Digital Content

Blogs and Op Eds

What Kind of Moment Are We In?” (with Michael Lipsky) Social Science Space. 18 June 2020.

Frances Perkins Was Ready.” Social Science Space. 31 March 2020.

"Mark Zuckerberg runs a nation-state, and he’s the king," with Henry Farrell and Tim O'Reilly. Vox 20 April 2018.

"The Devastated House of Labor" Public Books. 1 November 2017.

Meeting of Minds,” Public Books, 5/29/17

"Diversity Of Views In The Women’s March Is, Actually, An Asset" World Post. 26 January 2017

"Reports of U.S. Democracy's Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated: Lisa Margonelli interview with Margaret Levi." Zocalo Public Square/ 1 March 2017

"Reciprocal Altruism" The Edge answer to 2016 annual question: What Scientific Term or Concept Ought to be More Widely Known?

"This Woman Wanted to Make the World a Better Place Through Popular, Not Populist, Action" World Post. 28 October 2016

Doug North was a Visionary” (with Barry Weingast). Monkey Cage in Washington Post. 9 December 2015.

Human Responsibility for Machines that Think”, The Edge answer to 2015 annual question. What do you think about machines that think? Ed. John Brockman. New York, Harper Perennial, 2015

A Future Like the Past,” Pacific Standard for CASBS Future of Work Project, 3 August 2015

Homo Economicus,” The Edge, answer to 2014 annual question. What Should We Be Worried About?: The Hidden Threats Nobody Is Talking About (And False Fears Everyone Is Distracted By), ed. John Brockman. New York: Harper Perennial, 2014.

What are the implications of the AFL-CIO’s expanding membership criteria?” (with John Ahlquist and Amanda Clayton) The Monkey Cage in the Washington Post, 28 October 2013

The Decline of Union Membership and what it means for politics,” (with John Ahlquist). The Monkey Cage in the Washington Post, 24 October 2013.

AFL-CIO takes a big, but necessary, leap of faith,” (with John S. Ahlquist), Detroit Free Press, 17 September 2013

Can U.S. Unions Learn to Mobilize in New Ways?” (with John S. Ahlquist), Scholars Strategy Network Key Findings, August 2013

With Fortresses Like These…” (with John S. Ahlquist), Crooked Timber, 9 July 2013

Communities of Fate,” The Edge, answer to 2013 annual question.


"What is the Proper Place of Technocracy in Democracy," Plenary talk at RadicalXChange conference, June 2020

"Crucial Role of State Capacity in Crisis Response," LSE Institute of Global Affairs, June 2020. Conversation with Tim Besley, Adnan Khan, and Erik Berglof

"America as a Developing Country," CASBS and FSI, June 2020. Discussion with Mariano-Florentino Cuellar and Barry Weingast.

"Politics as the Problem and Solution During COVID-19 and Beyond" CASBS and Annual Reviews, May 2020. Discussion with Tim Besley, moderated by Binyamin Appelbaum.

Skytte Prize Lecture, September 2019

"Creating a Moral Economy," TedX Marin, September 2018

"AI, Automation and Society ", Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Presence, April 2018

"2017 Elinor Ostrom Memorial Lecture: Creating a Commons in a Whitewater World, Part 1" Part 2. 11 October 2017

"The Organized Pursuit of Knowledge" CASBS @ The Interval , September 2017

"Margaret & Bob @ the Met's recognition of Kaplan-Levi gift" 27 September 2017

"Does the Future of Work Belong to the Machines?" Panel with Caroline Fairchild and Roy Bahat, Ozy.Com/BEAM Stanford Career Education. 18 September 2017

"President Trump's First Summer in the White House" on CBC "The National" 6 September 2017

"Ancestral Modern: A Conversation with Robert Kaplan & Margaret Levi" The Frist. 29 June 2017

"The Age of Distrust" on CBC "The National" 10 June 2017

"Remarks at Induction as Robert Dahl Fellow, American Academy of Political and Social Science". 18 May 2017

"The Stein Rokkan Lecture/2017 ECPR Joint Sessions" 5 May 2017

"Just the Facts" Worldview Stanford. 7 September 2016

"Trust, Confidence, and Institutions" Worldview Stanford. Published 16 December 2015.

"Dr. Margaret Levi: Professor and Collector" CIAF 2014 Collectors and Curators Program. 18 June 2015.

"Entwined Fates" 24 November 2014

"An Interview with Elinor Ostrom". Annual Reviews Conversations. Published 13 May 2011

"An Interview with Robert Dahl." Annual Reviews Conversations. Published 13 May 2011.

"Achieving Good Government" John Hope Franklin Center at Duke University Published 14 August 2008

Web-Based Projects

Brand Responsibility Project (with Anne Greenleaf and Milli Lake)

Union Democracy Reexamined (with John Ahlquist, Jon Agnone, and Amanda Clayton

Waterfront Workers History Project (with James Gregory)

WTO History Project (with Lance Bennett and Gillian Murphy)