Reddito alto e del Nord Identikit dei bamboccioni che resistono in casa

La Repubblica, October 29th 2017

Prestaciones incondicionadas

La Diaria, June 24th 2017

Affaire, famille et politique: les liaisons dangereuses

Le Monde, February 16th 2017

New immigrants don't affect the job prospects of UK-born workers

LSE Business Review, October 18th 2016

Needed but not wanted

The Economist, September 29th 2016

Mobiles Afrika: Leben für den täglichen Chat

Deutsche Welle, August 15th 2016

A revolução do smartphone

Universo on Line, August 15 2016

Du mobile à la mobilisation: le téléphone portable, cet outil redoutablement efficace pour déstabiliser les régimes politiques

Atlantico, June 7th 2016

Mundos del trabajo: la lucha por un salario mínimo digno

Horizontal, May 3rd 2016

Aumento na taxa de homicídio tem ligação com nascimento precoce de bebês

Correio Brasiliense, April 2nd 2016

Academic research cuts through Theresa May's immigration claims

Financial Times, October 6th 2015

Generazione Y, sempre più giovani sotto il tetto dei genitori

Il Messaggero, September 25th 2015

Un politico in famiglia vale almeno 500 euro di stipendio in più

Ansa, June 2nd 2015

Un politico in famiglia vale almeno 500 euro di stipendio in più

Il Sole 24 Ore, June 3rd 2015

Un politico in famiglia vale almeno 500 euro di stipendio in più

Lettera 43, June 3rd 2015

Merito e meritocrazia

Il Sole 24 Ore, June 2nd 2015

Un politico in famiglia fa guadagnare: «Vale 500 euro in più nello stipendio»

Il Mattino, June 2nd 2015

Todos los chicos necesitan educación especial

La Nacion, September 29th 2014

The challenges of a moving Europe

EuroNews, April 8th 2014

Un sistema de cuidados no genera solución a escasez de mano de obra

El País Uruguay, June 3rd 2013

Repetición y fracaso escolar: correlación y causa

Nada es Gratis, May 6th 2013

Siamo "bamboccioni", genitori troppo protettivi?

La Voce, July 12th 2012

Risky business: children at work

The Lancet, July 30th 2011

Is child labour the lesser of two evils?

Al Jazeera, June 13th 2011

Marché du travail : Français et immigrants en concurrence?

Les Echos, November 2nd 2010

EU Plans Blue Card to Lure Skilled Migrant Workers

Voice of America, November 1st 2009

In Italy, a mamma accused of doting too much

Time Magazine, October 21st 2009

Italy's mamma's boys to be given cash to fly the parental nest

The Daily Telegraph, April 12th 2008

Yaşları 18-30 arasında Meslekleri ve paraları var ama hálá aileleriyle yaşıyorlar

Hürriyet, November 11th 2007.

The fading future of Italy's young

Time Magazine Europe, April 10th 2006

Mamma may not know best

The Guardian, February 6th 2006

The bambinos bribed to stay with mama

The Independent, February 5th 2006

Italiani mammoni? No, genitori «possessivi»

Corriere Della Sera, February 3rd 2006

Genitori italiani sotto accusa: "Tarpano le ali ai figli"

La Repubblica, February 3rd 2006

Italian mammas making offers their sons can't refuse

The Guardian, February 3rd 2006

Italian families: everyone knows Italian men love their mamas

Metro, February 3rd 2006

Europäische Studie: Großzügige Eltern machen Italiens Söhne zu Nesthockern

Die Welt, June 29th 2005