic Society;

Warsaw Logic Group;

2002-2006: Students' Logical Circle at the University of Warsaw;

2003-2006: Analytic Philosophy Student's Circle at the University of Warsaw.

I have (co-)organized the following events:

5-8 Septmeber 2019, European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP) 2019 (Programme chair), Athens.

20-22 September 2019, Semantics and Philosophy in Europe, 2019, Warsaw.

3-5 April 2019, Workshop Reasoning, Argumentation, and Logic in Natural Language: Experiments and Models, Bochum, Germany.

19-20 June 2017, workshop, Revising formal semantic and pragmatic theories from a neurocognitive perspectives, Bochum

10-12 October, 2013: Conference Investigating Semantics: Empirical and Philosophical Approaches, Bochum.

1-4 March, 2013: The 14th Szklarska Poręba Workshop, Negation

Spring 2012: Research Colloquium Philosophy Meets Cognitive Science, Mercator Research Group Structure of Memory.

March, 2011: (chair) The 12th Szklarska Poreba Worksop: Ambiguity in Language and the Process of Disambiguation.

March, 2010: The 11th Szklarska Poreba Workshop: Logic: Meaning and Inference in Theory and Practice.

July 2008: IX Logical Workshop: Semantics, Computation, Complexity.

July 2007: (chair) VIII Logical Workshop: Logic and Language in Szklarska Poreba.

June 2007: 50 Years of Generalized Quantifiers, in Warsaw.

May 2007: Philosopher's Rally, Warsaw.

Ad-hoc Reviewing:


Journal of Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Science, Cognition, Linguistics and Philosophy, Journal of Cognitive Psychology, Axiomathes, Applied Psycholinguistics, Journal of Memory and Language, Memory and Cognition, Psychophysiology, Journal of Semantics, Mind and Language, Plos One, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Frontiers in Psychology

Conferences and conference proceedings (most important):

Context, Cognition and Communication 2016, 2018

XPRAG2017; XPRAG2019

SuB2017; SUB2018

Cognitive Science Society Conference, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017.

Post-proceeding for Trends in Logic XI, 2013.

Games, Interactive Rationality, Learning and Semantics, 2014 (G.I.R.L.S.2014), Lund;

G.I.R.L. Games, Interactive Rationality, and Learning 2013, Lund, Department of Philosophy and Cognitive Science, April 23-26, 2013;

Semantics and Philosophy in Europe, (SPE4), September, 2011;

Implicatures and Discourse Structure: Workshop at the Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Göttingen, Germany, February 23-25, 2011 (PC member);

Conference Proceedings for Linguistic Evidence, Tübingen, Germany 2010;

8th International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation, TbiLLC 2009, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).