About me

I am currently holding a Chair of Excellence at the Department of Mathematics of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Since Dec 31st, 2022, I am on leave from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos , where I started working in October 2003 (first as Assistant, later as Associate and -- since 2021-- as Full Professor in Applied Mathematics).

Before joining Rey Juan Carlos I held a Ph.D. position at Universidad de Oviedo, where I received both my degree (1999) and my Ph.D. (2003) in Mathematics. Also, In the period 2000-2006 I was a regular visiting researcher at the IAKS/EISS Institute (Institute for Algorithmen und Kognitive Systeme), at Universität Karlsruhe (TH). Further, between May 2015 and March 2020 I was Affiliate Research Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science at Florida Atlantic University.

My research interests are in the area of Public Key Cryptography; in a nutshell:

  • Provable Security. Formal analysis of cryptographic schemes, new (application-motivated) security notions. Cryptographic constructions using group-theoretical assumptions.

  • Key Establishment Protocols. Group key-establishment, password-based constructions.

  • Post-Quantum Cryptography. Mathematical constructions withstanding quantum attacks, formal security models.

  • Hard Core Functions. Hidden number problems.

A complete C.V. is available upon request.