Blog Archives

About Writing

A New Year and the Year Just Passed

Your Cover Blurb - Selling, Not Telling Your Book

Your Logline - The Hardest Sentence You'll Ever Write

What's In Your Character's Background?

How Shakespeare Influences Our Everyday Writing

The True Facts Behind the Plot of The Butcher's Bill

Forget 1984. This Is the Book Americans Should Read

Military Law Enforcement for Crime Writers

Fascism in America in Fact and Fiction

Everything Old is New Again—Especially in Hollywood

Internet Research for Writers

Flash Fiction: When Less Is More

Two Software Programs to Help Your Writing

Tweak MS Word to Work for You.

The Other Side of Book Reviews: How Writing Reviews Can Improve and Promote Your Books

…ever wondered where fact and fiction merge in a novel?… Author Martin Roy Hill knows…

A New Planet, Sci-Fi, and Human History

Violence 101: A Primer for Writers

Are We Over-Writing Our Stories?

Put an OOPART in Your Next Sci-Fi Plot

Organizing Your Review and Publicity Campaign

What's In a Name? Or a Book Title?

What's on Your Writer's Bookshelf?

When a Captain Isn't a Captain: Military Ranks for Writers

Book Reviews

Review:McKinty's Rain Dogs: Love Lost. Death. New Life

Review: A Lunar Commentary on Earthbound Men

Review: Testament - Hard to Read, but Worth Reading

Review: A Living Character in Live and Let Die

Review: Manchurian Candidate - 50-Year-Old Novel With a Warning for Today

Review: Murder In a Land Where Life Is Cheap

Review: Black Heart a Story of Belief and Redemption

Review: Byzantine Intrigue and Betrayal in The First Wave

Review: Policing the Covert World in Bob Mayer's The Cellar

Review: Black's Beach Shuffle - A Touch of Humor and Noir

Review: 7th Plague Not Scary but Satisfying

Review: A Search for Peace Extremely Denied

Review: Shadow Cartel - Death Cults and Drug Cartels

Review: Casino Royale - The Real Bond, James Bond.

Review: First Assassin - Gone With the Wind Meets Day of the Jackal

Review: Travis McGee - A Classic Returns

Review: Billy Boyle Mixes Noir Mystery with War Novel

Review: I, Judas Is a Thinking Man's Adventure

Review: A Tale of the Stress of Wartime Command

Review: Character-Driven Plot in Higgins' To Catch a King

Review: Einstein Prophesy Offers Best of Archeology and Horror Genres

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