Working Papers

1. Glossy Green Banks: The Disconnect Between Environmental Disclosures and Lending Activities (with Martina Jasova, Maria Loumioti and Caterina Mendicino)

Presentations (among many others): AFA 2024, EFA 2023, the ECGI Global Corporate Governance Colloquia at Columbia Law School, the NYU Stern Big Apple Accounting Conference, FIRS 2024, the SFS Cavalcade, 2024, the HEC Paris Banking Conference

My Keynote at the ECB SSM Conference

Press coverage (among many others): FT, Reuters, Sole 24 Ore Handelsblatt Naftemporiki

A nice article featuring the paper on Nordic Sustainable Investments Website

Our blog post on the ECB website and SUERF Policy brief

2.  Central Bank Liquidity Reallocation and Bank Lending: Evidence from the Tiering System (with Carlo Altavilla, Miguel Boucinha, Lorenzo Burlon, and Julian Schumacher)

Video of my presentation at the ECB Watchers Conference

Presentations (among many others):  EFA 2023, AFA 2023, AEA 2022, Banca d’Italia Conference on Monetary Policy in Exceptional Times, ECB Conference on Money Markets, the NYU Stern Conference on Financial Intermediation, and the BIS Conference on  Banks’ liquidity in volatile macroeconomic and market environments

3. Intermediary Balance Sheet Constraints, Bond Mutual Funds' Strategies, and Bond Returns (with Chotibhak (Pab) Jotikasthira, Andreas Rapp, and Martin Waibel) 

Presentations (among many others): the NBER Meeting on Financial Market Frictions and Systemic Risks, the NBER SI Capital Markets and the Economy, the SEC Conference on Financial Market Regulation, the World Symposium on Investment Research, Florida State University Truist Conference, the First UIC Finance Conference, and the Bank of Italy, Bocconi University and CEPR Conference on Financial Stability and Regulation, the Financial Intermediation Research Society, and the HEC Paris Banking Conference  

To be presented at the European Finance Association

4. Ownership and Performance of Deteriorating Syndicated Loans (with Ralf Meisenzahl)

Presentations (among many others):  EFA 2023, the UNC/Duke Corporate Finance Conference, the ASSA/IBEFA 2022 and the Bank of Spain Financial Stability Conference

5. Supply Chain Shortages, Large Firms' Market Power, and Inflation (with Francesco Franzoni and Roberto Tubaldi)

Scientific Sense Podcast in which I discuss the paper

To be presented at the AFA

Presentations (among many others): the CEPR Paris Symposium during the Monetary Economics and Fluctuations sessions and the  ESCB Research Network on Challenges for Monetary Policy Transmission in a Changing World (“ChaMP”) Inaugural Conference

My presentation at the ECB