
Previous training and experience in computer science as well as a solid background in logics and mathematics are indispensable. The course is mainly addressed to PhD students. For once, the Summer School is also open for excellent students in the final year of their master course or graduated students shortly after finishing their PhD. The directors of the Summer School are allowed to award only a limited number of participants.

Requested are:

  • A letter of recommendation written by your supervisor

  • A letter of motivation written by yourself

These letters are to explain why you should and wish to attend the Summer School. Based on this, all applications will be reviewed with due regard to find a fair distribution among all qualified applicants from the various research institutes and countries. In your own behalf, pay attention to cover a recommendation significant for your qualification and research interests.

Applications without one of these letters cannot be taken into consideration.

The Summer School will be held in Marktoberdorf, a small town about 100 km southwest of Munich. All students will be accommodated in the boarding house (double rooms) of the local high school, Gymnasium Marktoberdorf. Due to the limited number of rooms accompanying persons cannot be lodged in the boarding house. It is requested that all participants and the lecturers are present at the Summer School for the full duration of the meeting and take active part in these 10 days, especially during the lectures and discussions.

All applicants will receive notice by May 15th, 2018. Every person who is admitted to attend the Summer School as participant has to pay roughly Euro 500 for the living expenses (covering accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner, refreshments, beverages, and social events) plus roughly Euro 500 for the participation fee. A letter of acceptance and a link to the online payment system will be sent to all participants. Payment of the invoice is due by June 15th, 2018 at the very latest.

Please make sure to obtain support for your travel and living expenses and for the participation fee from you institution or from other sources in your own country. However, it is possible to apply for a grant. Limited funds are available for those participants who will need financial aid to cover a part of their costs.

To apply, please proceed as follows:

  1. Upload your letters of recommendation and motivation on or before April 15th, 2018. Please make sure to upload PDF files only. Be patient, this might take a few seconds.

  2. Follow the link to the application form.

The application is now closed.