9th Regional Summer School on Applied Mathematics,

     10-18 July 2024

Foundation "Școala Normală Superioară"

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science 

University of Bucharest

Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy


Stațiunea Zoologică Sinaia 

5 Cumpătu Street, 

106100 Sinaia, Prahova County, 


Connections from Bucharest Otopeni Airport to  Bucharest North Railway Station: 

Additional Information


Dr Ioan R. IONESCU (University of Sorbonne-Paris-Nord, Paris, France) - Abstract

Dr Ion NECOARĂ (National Polytechnic University of Science and Technology of Bucharest & "Gheorghe Mihoc - Caius Iacob" Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania) - Abstract

Dr Nicolas PERKOWSKI (Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany) - Abstract

Dr Arghir ZĂRNESCU (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao, Spain & "Simion Stoilow" Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania) - Abstract