Marco Le Moglie


Fueling Organized Crime: Oil Thefts and the Mexican Drug War,  Economic Journal. Forthcoming.  (with Battiston, Daniele and Pinotti)

Gain without Pain? The Impact of Non-Tariff Measures on Plant-Level Productivity and Markup, Review of International Economics. Forthcoming. (with Cali and Presidente)

Pains, Guns and Moves: The Effect of the U.S. Opioid Epidemic on Mexican Migration, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 160, Jan. 2023, 102983.  (with Daniele and Masera)

Never Forget the First Time: The Persistent Effects of Corruption and the Rise of Populism in Italy, Journal of Politics, Vol. 85, Issue 2, Apr. 2023, 468-483. (with Aassve and Daniele) 

In the media: EurekAlert!, Scienmag, Corriere della Sera, OPEN, Bocconi Knowledge, Annual Report 2023 Banco de Espana.

Revealing "Mafia Inc."?  Financial Crisis, Organized Crime, and the Birth of New Enterprises, Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 104, Issue 1, Jan. 2022, Pg. 142-156. (with Sorrenti)

In the media: Bocconi Knowledge,,  Royal Economic Society Media Briefings, The Economic Journal on Twitter.

To Vote, or Not To Vote? On the Epidemiological Impact of Electoral Campaigns at the Time of COVID-19, European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 72, Mar. 2022, 102118. (with Cipullo)

In the media: Domani.

What Tears Couples Apart:  An Analysis of Union Dissolution in Germany with Machine Learning,  Demography,  Vol. 59, Issue 1, Feb. 2022, Pg. 161 - 186. (with Arpino and Mencarini) 

In the media: Focus, La Repubblica.

Life-course perspective on personality traits and fertility with sequence analysis, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series A, Vol. 185, Issue 3, July 2022, Pg 1344 - 1369. (with Mencarini and Piccareta)

Epidemics and Trust: The case of the Spanish Flu, Health Economics, Vol. 30, Issue 4, April 2021, Pg. 840-857. (with Aassve, Alfani and Gandolfi) 

In the media:, National Review, Quartz, Bloomberg, Agenzia Giornalistica Italia, La Repubblica, Crusoe.

Trust and Fertility in Uncertain Times, Population Studies, Vol. 75, Issue 1, Feb. 2021, Pg. 19-36. (with Aassve and Mencarini)  

Electoral Cycle Bias in the Media Coverage of Corruption News, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 163, July 2019, Pg. 140-157.  (with Turati)  

Does Income Moderate the Satisfaction of Becoming a Parent? In Germany It Does and Depends on Education, Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 32, July 2019, Pg 915–952. (with Mencarini and Rapallini)

Is It Just a Matter of Personality? On The Role of Subjective Well-Being in Childbearing Behavior. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 117, Sept. 2015, Pg. 453-475. (with Mencarini and Rapallini)


Hey! Governors! Leave Them Kids Alone: Political Cycles and the Creation of Party Preferences (with Daniele, Galletta, and Masera)

Educated to Be Mothers: Indoctrination and Demographic Backlash (with Lax-Martinez and Sandi)

A Few Bad Apples? Criminal Charges, Political Careers, and Policy Outcomes (with Britto, Daniele, Pinotti, and Sampaio)

Mafia, Politics, and  Machine Predictions (with Campedelli and Daniele)

Inverting the chain? VAT collection regimes and tax compliance (with Cipullo, Gamannossi degli Innocenti, and Passerini)


Organised Violence: The Mafia, in The Handbook of Collective Violence: Current Developments and Understanding. Routledge, April 2020 (with Daniele)