
Teaching activities


Behavioral Economics. Degree in Economics (6ECTS). 

Economics of the European Union and the Spanish Economy. Degree in Economics (6ECTS).

International  Economics. Degree in Business and Administration (9ECTS).

Tools for the analysis of the (macro)economic environment. Degree in Economics (4ECTS).

Development Economics. Degree in International Studies (3ECTS).

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.  

Module of Environmental and Resource Economics. 

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.  Master degree.


Macroeconomics and Economic Analysis applied to the Spanish Economy.

Universidad de Valencia. Degree in Business and Administration (6ECTS)

Participation in teaching innovation projects:


Application of Ultramedia to the content of a subject taught in the Degree in Economics to promote online learning, bilingual teaching and intregration of students with special needs.

University of Granada. Lead: Francisco González Gómez and Miguel Ángel García Rubio.


Development of a Personal Learning Environment (PLE) 2.0: An experience in accountancy.

University of Granada. Lead: Esteban Romero Frías


Programme to adapt teaching to the Bologna Proccess: Economics, Solidarity and Humanism. 

University of Granada. Lead: Francisco González Gómez and Jorge Guardiola Wanden-Berghe.