
Καλώς ήρθατε,


I am a Physicist, that after a master in Theoretical Physics (http://en.phys.uoa.gr/), decided to continue in the field of Medical Physics and my PhD brought me to the path of Neuroscience. The journey was tough but always nice, and I did enjoy it all the way.

What I have done since 1999: For my PhD I have received training for the design of experiments for Electroencephalography (EEG) and Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and on signal processing methods (fourier and wavelet analysis, connectivity methods).


I was recipient of a Marie Curie training site fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Biomedical Technologies (ITAB), where I have worked on Short-Term Plasticity of the primary Somatosensory Cortex studied with MEG during the years 2003-2004. At the same time, I have worked in the detection of high frequency rhythms of the brain, using the wavelet transform.

From October 2005, I joined a project for the implementation of an EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface in Biosignal Processing Lab, School of Medicine, University of Patras (http://www.upatras.gr/en) and worked on EEG experimentation and EEG analysis applying synchronization methods like the phase dynamics approach. My first post-doc was on the relation of sleep to motor learning at the Unit of Neurophysiology, Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Patras (http://physiology.med.upatras.gr/NU). I recently have participated in analysis of Electrocardiographic signals and heart rate variability analysis (HRV) in collaboration with Patras University Hospital and Dept of Medical Physics.

I enjoy teaching as well. I have been an adjunct professor in Patras Technological Institute, on Health care Informatics and Introduction to Informatics. I have also lectured at the postgraduate course of Informatics of Health care on NeuroInformatics, and at Selected Seminars of Physiology at postgraduate course in Basic Health Sciences, in School of Medicine, University of Patras, Hellas.

From November 2010, I am living in Oslo, Norway, and have worked in research projects at the University of Oslo mainly with Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet analyzing EEG datasets. Between March 2012-July 2012 I have been collaborating with Smartbrain AS (www.smartbrain.no).

Between July 2012-February 2015 I did a postdoc in Computational Neuroscience at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Ås (UMB), at Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Technology (IMT), in the Computational Neuroscience Group. http://compneuro.umb.no/.

I worked as a Researcher in the Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, from July 2015 - August 2018 setting up an EEG lab first and having a postdoc scholarship . Also making electroencephalographic experiments on healthy adults and cognitive tasks as the AX-CPT concurrent with pupilometry; a spatial reward learning task and the project Tune into Kids (Instilt på barn). My postdoc was in Cognitive Neurogenetics Lab.

In September 2018 I joined the Department of Diagnonstic Physics, in the Clinic of Radiology and Nuclear medicine, Oslo University Hospital where I work up to today.

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My PhD thesis can be found here [PDF],

or by Link to Nemertes, the Institutional Repository of the Library of University of Patras


My Google Scholar profile is here: http://scholar.google.no/citations?user=uUpXjyEAAAAJ&hl=en