
"marrolab" is a petit software studio in downtown of Tokyo.

Our software

Study>Play(for Android)

Yes, you can play but study first then play!

Phistory (for iOS)

Phistory is a photo managing software with a time line. Its user interface is designed for large amounts of photos through life-time with only dragging or wheeling a mouse.

Dayman (for iOS)

Dayman is a watch app which displays the time since last sunrise. Spending a day without usual watch but with this watch make you more thankful to the sun:)

Alarm is also available. Setting alarm 00:00 to this watch wakes you up on sunrise time everyday. Setting alarm 23:00 to this watch wakes you up one hour before sunrise everyday. (When you use alarm, please cancel silent mode and raise the volume in advance.)

Of course, you can also check the time with your Apple watch.

Waking up on sunrise(00:00), break fast on 01:00, lunch on 06:00, dinner on 13:00, and going to bed on 16:00 is ideal day. Try natural life!


marrolab at gmail.com

Your questions, comments and feedbacks are always welcomed and helpful for us. (Please replace "at" with "@" in above e-mail address.)