
rfbunch [in progress]

Stata package for estimating reduced form bunching and structural parameters. Allows for various adjustments to account for distortions above the cutoff and multiple response variables. Install development version from Github.

Flexible Stata package for estimating marginal treatment effects using parametric and semiparametric models and various estimation methods. Accepts fixed effects, estimates treatment effect parameters and weights and provides a flexible plotting suite to graph output. See also Stata Journal article. Install from ssc or development version from Github.

Stata package for testing instrument validity in settings with binarized treatment. The package estimates all first stage thresholds and uses moment inequality tests to test (necessary, not sufficient) conditions for instrument validity. Download from Github. See also paper with Martin Huber.

speccurve [in progress]

Stata package for plotting specification curves (Simonsohn et al. 2015), useful for reporting robustness and specification checks. Development version on Github.