

(with Malka Muchnik et.el.) Elective Language Learning and Policy in Israel. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2016

Русский язык без границ

Russian without Borders - 2. An Educational Complex for Heritage Language Learners. Advanced level. (Grammar, Literature). Mansohn House Press, 2012; Zlatoust, S.-Peterburg, 2014

In Russian about everything. Zlatoust, S.-Peterburg, 2016


1. “The Russian Language as a Base Factor: The Formation of Russian Community in Israel”. In: Munz , R., Ohliger, R. (eds.), Diasporas and Ethnic Migrants: Germany, Israel and Post-Soviet Successor States in Comparative Perspective. Frank Cass, 2003, London/Portland,OR, pp. 355-369.

2. “The Dilemma of Russian-Born Adolescents in Israel”. In: Ben Rafael, E., Gorny,Y. and Ro'I, Y. (eds.), Contemporary Jewries: Convergence and Divergence. Brill, 2003, Leiden/Boston, pp. 235-252.

3. “Specifics of the Cultural Integration of the Russian-Speaking Immigrants in Israel”. Diasporas, Independent Academic Journal, 1, 2003, pp. 48-67.

4. “Comparative Analysis of Russian and Hebrew Languages as a Basis of Teaching Russian to Hebrew Speakers”. (Hebrew) Hed Haulpan Hahadash, 85, 2003, pp. 65-73.

5. “Acculturation of Russian Adolescents in Israel. In: J.Mac.Swan and M.C.Alister (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Bilingualism. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press, 2004, pp. 1703-21

6. "How to be an Alien? Cross-Cultural Transition of Russian-Speaking Youth in Israeli High Schools” Israel Studies Forum, Vol.23 (1), May 2008, pp.66-84

7. "Teaching Russian in Israel – Challenging the System". In: M. Konigshtein (ed.) In:“Russian Face of Israel – Features of Social Portrait” Gesharim, Jerusalem – Mosti Kul’turi, Moskva, 2007,pp. 403-420

8. With Vladimir ( Ze’ev) Khanin . "Strengthening the Jewish Identity through Informal Education: Analyzing JAFI Youth Camps Experience@. In: Vladimir (Ze'ev) Khanin, et al (eds.), Constructing the National Identity: Jewish Education in Russia Twenty Years after the End of the Cold War .Jerusalem – Ramat-Gan: The Lookstein Center for Jewish Education in the Diaspora, Bar-Ilan University, 2008, pp. 193-210.

9. With Boris Morozov. The Second Lebanon War as Reflected in the Russian Press – Moreshet, Journal for the Study of the Holocaust and Antisemitism, N 4 (87), 2009, pp.158-182

10. With Boris Morozov. Jewish Community and Electoral Campaigns in Russia (2007-2008). - Moreshet. Journal for the Study of the Holocaust and Antisemitism, vol. 11, 2014, pp.183-204.

11. Cultural Practices and Preferences of Russian Youth in Israel. Israel Affairs, Vol. 17 (1), January 2011, pp.89-107

12. The State of Russian Language Today: Editor's Forum. Russian Journal of Communication. Vol. 5 (1) 2013, pp.80-82

13. "Russian Language in Israel: is it on Death Bed or still Alive?" In: M. Rovinskaya (ed.) The Russian Language outside the Nation . Zlatoust – S.Peterburg, 2013, pp. 106-128

14. With Monica Perotto "We speak Russian from the Childhood: Investigating the Non-formal Learning of Russian in Italy and in Israel. In: A. Nikunlassi and E. Protasova (eds.) Instrumentarium of Russian Linguistics: Errors and Multilingualism. Slavica Helsingiensia 45 , 2014, pp.75-95

15. With Monica Perotto "Are they still Russian-speaking? Comparing the heritage learners of Russian in non-formal frameworks in Israel and Italy." In: E. Babatsouli and D.Ingram (eds.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech, Chania ,Greece, 2015, pp. 252-265.

16. With Maria Yelenevskaya. "Heritage-language teaching: a quest for biculturalism? A case of Russian-speaking adolescents in Israel." In: Ahti Nikunlassi, Ekaterina Protassova (Eds.) . Russian Language in the Multilingual World, Helsinki: University of Helsinki, Slavica Helsingiensia 52, pp.380-391, 2019

17. Низник, Марина. "Как мотивировать ребёнка созранить язык родителей." Билингвизм в современном мире (2020): 114. "Златоуст", С.-Петербург