Marie Obidzinski

Professor of economics, Université Paris Panthéon Assas

Research fellow at CRED (TEPP) - Paris Center for Law and Economics

Contact Université Paris Panthéon Assas - CRED

12 place du Panthéon- 75005 PARIS  

marie.obidzinski (at)

Member of the Board (treasurer) of the European Association of Law and Economics (EALE)

General secretary of the French Association of Law and Economics (AFED) (follow us on Twitter)

Responsible of the Certificat d'analyse économique du droit (LinkedIn)

Co- responsible of the Licence double cursus droit et économie gestion  (website of the students' association)


Research Interests

Law and economics

My research analyzes the interactions between law and people's decisions. In my early years as a researcher, I worked on a variety of topics, from European asylum law to the geographical distribution of courts. I gradually specialized in the economic analysis of law enforcement policies, and more precisely the risk of miscarriage of justice and the influence of elections on these policies. In connection with my master's degree courses in economics and banking and financial law, I apply this framework à la "Becker" to the repression of insider trading and money laundering.  

The new digital technologies as a tool and object of law are at the heart of my current research work. For example, I look at the consequences of using artificial intelligence by banks in the fight against money laundering to improve the detection of suspicious financial transactions, which implies a change in the costs borne by banks and the risk of false positives. The introduction of blockchain in the registration of real estate transactions also changes the choices of owners and raises the question of the efficiency of the system. In the context of criminal investigations, videos and films posted online can provide evidence, but carry specific risks of error or privacy. Finally, the use of artificial intelligence in the elaboration of a decision (for example, a medical diagnosis and treatment) raises new liability issues in case of error. 

Participation to a Research Projects

Member of the Digital Finance and of the Explainable AI for Anti-Money Laundering chairs. 

Fellow member of the ZIF research group "Economic and legal challenges in the advent of smart products", University of Bielefeld. (October 2021 – July 2022)

Convenor with Sarah Jamal (CRDH, U. Paris 2) of the research project "The participation of individuals in international law investigations through digital social networks", funded by the Institut des Etudes et de la Recherche sur le Droit et la Justice

Working papers

« The Choice of Titling System in Land and the Blockchain», with Bertrand Crettez (Université Paris II, CRED), working paper CRED 2021-7 / last version, (R&R)

« Prediction, human decision and liability rules», with Yves Oytana (Université de Bourgogne Franche Comté, CRESE), wp CRED 2022-06wp CRESE 2022-4 

« Artificial intelligence, inattention and liability rules», with Yves Oytana (Université de Bourgogne Franche Comté, CRESE), wp CRED 2024-7 , (R&R)


Articles in academic journals (in English)

Mungan M., Obidzinski M., and Oytana Y., 2023, « Accuracy and preferences for legal errors», American Law and Economics Review, vol. 25, Issue 1, Spring 2023, pp. 190–227. George Mason Law & Economics Research Paper No. 20-33 

Chopard B., Obidzinski M., 2021, « Public law enforcement under ambiguity», International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 66, Article 105977  Former version

Obidzinski M., Oytana Y., 2020, « Presumption of innocence and deterrence», Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), vol. 176, N2, pp. 377-412  Former version

Obidzinski M., 2019, « Accuracy in public law enforcement under political competition», Supreme Court Economic Review,  vol. 27, pp.195-212. Comment by F. Parisi on Legal Theory Blog

Obidzinski M., Oytana Y., 2019, « Identity mistakes and the standard of proof », International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 57, March 2019, pp. 73-80 (Former version: How does the probability of wrongful conviction affect the standard of proof?

Langlais E., Obidzinski M., 2017, « Law enforcement with a democratic government», American Law and Economics Review, vol. 10, N1, pp. 162-201. (Recent WP. The paper has circulated under many titles: Public law enforcers and political competition  and a former version focused on monetary sanctions: « Elected versus public law enforcers», CRESE WP 2013-06)

Langlais E., Obidzinski M., 2015, « The structure of fines in the light of political competition», Revue d'économie politique, vol. 125, pp. 719-731.

Chappe N., Obidzinski M., 2014, « The impact of the number of courts on the demand for trials », International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 37, pp. 121-125. CRESE WP n°2013-01

Helstroffer J., Obidzinski M., 2014, « Codecision procedure biais : the European legislation game », European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 38, pp. 29–46 Full text: SSRN

Garoupa N., Obidzinski M., 2011, « The Scope of Punishment: An Economic Theory», European Journal of Law and Economics, 31, N°3, June, pp. 237-247. Full text: SSRN

Monheim-Helstroffer J., Obidzinski M., 2010, « Optimal Discretion in Asylum Lawmaking», International Review of Law and Economics, 30, No 1, pp. 86-97. Full text: SSRN

Deffains B., Obidzinski M., 2009, « Real Options Theory for Lawmakers », Recherches Économiques de Louvain - Louvain Economic Review, vol. 75 (1), pp. 93-117. Full text: SSRN

Articles in academic journals (in French)

Obidzinski M., 2018, « L'efficacité de la dissuasion des opérations d'initié», Revue d'économie financière, vol.1, N° 129, pp. 193-204.

Chappe N., Obidzinski M., 2013, « Demande en justice et nombre de tribunaux », Revue d'économie politique, vol. 123 (6), pp.851-860 


Obidzinski M. (2021) Act-Based Sanctions. In: Marciano A., Ramello G.B. (eds) Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. Springer, New York, NY. 

Chappe N., Obidzinski M., Giraud R., 2013, « Analyse économique de l'accès au juge » dans L'accès au juge : recherche sur l'effectivité d'un droit, V. Donier et B. Lapérou, Bruylant.

Deffains, B., Obidzinski, M., 2009, « Vers de nouveaux questionnements : production, design et évolution des systèmes juridiques » (avec B. Deffains), dans Analyse Économique du Droit: Principes, Méthodes, Résultats, B. Deffains et E. Langlais, De Boeck Universités, collections "Ouvertures Économiques".


Obidzinski M. (2023), "Les sanctions économiques: à quoi servent-elles?", La vie publique

Phd dissertation (in french)

Économie d'un droit flexible / Economics of the flexibility of law