Optomechanics Roadmap

An interesting result developed during the Frontiers of Opto- and Electro-mechanics Workshop, organized in the framework of NEMO project, is the realization of an "Optomechanics Roadmap". Here is stated the present state of the research, the directions for the next future and the long-standing goals we should aim at.

In accordance to the workshop spirit, hosted in a ski resort, the ski slopes classification is used to define the different topics/experiments in optomechanics:

  • A green slope represents "routinely" performed experiments.

  • A yellow slope stands for experiments that, although complicated, are starting to be explored and have been demonstrated by few groups

  • A red slope represents experiments which are can not be performed with the state of current technology, but should be feasible in the next few years, considering the pace at which the field is advancing

    • A black slope is just a theoretical proposal: there is no technological platform in which can be realized (yet).