Research & Policy

Journal Articles

Guaranteeing trade in a severe crisis: cash collateral over bank guarantees (2023) Open Economies Review forthcoming, with A. Kotidis and D. Malliaropulos

Unconventional monetary policy spillovers in a small open economy (2020) Open Economies Review 31(5), with M. Popiel.

International Capital Market Frictions and Spillovers from Quantitative Easing (2017)  Journal of International Money and Finance, 70, pp. 135-156. Online Appendix

Patterns of International Capital Flows and Productivity Growth: New Evidence  (2015)  Review of International Economics, 23(5), pp. 846-872. Online Appendix

Book Chapters 

Financial Sector and Economic Growth (2022) with T. Xu in India's Financial System : Building the Foundations for Strong and Sustainable Growth, Edited by A. Schipke, J. Turunen, N. Choueiri, and A.M. Gulde. Washington D.C.: International Monetary Fund. 

Macroprudential Policies and Financial Inclusion: Good Intentions and Unintended Consequences (2021) with C. Delechat, L. Kiyasseh, and R. Xu, in The Global Informal Workforce: Priorities for Inclusive Growth, Edited by C. Delechat and L. Medina. Washington D.C.: International Monetary Fund.

Working Papers

The Macroeconomic Effects of Global Migration, 2023, with P. Engler, R. Piazza, and G. Sher, IMF Working Paper No. 23/259 (Submitted)

A framework for climate change mitigation in India, 2023, with J. Chateau, G. Dang, J. Spray,  S. Thube, IMF Working Paper No. 23/218

Financial Sector and Economic Growth in India, 2022, with TT. Xu, IMF Working Paper No. 22/137

The Effect of Tariffs in Global Value Chains, 2022, with J. Eugster, F. Jaumotte, and R. Piazza, IMF Working Paper No. 22/40  

The Impact of Political Uncertainty on Asset Prices: The Case of the United Kingdom's EU Membership Referendum, 2021, with J. Hanna and  N.J. Harbo Hansen, IMF Working Paper No. 2021/027 (Reject & Resubmit)

Are Bilateral Trade Balances Irrelevant?, 2020, with J. Eugster, F. Jaumotte, and R. Piazza, IMF Working Paper No. 20/210

Drivers of Financial Access: The Role of Macroprudential Policies, 2020, with C. Delechat, L. Kiyasseh, and R. Xu, IMF Working Paper No. 20/74 

Regional Growth Spillovers in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2019, with F. Arizala and M. Bellon, IMF Working Paper No. 19/160 

Policy Work

Impact of the Pandemic on Work from Home Trends and Singapore’s Labour Supply (2023) with S. Khan, Monetary Authority of Singapore Macroeconomic Review Volume XXII Issue 2, Box A,

India can balance curbing emissions and economic growth (2023) IMF Blog, with J. Spray

Market Reforms and Public Debt Dynamics in Emerging Market and Developing Economies  2023, with Z.Aligishiev ; G. Cugat ; R.A Duval ; D. Furceri ;J. Tovar Jalles ; M.MacDonald ; G.Melina ; F.Narita ; C.Papageorgiou ; C.Pizzinelli , IMF Working Paper 23/005

Boosting Productivity in the Aftermath of COVID-19 (2021IMF G20 Background Note (in IMF Blog)

A Simple Guide to Estimating the Impact of COVID-19 on Travel and Hospitality Activity (2020) with R. Piazza and G. Sher, IMF Special Series on COVID-19  

The Macroeconomic Effects of Global Migration,  (2020)  with P. Engler, R. Piazza, and G. Sher, World Economic Outlook, Chapter 4, April (in IMF Blog, Bloomberg, Jornal Económico). Podcast: Migration Part and Parcel of Healthy Global Economy  

Drivers of Bilateral Trade and Spillovers from Tariffs  (2019) with J. Eugster, F. Jaumotte, and R. Piazza, World Economic Outlook, Chapter 4, April  (in IMF Blog, IMF Blog Chart of the Week, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal). Video : IMF-WB Annual Meetings Analytical Corner

IMF G-20 Surveillance Note G-20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Meetings (2019), Fukuoka, Japan (in IMF Blog)

Regional Spillovers in Sub-Saharan Africa : Exploring Different Channels, (2018) with F. Arizala, M. Bellon, M. Mlachila, and M. Yenice, IMF Spillover Note  (in IMFBlog, World Economic Forum, Brookings, Finance & Development)

Future of Work: Measurement and Policy Challenges (2018) IMF G20 Background Note (in IMFBlog)

Estimating the Fiscal Multiplier for Cameroon  (2018) with K. Kalonji and M. Sow,  Selected Issues Paper in IMF Country Report No. 18/235.