List of Publications

16.  M.Ruziboev, K.Mamayusupov, G.Ibragimov, A.Khaitmetov:

On a linear differential game in the Hilbert space $\ell^ 2$ 

15.    J. F. Alves, W.  Bahsoun, M. Ruziboev, P. Varandas:

Quenched decay of correlations for nonuniformly hyperbolic random maps with an ergodic driving system,

Accepted in Nonlinearity  (2023), 2205.13424.pdf.

14.  A.J. Homburg, C. Kalle, M. Ruziboev, E. Verbitskiy, B. Zeegers:

Critical intermittency in random interval maps,

Commun. Math. Physics., (2022)

13.  Jose F. Alves, Wael Bahsoun, Marks Ruziboev: 

Almost sure rates of mixing for partially hyperbolic attractors,

Journal of Differential Equations (2022)   arXiv:1904.12844, .

12.  A. Azamov, G. Ibragimov, K. Mamayusupov, M. Ruziboev

On the stability and null-controllability of an infinite system of linear differential equations,

 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems  (2021)

11.  M. I. Akhmedov,  D. Babajanov, M. Ruziboev:

Linearized Korteweg -- De Vries equation on a tree with unbounded root and edges,  

Preprint 2021,

10. G. Ibragimov, M. Ferrara, M. Ruziboev, B.A. Pansera:  

Linear evasion differential game of one evader and several pursuers with integral constraints,

International Journal of Game Theory,   50, 729–750 (2021).  

9.  Wael Bahsoun, Ian Melbourne, Marks Ruziboev:

Variance continuity for Lorenz flows,

Annales Henri Poincaré, 21(6), 1873-1892,  arXiv:1812.08998 

8.  Wael Bahsoun, Marks Ruziboev, Benoît Saussol:

Linear response for random dynamical systems,

Advances in Mathematics,   Vol. 364 (2020),   arXiv:1710.03706  

7.  Wael Bahsoun, Christopher Bose, Marks Ruziboev:  

Quenched decay of correlations for slowly mixing systems,

Trans. Amer. Math.  Soc. 372 (2019), no. 9, 6547–6587,, 2019.

6. Wael Bahsoun, Marks Ruziboev: 

On the statistical stability of Lorenz attractors with a C^{1+α} stable foliation, 

Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 39 (2019), no. 12, 3169–3184.  arXiv:1701.08601 

5.  Marks Ruziboev:

Almost sure rates of mixing for random intermittent maps,

In Azamov A., Bunimovich L., Dzhalilov A., Zhang HK. (editors) Differential Equations and

Dynamical   Systems.    USUZCAMP 2017.  Springer Proceedings in Mathematics &  Statistics, 

vol  268. Springer, Cham (2018), arXiv:1801.09583

4. Stefano Luzzatto, Marks Ruziboev: 

Young towers for product systems.   

Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Vol 36, no. 3, 1465-1491, (2016),  arXiv:1408.6950  

3. Marks Ruziboev:

Decay of correlations for invertible maps with non-Hölder observables. 

Dynamical Systems an International Journal. no. 3, 341-352, (2015),  arXiv:1412.1299  

2. Abdulla Azamov, Marks Ruziboev:

On the time-optimality problem for evolution partial differential equations. 

(Russian)  Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 77 (2013), no. 2,     302–308;     

translation in    J. Appl. Math. Mech. 77 (2013), no. 2, 220–224.

1.  Marks Ruziboev:

The evasion problem in a discrete version of the "homicidal chauffer'' game. 

(Russian)  Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 72  (2008), no. 6, 925–929; 

translation in  J. Appl. Math. Mech. 72  (2008), no. 6, 669–672 (2009).