TEDxPSU notes

http://TEDxPSU.com - interesting people, idea-packed, intellectually proper, IST-prepared.

Great Xpo, co-workers, old/new friends, QR codes (ubiquitous/problematic).

Some random, miscellaneous, out-of-context, left-brained, personal notes re: the speakers:

David Celento

He moved 10 times in 4 yrs, and he's evangelizing:

shipping containers + RVs + jump drives = jump boxes (portable housing)

Joachim de Posada on tape - 4yos and marshmallows

The value of self-discipline and delayed gratification

100% of the kids who waited, succeeded later in life

One girl ate the inside - "she'll succeed but we have to watch her"

David Walker's "Fiscal Solutions Tour"

Chris Calkins

Decide how you want to die, Engage and transfer wisdom, Listen into being

(give credence to an idea, turn the corner (of idea into reality))

Nathan Martin

Creation is Crucifixion (punk band) [tell Joey], reverse engineering

Chalk bot, brit ball taunts

Be nice. Make friends. Disregard no person. Keep your friends.

Nina Jablonsky on tape

Darwin's Birthday suit

She's in Red, White, and Black, just like TEDsters and Raytheon

Origin of Species only has one line about human evolution

"light will be shone..."

Darwin was wrong about skin color not being geographical

"sepia rainbow" of skin tones

"first moderately pigmented President" [tell the Philo Dept Head?]

Jason O

Master of the loop pedal. Wow. JasonOmusic.com.

Bruce Schneier - no slides!

Security is about 1) your feeling, 2) the reality

And 3) the model based on reason that helps you bridge the two

Try to make the feeling, reality, and model converge

We make security-type tradeoffs all day long and we're really bad at it.

If it's in the news, don't worry about it (the news only has RARE risks).

Security theater

we can actually secure things and hope people notice

or make people feel secure and hope they don't notice

"sacrificing virgins and counting on the unicorn defenses"

Appealing to the feelings is manipulation,

Fixing the model is slow (anti-smoking took 40 yrs)

Tylenol scare led to "tamper proofing" (security theater)

RFIDs in maternity wards (security theater)

Derek Sivers

In US, streets have names and blocks are the spaces in between

In Japan, blocks have names (or numbers) and streets are the spaces

In Japan, doctors get paid when you're healthy and not when you're sick

Everything's trying to be one. Scale = climbing, resolution, scale up.

What information consumes is the attention of its recipients. - Simon

In the 19teens, it seems 3 people independently coined "noosphere".

Jill Bolte Taylor (on tape) - the brain scientist who had a stroke. wow.

Right brain is parallel, left is serial

Choose to step to the right of your left hemisphere!

Ali Carr-Chellman - boys education is in trouble

100 girls project. We're nearing 60-70% women in colleges. Why:

1. ZT 2. Fewer male teachers 3. Compression (K'garten is the old 2nd grade)

Design better games, talk to stakeholders, look at teacher attitudes.

If we change the schools, boys will leave saying, "I'm smart".

Tony Pittman - PSU footballer now at HP

He and his Dad's college record: 45-0-1 (the one tie - Dad's)

Get the basics right

Draw your Blue Line (where you become focused on the goal, the game)

Treat people as a team (vs. the individualized ratings at work)

Derek Sivers - on tape, again

What's your biggest goal? Telling people makes it less likely you'll do it.

Social reality. 1926 Kurt Lewin.

Experiment: people w/ zipped lips worked harder, were realistic re: completing

The mind mistakes the talking for doing

Developers, developers, developers [ok, I don't get it]

Banana, banana, banana

Jordan "DJ Earworm" Roseman - pop song mashups - djearworm.com

No one stopped me - that's the story of my life

Academia is a mash-up - Host Christian Brady

Michael Berube (with TWO accents)

Sentimentalization of intellectual disability in movies (Finding Nemo)

The runner called "Blade Runner" to the movie Blade Runner based on

Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (like my Data Points)

Hephaestus. Gattaca. Total Recall (employment disability like black lung)

Memento vs. 50 First Dates

Sugatra Mita (on tape) - teachers

A teacher that can be replaced by a machine should be. - AC Clarke

A student with interest can learn... - AC Clarke

Hole in the Wall - computers in India

Grandmother method - stand behind them and admire them.

Students discussing with each other in small groups reinforces it.

Self-organized learning environments (SOLEs)

Why did dino's die? Where is Calcutta? What did Pythagoras do?

Rives - poet, story-teller. wow.

iPad -> hand-puppet, bionic curious. 40d43'13"N 73d58'23"W

Sam Richards

Chinese taking our coal! (empathize/understand the Middle East)

Hans Rosling (on tape) - Gapminder(.org) AIDS graphs (cf. my, "I only have one slide")

Solidified the laser pointer's beam

Sweden - vodka, serial partners, chlamydia epidemic

Tonee Ndungu - Aliens vs. Robots, Kibera slums

X marks his spot

Influence, Networks, Resources


Stand out, be strange, do something incredible with your life.

Enjoyed Dean Brady's "toots", Lori Shontz's (@lshontz) tweets #TEDxPSU #TEDx.

Official photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/tedxpsu/

Tweetable URL for this page of notes: http://bit.ly/bOivnM