Courses and Seminars

National University of Singapore:

    Undergraduate Level:

    Money and Banking II (EC4332), Semester II AY 2012-2013 (IVLE)

    Money and Banking II (EC4332), Semester I AY 2013-2014 (IVLE)

    Money and Banking II (EC4332), Semester II AY 2014-2015 (IVLE)

    International Finance II (EC4343), Semester II AY 2015-2016 (IVLE)

    Graduate Level:

    Money and Banking (EC5332), Semester II AY 2013-2014 (IVLE)

    Money and Banking (EC5332), Semester II AY 2014-2015 (IVLE)

    Money and Banking (EC5332), Semester I AY 2015-2016 (IVLE)

Other courses:

   Seminar in Monetary Economics (University of Konstanz, June 2010)

    Macroeconomic Policy Games (DIW Berlin, May 2018)