
Posters, images and presentation videos which I made so far.


A short talk at the UChicago Women in STEM Symposium about "human height variation – a clue to human evolution".

A short video summarizing a research about cellular aging based on the award-winning presentation at the Tenth Annual Postdoctoral Research Symposium at UB.

A submitted and unselected cover image for an article in Cell Reports, "Functional specialization of human salivary glands and origins of proteins intrinsic to human saliva" (Saitou et al., in press, November 17, 2020) - with Dr. Sarah Knox's cell photograph. It expresses human mouth saliva, cells and various proteins.

Cell Report誌に採択された唾液腺の機能分化の論文の表紙を投稿したものの、採択されなかった表紙です。 口、唾液の絵の背景に、共同研究者のSarah Knox が撮影した唾液腺の細胞とタンパク質の写真を加工したものを組み合わせました。

A gift for Dr. Malcolm M. Slaughter to appreciate his long-term great contribution to the neuroscience field (A modification of a figure by Dr. Santiago Ramón y Cajal) - with Dr. Matthew Xu-Friedman.

バッファロー大学の神経学者、Malcolm M. Slaughter博士の退官に際する贈り物として、Matthew Xu-Friedman博士の依頼を受けて作ったものです。Xu-Friedman博士のアイディアをもとに、スペインの歴史的な神経学者Santiago Ramón y Cajalによる神経組織の図を編集し彩色しました。

Resolving the Insertion Sites of Polymorphic Duplications Reveals a HERC2 Haplotype under Selection, Saitou M. and Gokcumen O.,

In this paper, we developed a method to detect polymorphic duplications in human genomes. Chromosomes have one white line on one arm and two lines on the other arm, which indicate polymorphic gene duplications.


How to draw - the coloring is from Wassily Kandinsky.

Great Lakes Evolutionary Genomics Symposium 2019 poster

For this Great Lakes Evolutionary Genomics Symposium, I combined the image of the Great Lakes, the symposium venue and a phylogenetic tree. The pale coloring was inspired by a genre of Japanese art Ukiyo-e. The whole image is framed by DNA double strands.


An evolutionary transcriptomics approach links CD36 to membrane remodeling in replicative senescence. Saitou, M.*, Lizardo DY.* et al., Molecular Omics , 2018, 4,14:237 [inside cover article]

In this paper, we reported a transmembrane protein CD36 which facilitates cellular senescence. To express an aging cell, I drew a swirling clock in the background. The yellow protein, CD36 penetrates the cellular membrane in the center. CD36 turns a young thin cell (right) into an old large cell (left). - with Dr. Darleny Lizardo


the 7th Get-together Event for Female Science Students and Researchers, University of Tokyo, 2015.

The aim of this event was to encourage female science-major students. To show that there have been many great female scientists, I put the portraits of historical figures, who represents ten science fields corresponding to the ten departments of the School of Science, University of Tokyo.
