
GPS Rover Here you can find more about my GPS Rover that utilizes an Arduino, GPS, and Compass.

Sailbot My high school team competed in a international robotics competition where we created an autonomous sailing robot.

Accuracy Test I went to Adept Mobile Robotics and tested the accuracy of the Pioneer P3-Dx.

Teachable Robotic Arm In 2014, I constructed a 6 degrees of freedom teachable robotic to be used as a model for a factory setting for the Science Fair

Quadcopter The Summer of 2014 I built a quadcopter for first person video

Cost Effective Prosthetic Hand In 2015, for my science fair project I constructed and programmed a 3d printed prosthetic hand that is controlled through muscle movements.

Raspberry Pi / Arduino Platform I created a tank robot that has an Arduino Uno and a Raspberry Pi to act as a platform for various software

Robotics 1001 Designed and built an arduino robot that could score foam cubes for WPI robotics 1001 course

Smart Mirror A friend and I created a Smart Mirror for the Wayfair hackathon

Battlebot Design I designed a fully functioning drum battlebot in Solidworks for my Intro to CAD course