Contact: martirosyan.davit(at)

I got my PhD at Cergy Paris Université in 2015 and did a postdoc at the research center Inria of Paris. I was mainly interested in exponential mixing and large deviations of stochastic PDEs with white noise. Now I am a Trader.


1. Exponential mixing for the white-forced damped nonlinear wave equation, EECT(AIMS) (2014) pdf 

2. Large deviations for stationary measures of stochastic nonlinear wave equation with smooth white noise, Comm Pure Appl Math (Courant Institut) (2017)  pdf. My best article.

3. Local large deviations principle for occupation measures of the damped nonlinear wave equation perturbed by a white noise. & V. Nersesyan. Ann IHP PS  (2018) pdf

Thesis. Mixing and large deviations for nonlinear wave equation with white noise (2015) pdf (reports.pdf)

4. Large deviations for invariant measures of white-forced 2D Navier-Stokes equation. J Evol Eq (2018) pdf

5. Multiplicative ergodic theorem for a non-irreducible random dynamical system. & V. Nersesyan. J Diff Eq (2019) pdf

6. The equilibrium states of large networks of Erlang queues. & P. Robert. Adv Appl Prob (2020) pdf