Associate Professor (tenured)

Professora Agregada

Departament d’Economia Aplicada

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Edifici B. Campus UAB

08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)

Barcelona. Spain

Phone: (34) 93 581 4572

On July 2009, I received my Ph.D. in Economics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. After finishing my Ph.D.  I was five years in the Departament d'Economia at the Universitat de Girona as visiting professor and assistant professor. From September 2015 until March 2021 I was a visiting professor and lecture in the Department of Economics and Business at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Since March 2021 I returned to the Applied Economic Department at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona as lecture (Professora lectora) and since March 2023 I am an associate professor (Professora agregada).

I am a member of EQUALITAS and GRILMD

My research interests are: