Policy Papers

Housing Programs:

  • Impact Evaluation: Mi Casa Ya Housing Program, Uniandes (Fabio Sanchez).


Land and Rural Areas:

  • Financiación no Bancaria y Casas de Agroinsumos en Colombia, FINAGRO-IDB, 2020 (Nicolás de Roux, Natalia Moreno, Tomás Rodriguez).

  • Herramientas Metodológicas de Seguimiento Anual y de línea base del indicador de Contexto de Cultivos de Coca y acceso a la tierra, Fundación Ideas para la Paz-USAID, 2020.

  • Diagnóstico del Uso de Instrumentos de Crédito por parte de los Hogares en el Sector Rural Colombiano, Fondo para el Financiamiento del Sector Agropecuario FINAGRO, 2019 (Tomás Rodriguez).

  • Impact of Land Reforms and Public Land Allocations: Agrarian Processes and Instruments of land Access, USAID Colombia, 2013.

  • Public-Private Collaborations: Can they deliver secure and inclusive rural economies? A literature review and framework for research, IDS- CIAT, 2017.

Climate Change:

  • Coping with climate risk: A review of the role of institutions, governance and finance in private adaptation decisions of the poor, PRISE – CARIAA project, 2014.

  • Climate change and the geographical and institutional drivers of economic development: a review, PRISE - CARIAA project, 2014.


  • Research and execution of the educational platform for universities (SPADIES), Ministry of Education, Colombia, 2007.