My Research
"Time Consistent Renewable Resource Management with Present Bias and Regime Shifts", with Chandra Kiran Krishnamurthy and Anne-Sophie Crépin, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation
"Temptation in Consumption and Optimal Taxation " with Tomas Sjogren, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation
The political economy of negotiating international carbon markets with Wolfgang Habla, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Risk Externalities: When financial imperfections are not the problem but part of the solution with Andres Carvajal, Journal of Mathematical Economics
Working Papers
"Self-enforcing climate coalitions for farsighted countries : an integrated analysis of heterogeneous countries" with Rick van der Ploeg and Sareh Vosooghi
"Uncertainty, Extreme Outcomes and Climate Change: a critique"
Work in Progress
" Strategic Delegation with Public Gobs" with Daniel Heyen and Alessandro Tavoni
"Temptation Driven Preferences and Environmental Externalities"