
You can find additional info on DBLP or Google Scholar

Publications (recent)

[C49] O. Yessanbayev, M. Comuzzi, G. Meroni, and D. Nguyen (2023) "A Middleware for Hybrid Blockchain Applications: Towards Fast, Affordable, and Accountable Integration" Proc. 21st Int. Conf. on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC) - to appear.

[C48] K. Sungkyu, M. Comuzzi, and C. Difrancescomarino (2023) "Understanding the impact of design choices on the performance of predictive process monitoring" Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Leveraging Machine Learning in Process Mining (ML4PM) held in conjunction with ICPM 2023 - to appear.

[J42] Hofstede AH, Koschmider A, Marrella A, Andrews R, Fischer DA, Sadeghianasl S, Wynn MT, Comuzzi M, De Weerdt J, Goel K, Martin N. Process-Data Quality: The True Frontier of Process Mining. ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality. 2023 Jul 28.

[C47] A. Hijriani and M. Comuzzi (2024) "Towards a Maturity Model of Process Mining as an Analytic Capability" 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) - to appear

[C46] S. Lee, X. Lu, M. Comuzzi, and H.A. Reijers (2023) "Measuring the Stability of Process Outcome Predictions in Online Settings." 5th Int. Conf. on Process Mining (ICPM) - to appear

[J42] Grefen, P.; Vanderfeesten, I.; Wilbik, A.; Comuzzi, M.; Ludwig, H.; Serral, E.; Kuitems, F.; Blanken, M.; Pietrasik, M. (2023) "Towards Customer Outcome Management in Smart Manufacturing." Machines, 11, 636. 

[J41] K. Schaerer and M. Comuzzi (2023) "The Quantum Threat to Blockchain: Summary and Timeline Analysis", Quantum Machine Intelligence (accepted)

[J40] J. Ko and M. Comuzzi (2023) "A Systematic Review of Anomaly Detection for Business Process Event Logs", Business & Information Systems Engineering (accepted)

[C45] N. Kwon and M. Comuzzi (2022) "Genetic algorithms for AutoML in process predictive monitoring" Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop on Leveraging Machine Learning in Process Mining (ML4PM) held in conjunction with ICPM 2022 (accepted)

[J39] B. Tama and M. Comuzzi (2022) "Leveraging a Heterogeneous Ensemble Learning for Outcome-Based Predictive Monitoring Using Business Process Event Logs" Electronics - Special issue on Predictive and Learning Control in Engineering Applications, 11(16), 2548.

[J38] S. Lee, M. Comuzzi, N. Kwon (2022) "Exploring the suitability of rule-based classification to provide interpretability in outcome-based process predictive monitoring" Algorithms - Special issue on Algorithms for Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition Tasks (accepted)

[C44] G. Park, M. Comuzzi, and van der Aalst, W.M.P. (2022) "Supporting Impact Analysis of Process-Aware Information System Updates Using Digital Twins of Organizations" Proc. 16th Int. Conf. on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), pp. 158-176.

[J37] M. Comuzzi, C. Cappiello, F. Daniel and G. Meroni (2022) "Toward Quality-Aware Transaction Validation in Blockchains", IEEE Software (accepted)

[J36] J. Munoz-Gama et al. (2022) "Process Mining for Healthcare: Characteristics and Challenges," Journal of Biomedical Informatics (accepted)

[J35] J. Kim and M. Comuzzi (2021) "Stability metrics for enhancing the evaluation of outcome-based business process predictive monitoring," IEEE Access (accepted)

[C43] S. Lee, M. Comuzzi, and X. Lu (2021) "Continuous performance evaluation for business process outcome monitoring," Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Streaming Analytics for Process Mining (SA4PM) held in conjunction with ICPM 2021 (accepted)

[J34] J. Kim, M. Comuzzi, M. Dumas, F.M. Maggi, and I. Teinemaa (2021) "Encoding Resource Experience for Predictive Process Monitoring," Decision Support Systems (accepted)

[J33] J. Ko and M. Comuzzi (2022) "Keeping our rivers clean: information-theoretic online anomaly detection for streaming business process events," Information Systems (accepted)

[J32] M. Comuzzi, C. Cappiello, P. Plebani, and M. Fim (2021) "Assessing and Improving Measurability of Process Performance Indicators based on Quality of Logs ", Information Systems, 103, 101874.

[C42] J. Ko and M. Comuzzi (2021) "Business Process Event Log Anomaly Detection based on Statistical Leverage", Proc. 1st ITalian forum on Business Process Management held in conjunction with BPM 2021, CEUR-WS 2952, p. 7-12 

[C41] M. Comuzzi, C, Cappiello, and G. Meroni (2021) "An empirical evaluation of smart contract-based data quality assessment in Ethereum", Proc.  Blockchain Forum 2021 held in conjunction with BPM 2021, pp. 51-66. **Best Paper Award**

[J31] J. Kim and M. Comuzzi (2021) "A diagnostic framework for imbalanced classification in business process predictive monitoring" Expert Systems with Applications, 184, 115536.

[J30] J. Ko and M. Comuzzi (2021) "Detecting anomalies in business process event logs using statistical leverage", Information Sciences, 549, 53-67.

[J29] M. Comuzzi, C. Cappiello and G. Meroni (2021) "On the Need for Data Quality Assessment in Blockchains", IEEE Internet Computing, 25(3), 71-78.

[J28] B. Tama, M. Comuzzi and J. Ko (2020) "An empirical investigation of different classifiers, encoding and ensemble schemes for next event prediction using business process event logs", ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 11(6), 68:1-68:34.

[C40] J. Ko and M. Comuzzi (2020) "Online anomaly detection using statistical leverage for streaming business process events", 1st Workshop on Streaming Analytics for Process Mining (SA4PM) held in conjunction with ICPM 2020, 193-205.

[C39] J. Ko, J. Lee, and M. Comuzzi (2020) "AIR-BAGEL: An Interactive Root cause-Based Anomaly Generator for Event Logs", 2nd Int. Conf. on Process Mining (ICPM) - Demonstration Track (accepted)

[J27] D. Beverungen et al. (2021) "Seven Paradoxes of Business Process Management in a Hyper-Connected World", Business & Information Systems Engineering, 63(2): 145-156.

[J26] M. Vargas and M. Comuzzi (2020) "A multi-dimensional model of Enterprise Resource Planning Critical Success Factors", Enterprise Information Systems, 14(1), 38-57.

Other publications before 2019

[J25] B. Tama, M. Comuzzi, and Rhee, K.-H. (2019) "TSE-IDS: A Two-Stage Classifier Ensemble for Intelligent Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System", IEEE Access, 7, 94497-94507.

[J24] H. Nguyen, S. Lee, J. Kim, J. Ko and M. Comuzzi (2019) "Autoencoders for Improving Quality of Process Event Logs", Expert Systems with Applications, 131, 132-147.

[C38] M. Comuzzi, J. Ko and S. Lee (2019) "Predicting outpatient process flows to minimise the cost of handling returning patients: A case study", Workshop on Process-Oriented Data Science for Healthcare (PODS4H 2019) held in conjunction with BPM 2019 (accepted)

[C37] C. Cappiello, M. Comuzzi, F. Daniel and G. Meroni (2019) "Data quality control in blockchain applications", Blockchain Forum 2019 held in conjunction with BPM 2019, 166-181.

[J23] B. Tama and M. Comuzzi (2019) "An empirical comparison of classification techniques for next event prediction using business process event logs", Expert Systems with Applications, 129, 233-245.

[J22] M. Comuzzi (2019) "Ant-colony Optimisation for Path Recommendation in Business Process Execution", Journal on Data Semantics, 8(2), 113-128.

[J21] M. Comuzzi (2019) "Optimal directed hypergraph traversal with ant-colony optimisation", Information Sciences, 471, 132-148.

[C36] M. Comuzzi, A. E. Marquez-Chamorro, and M. Resinas (2019) "A Hybrid Reliability Metric for SLA Predictive Monitoring", 34th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 32-39.

[C35] M. Comuzzi, A. Marquez-Chamorro and M. Resinas (2018) "Does your accurate process predictive monitoring model give reliable predictions?" 1st ICSOC Workshop on AI and Data Mining for Services, 367-373.

[C34] H. Nguyen and M. Comuzzi (2018) "Event log reconstruction using autoencoders", 1st ICSOC Workshop on AI and Data Mining for Services, 335-350.

[C33] M. Comuzzi, E. Unurjargal, and C.H. Lim (2018) "Towards a design space for blockchain-based system reengineering", 1st Workshop on Blockchains for Inter-Organizational Collaboration (BIOC’18), in conjunction with CAiSE 2018, pp. 138-143

[J20] M. Cho, M. Song, M. Comuzzi, and S. Yoo (2017) "Evaluating the effect of best practices for business process redesign: an evidence-based approach based on process mining techniques", Decision Support Systems, 104, 92-103.

[J19] Y. Djenouri and M. Comuzzi (2017) "Combining Apriori Heuristic and Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Solving the Frequent Itemsets Mining Problem", Information Sciences, vol. 420, pp. 1-15.

[J18] M. Comuzzi and M. Parhizkar (2017) "A methodology for enterprise systems post-implementation change management", Industrial Management & Data Systems, 117(10), 2241-2262.

[J17] M. Parhizkar and M. Comuzzi (2017) "Impact analysis of ERP post-implementation modifications: design, tool support and evaluation", Computers in Industry, vol. 84, pp. 25-38.

[J16] M. Comuzzi and A. Patel (2016) "How Organisations Leverage Big Data: A Maturity Model", Industrial Management & Data Systems, vol. 116, no. 8.

[J15] M. Rangiha, M. Comuzzi (2016) "A framework to capture and reuse process knowledge in business process design and execution using social tagging", Business Process Management Journal, 22(4), 835 - 859.

[J14] M. Comuzzi (2017) "Alignment of Process Compliance and Monitoring Requirements in Dynamic Business Collaborations", Enterprise Information Systems, 11(6), 884-908.

[J13] E. Lüftenegger, M. Comuzzi, and P. Grefen (2017) "Designing a Tool for Service-Dominant Business Strategies Using Action Design Research", Service Business, 11(1), 161-189.

[J12] M. Comuzzi and S. Angelov (2016) "Patterns and Tools for Business Process Monitoring Customization" Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 10(3), 253-271.

[J11] P. Van Gorp, M. Comuzzi, A. Jahnen, U. Kaymak and B. Middleton (2014) "An Open Platform for Personal Health Record Apps with Platform-Level Privacy Protection" Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 51, pp. 14-23. DOI

[J10] P. Van Gorp and M. Comuzzi (2014) "Lifelong Personal Health Data and Application Software via Virtual Machines in the Cloud", IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 18(1), 36-45. DOI

[J9] K. Kritikos, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, C. Cappiello, M. Comuzzi, S. Benbernou, I. Brandic, A. Kertesz, M. Parkin, and M. Carro (2013) "A Survey on Service Quality Description", ACM Computing Surveys, vol.46, no.1 DOI

[J8] M. Comuzzi, I. Vanderfeesten, and T. Wang (2013) "Optimized Cross-Organizational Business Process Monitoring: Design and Enactment", Information Sciences, vol. 244, pp. 107-118 DOI

[J7] M. Comuzzi, J. Vonk, and P. Grefen (2012) "Measures and Mechanisms for Process Monitoring in Evolving Business Networks" Data & Knowledge Engineering, 71(1), pp. 1-28. DOI

[J6] P. Plebani, C. Cappiello, M. Comuzzi, B. Pernici, and S. Yadav (2012) "MicroMAIS: Executing and Orchestrating Web Services on Constrained Mobile Devices" Software: Practice & Experience, 42(9), pp. 1075-1094. DOI

[J5] D. Ardagna, L. Baresi, S. Comai, M. Comuzzi, and B. Pernici (2011) "A Service-based Framework for Flexible Business Processes" IEEE Software, 28(2), 61-67. DOI

[J4] M. Comuzzi and B. Pernici (2009) "A Framework for QoS-Based Web service contracting” ACM Transactions on the Web, 3(3), Article 10, June 2009. DOI

[J3] M. Comuzzi, C. Francalanci, and P. Giacomazzi (2008) "Pricing the quality of differentiated services for media oriented real-time applications: a multi-attribute negotiation approach" Computer Networks, 52(18), pp. 3373-3391. DOI

[J2] D. Ardagna, M. Comuzzi, E. Mussi, B. Pernici, and P. Plebani (2007) "PAWS: A framework for executing Adaptive Web-service Processes" IEEE Software, 24(6), pp. 39-46. DOI

[J1] M.Comuzzi, C. Francalanci, and P. Giacomazzi (2005) Trade-off based negotiation of Traffic Conditioning and Service Level agreements in DiffServ networks, Journal of Interconnection Networks, 6(3), pp. 179-192. DOI

[C32] M. Comuzzi (2017) "Optimal paths in business processes: framework and applications", 1st Workshop on Business Process Innovations with Artificial Intelligence, in conjunction with BPM 2017, pp. 107-123.

[C31] J. Ko and M. Comuzzi (2017) "Fuzzy Analytic Network Process for evaluating ERP post-implementation alternatives", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems - FUZZ-IEEE 2017, pp. 1-6.

[C30] Y. Djenouri, Z. Habbas, D. Djenouri and M. Comuzzi (2017) "Diversification Heuristics in Bees Swarm Optimization for Association Rules Mining", 6th PAKDD Workshop on Biologically Inspired Data Mining Techniques [Best paper award]

[C29] Y. Djenouri and M. Comuzzi (2017) "GA-Apriori: combining Apriori Heuristic and Genetic Algorithms for Solving the Frequent Itemsets Mining Problem", 6th PAKDD Workshop on Biologically Inspired Data Mining Techniques (accepted)

[C28] Y. Djenouri, M. Comuzzi, D. Djenouri (2017) "SS-FIM: Single Scan for Frequent Itemsets Mining in Transactional Databases", Proc. 2017 Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge and Data Mining - PAKDD 2017 (accepted)

[C27] Y. Djenouri, A. Bendjoudi, D. Djenouri and M. Comuzzi (2017) "GPU-based bio-inspired model for solving association rule mining problem", Proc. 25th Euromicro Int. Conf. on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing - PDP 2017 (accepted).

[C26] M. Parhizkar and M. Comuzzi (2016) "A framework for impact analysis of post-implementation Enterprise Resource Planning modifications", Proc. SAI Computing Conference 2016 (accepted for publication)

[C25] M. Parhizkar and M. Comuzzi (2015) "An AHP-Based analysis of the cost of ERP Modification" Proc. 3rd International Conference on Enterprise Systems, pp. 200 -205.

[C24] M. E. Rangiha, M. Comuzzi, and B. Karakostas (2015) "Role and task recommendation and social tagging to enable Social Business Process Management" Proc. 16th Business Process Modeling, Development, and Support Working Conference (BPMDS) in conjunction with CAiSE'15, pp. 68-82.

[C23] M. Comuzzi (2014) "Aligning Monitoring and Compliance Requirements in Evolving Business Networks" Proc. 22nd Int. Conf. on Cooperative Information Systems - CoopIS 2014, pp. 166-183.

[C22] M. Comuzzi and R.I. Rafael Martinez (2014) "Customized Infrastructures for Monitoring Business Processes," Proc. 8th IEEE Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE), Oxford, UK, pp. 122-127.

[C21] E. Luftenegger, M. Comuzzi, and P. Grefen (2013) "The Service Dominant Ecosystem: Mapping a Service Dominant Strategy to a Product-Service Ecosystem," Proc. 14th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE), Dresden, Germany.

[C20] M. Comuzzi, G. Jacobs, and P. Grefen (2013) "Understanding SLA elements in Cloud Computing," Proc. 14th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE), Dresden, Germany.

[C19] P. Van Gorp, M. Comuzzi, A Fiahlo, and U. Kaymak (2012) Addressing Health Information Privacy with a novel cloud-based PHR system architecture. Proc. 2012 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), pp. 1841-1846.

[C18] P. Van Gorp and M. Comuzzi (2012) MyPHRMachines: lifelong Personal Health Records in the Cloud. Proc. 25th IEEE Int. Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), Special Track on Informatics Challenges of Patient Centric Health and Social Care, pp. 1-6. 

[C17] M. Comuzzi, S. Angelov, and J. Vonk (2012) Patterns to Enable Mass-Customized Business Process Monitoring. Proc. 24th Int. Conf. on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2012), pp. 445-459.

[C16] M. Comuzzi and I. Vanderfeesten (2011) Product-Based Workflow Design for Monitoring of Collaborative Business Processes. Proc. 23rd Int. Conf. on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2011), pp. 154-168.

[C15] M. Comuzzi, J. Vonk, and P. Grefen (2010) Continuous Monitoring in Evolving Business Networks. Proc. 18th Int. Conf. on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2010), pp. 168-185.

[C14] M. Comuzzi and G. Spanoudakis (2010) Dynamic set-up of monitoring infrastructures for Service-Based systems. Proc. of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2010), pp. 2414-2421.

[C13] M. Comuzzi, K. Kritikos, and P.Plebani "A Semantic based framework for supporting negotiation in Service Oriented Architectures" Proc. 11th IEEE Conf. on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC 2009), Vienna, Austria.

[C12] M. Comuzzi, C. Kotsokalis, G. Spanoudakis, and R. Yahyapour (2009) “Establishing and Monitoring SLAs in Complex Service-Based Systems” Proc. 7th IEEE Int. Conf. on Web Services (ICWS'09) - Applications and Industry Track, Los Angeles (CA), USA.

[C11] C. Cappiello and M. Comuzzi (2009) “A utility-based model to define the optimal data quality level in IT service offerings” Proc. 17th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2009), Verona, Italy.

[C10] M. Comuzzi and G. Spanoudakis (2009) "A Framework for Hierarchical and recursive Monitoring of Service Based Systems" Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Internet and Web Applications and Services, Venice, Italy.

[C9] M. Comuzzi, K. Kritikos, and P. Plebani (2008) "Semantic aware Service Quality Negotation". Proc. ServiceWave Conference 2008, Madrid, Spain (LNCS 5377)

[C8] C. Cappiello and M. Comuzzi (2007) Efficient allocation of quality improvements efforts to support the definition of data service offerings, Proc. 12th Int. Conference on Information Quality, ICIQ'07, Cambridge (MA), USA.

[C7] E. Capra, M. Corso, M. Comuzzi, C. Francalanci, A. Giacobbe, and S. Modafferi (2007) Knowledge Management benefits from cooperation: evidence on SMEs, Proc. 2nd Knowledge Management in Organizations Conference, KMO 2007, Lecce, Italy.

[C6] M. Comuzzi and M. Malatesta (2007) Knowledge Management in the Italian landscape: insights from a desk review of case studies, Proc. 2nd Knowledge Management in Organizations Conference, KMO 2007, Lecce, Italy

[C5] C. Cappiello, M. Comuzzi, P. Plebani (2007) On Automated Generation of Web Service Level Agreements, Proc. 19th Int. Conf. Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2007, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 264-278.

[C4] D. Ardagna, C. Cappiello, M. Comuzzi, C. Francalanci, and B. Pernici (2005). A broker for selecting and provisioning high quality syndicated data, Proc. 10th International Conference on Information Quality, ICIQ 2005, Cambridge (MA), USA.

[C3] M. Comuzzi and B. Pernici. (2005) An Architecture for Flexible Web Service QoS Negotiation, Proc. 9th IEEE EDOC Conference, EDOC 2005, Enschede, The Netherlands, pp. 70-79.

[C2] M. Comuzzi, C. Francalanci, and P. Giacomazzi (2005). Trade off based negotiation of Traffic Conditioning and Service Level Agreements in DiffServ networks, Proc. 19th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA 2005, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 189-194.

[C1] M. Comuzzi and C. Francalanci (2004). Agent-based negotiation in cooperative processes: automatic support to underwriting insurance policies, Proc. 6th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, ICEC'04, Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 121-129.

[B5] D. Bianchini, M. Brambilla, A. Campi, C. Cappiello, S. Ceri, M. Comuzzi, V. De Antonellis, B. Pernici, and P. Plebani (2010) "Model-Based Service-Oriented Architectures for Internetworked Enterprises", in G. Passiante (Ed.) Evolving toward the Internetworked Enterprise, Springer 2010. (DOI:10.1007/978-1-4419-7279-8)

[B4] E. Capra, M. Comuzzi, C. Francalanci, and S. Modafferi (2009) "HSProvider: Knowledge-Based Solutions for the Tourism and Travel Industry" in E. Geisler and N. Wickramasinghe (Auth.) Principles of Knowledge Management: Theory, Practice, and Cases, M. E. Sharpe, Part IV - Case 3.

[B3] D. Ardagna, L. Baresi, C. Batini, M. Brioschi, C. Cappiello, M. Comerio, M. Comuzzi, F. De Paoli, C. Francalanci, S. Grega, A. Maurino, S. Modafferi, N. Simeoni. “Development of Services for Mobile Information Systems” In B. Pernici (Ed.) “Mobile Information Systems: Infrastructure and Design for Adaptivity and Flexibility” Springer 2006.

[B2]     D. Ardagna, A. Avenali, L. Baresi, D. Berardi, D. Bainchini, C. Cappiello, M. Comuzzi, V. De Antonellis, F. De Rosa, D. Desideri, C. Francalanci, C. Leporelli, G. Matteucci, A. Maurino, M. Mecella, M. Melchiori, S. Modafferi, E. Mussi, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, D. Presenza.  “E-Services” In B. Pernici (Ed.) “Mobile Information Systems: Infrastructure and Design for Adaptivity and Flexibility”, Springer 2006.

[B1] M. Adorni, F. Arcelli, D. Ardagna, L. Baresi, C. Batini, C. Cappiello, M. Comerio, M. Comuzzi, F. De Paoli, C. Francalanci, S. Grega, P. Losi, A. Maurino, S. Modafferi, B. Pernici, C. Raibulet, and F. Tisato (2006). The MAIS approach to web service design, in K. Siau (Ed.) Advanced Topics in Database Research - Volume 5, Idea Group Publishing, chap. XI, pp. 187-204.

M. Comuzzi, C. Kotsokalis, C. Rathfelder, W. Theilmann, U. Winkler, and G. Zacco "A Framework for Multi-Level SLA Management" Proc. 3rd NFPSLAM-SOC'09 Workshop, Co-located with ICSOC 2009, Stockholm, Sweden.

M. Comuzzi and G. Spanoudakis (2009) " Describing and Verifying Monitoring Capabilities for SLA-Driven Service Based Systems " Proc. CAiSE 2009 Forum, held in conjunction with the 21st Int. Conf. on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

M. Comuzzi, M.G. Fugini, and S. Modafferi (2008) "Quality Contracts for Cooperative Processes and Associated Resources" BPM Workshop on Collaborative Business Processes, BPM-CBP'08, Milan, Italy.

Barbagallo, D. and Comuzzi, M. (2008) "Towards understanding the role of adverse selection and moral hazard in automated negotiation of service level agreements". Proc. 3rd int. Workshop on Services integration in Pervasive Environments, SIPE'08, Sorrento, Italy, pp. 7-12.

M. Comuzzi and S.L. Jarvenpaa (2007) Field of dreams in Knowledge Management Systems: Design Principles for Enhancing Psychological Attachment between Person and Knowledge, Interdisciplinary Aspects of Information Systems Studies, Springer, pp. 295-301

L. Baresi, D. Braga, M. Comuzzi, F. Pacifici, and P. Plebani (2007) A Service-based Infrastructure for Advanced Logistics, Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering, IW-SOSWE'07, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

C. Cappiello, M. Comuzzi, E. Mussi, and B. Pernici (2005). Context Management for Adaptive Information Systems, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 146(2), pp. 68-84.

M. Adorni, F. Arcelli, D. Ardagna, L. Baresi, C. Batini, C. Cappiello, M. Comerio, M. Comuzzi, F. De Paoli, C. Francalanci, S. Grega, P. Losi, A. Maurino, S. Modafferi, B. Pernici, C. Raibulet, and F. Tisato (2005). The MAIS approach to web service design, Proc. 10th Int. Workshop on Exploring Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design, EMMSAD'05, Porto, Portugal, CAiSE Workshops Proceedings Vol.I, pp. 387-398.

M. Comuzzi and B. Pernici (2004). Description of web service negotiation capabilities, presented at EDOC Workshop on Contract Architectures and Languages, CoALa'04, Monterey (CA), USA.

M. Comuzzi and B. Pernici (2004). Negotiation support for web service selection, in Proc. 5th VLDB Workshop on Technologies for E-Services, TES'04, Toronto, Canada, (LNCS 3324, pp.29-38).

M. Comuzzi “Territoriality and Knowledge Management Systems” Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano – Technical Report 2006.34 March 2006.

M. Comuzzi and B. Pernici “QoS-Based Web service selection and agreement” Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione Politecnico di Milano – Technical Report 2007.32 February 2007.

[J20] M. Cho, M. Song, M. Comuzzi, and S. Yoo (2017) "Evaluating the effect of best practices for business process redesign: an evidence-based approach based on process mining techniques", Decision Support Systems, 104, 92-103.

[J19] Y. Djenouri and M. Comuzzi (2017) "Combining Apriori Heuristic and Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Solving the Frequent Itemsets Mining Problem", Information Sciences, vol. 420, pp. 1-15.

[J18] M. Comuzzi and M. Parhizkar (2017) "A methodology for enterprise systems post-implementation change management", Industrial Management & Data Systems, 117(10), 2241-2262.

[J17] M. Parhizkar and M. Comuzzi (2017) "Impact analysis of ERP post-implementation modifications: design, tool support and evaluation", Computers in Industry, vol. 84, pp. 25-38.

[J16] M. Comuzzi and A. Patel (2016) "How Organisations Leverage Big Data: A Maturity Model", Industrial Management & Data Systems, vol. 116, no. 8.

[J15] M. Rangiha, M. Comuzzi (2016) "A framework to capture and reuse process knowledge in business process design and execution using social tagging", Business Process Management Journal, 22(4), 835 - 859.

[J14] M. Comuzzi (2017) "Alignment of Process Compliance and Monitoring Requirements in Dynamic Business Collaborations", Enterprise Information Systems, 11(6), 884-908.

[J13] E. Lüftenegger, M. Comuzzi, and P. Grefen (2017) "Designing a Tool for Service-Dominant Business Strategies Using Action Design Research", Service Business, 11(1), 161-189.

[J12] M. Comuzzi and S. Angelov (2016) "Patterns and Tools for Business Process Monitoring Customization" Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 10(3), 253-271.

[J11] P. Van Gorp, M. Comuzzi, A. Jahnen, U. Kaymak and B. Middleton (2014) "An Open Platform for Personal Health Record Apps with Platform-Level Privacy Protection" Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 51, pp. 14-23. DOI

[J10] P. Van Gorp and M. Comuzzi (2014) "Lifelong Personal Health Data and Application Software via Virtual Machines in the Cloud", IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 18(1), 36-45. DOI

[J9] K. Kritikos, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, C. Cappiello, M. Comuzzi, S. Benbernou, I. Brandic, A. Kertesz, M. Parkin, and M. Carro (2013) "A Survey on Service Quality Description", ACM Computing Surveys, vol.46, no.1 DOI

[J8] M. Comuzzi, I. Vanderfeesten, and T. Wang (2013) "Optimized Cross-Organizational Business Process Monitoring: Design and Enactment", Information Sciences, vol. 244, pp. 107-118 DOI

[J7] M. Comuzzi, J. Vonk, and P. Grefen (2012) "Measures and Mechanisms for Process Monitoring in Evolving Business Networks" Data & Knowledge Engineering, 71(1), pp. 1-28. DOI

[J6] P. Plebani, C. Cappiello, M. Comuzzi, B. Pernici, and S. Yadav (2012) "MicroMAIS: Executing and Orchestrating Web Services on Constrained Mobile Devices" Software: Practice & Experience, 42(9), pp. 1075-1094. DOI

[J5] D. Ardagna, L. Baresi, S. Comai, M. Comuzzi, and B. Pernici (2011) "A Service-based Framework for Flexible Business Processes" IEEE Software, 28(2), 61-67. DOI

[J4] M. Comuzzi and B. Pernici (2009) "A Framework for QoS-Based Web service contracting” ACM Transactions on the Web, 3(3), Article 10, June 2009. DOI

[J3] M. Comuzzi, C. Francalanci, and P. Giacomazzi (2008) "Pricing the quality of differentiated services for media oriented real-time applications: a multi-attribute negotiation approach" Computer Networks, 52(18), pp. 3373-3391. DOI

[J2] D. Ardagna, M. Comuzzi, E. Mussi, B. Pernici, and P. Plebani (2007) "PAWS: A framework for executing Adaptive Web-service Processes" IEEE Software, 24(6), pp. 39-46. DOI

[J1] M.Comuzzi, C. Francalanci, and P. Giacomazzi (2005) Trade-off based negotiation of Traffic Conditioning and Service Level agreements in DiffServ networks, Journal of Interconnection Networks, 6(3), pp. 179-192. DOI

[C32] M. Comuzzi (2017) "Optimal paths in business processes: framework and applications", 1st Workshop on Business Process Innovations with Artificial Intelligence, in conjunction with BPM 2017, pp. 107-123.

[C31] J. Ko and M. Comuzzi (2017) "Fuzzy Analytic Network Process for evaluating ERP post-implementation alternatives", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems - FUZZ-IEEE 2017, pp. 1-6.

[C30] Y. Djenouri, Z. Habbas, D. Djenouri and M. Comuzzi (2017) "Diversification Heuristics in Bees Swarm Optimization for Association Rules Mining", 6th PAKDD Workshop on Biologically Inspired Data Mining Techniques [Best paper award]

[C29] Y. Djenouri and M. Comuzzi (2017) "GA-Apriori: combining Apriori Heuristic and Genetic Algorithms for Solving the Frequent Itemsets Mining Problem", 6th PAKDD Workshop on Biologically Inspired Data Mining Techniques (accepted)

[C28] Y. Djenouri, M. Comuzzi, D. Djenouri (2017) "SS-FIM: Single Scan for Frequent Itemsets Mining in Transactional Databases", Proc. 2017 Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge and Data Mining - PAKDD 2017 (accepted)

[C27] Y. Djenouri, A. Bendjoudi, D. Djenouri and M. Comuzzi (2017) "GPU-based bio-inspired model for solving association rule mining problem", Proc. 25th Euromicro Int. Conf. on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing - PDP 2017 (accepted).

[C26] M. Parhizkar and M. Comuzzi (2016) "A framework for impact analysis of post-implementation Enterprise Resource Planning modifications", Proc. SAI Computing Conference 2016 (accepted for publication)

[C25] M. Parhizkar and M. Comuzzi (2015) "An AHP-Based analysis of the cost of ERP Modification" Proc. 3rd International Conference on Enterprise Systems, pp. 200 -205.

[C24] M. E. Rangiha, M. Comuzzi, and B. Karakostas (2015) "Role and task recommendation and social tagging to enable Social Business Process Management" Proc. 16th Business Process Modeling, Development, and Support Working Conference (BPMDS) in conjunction with CAiSE'15, pp. 68-82.

[C23] M. Comuzzi (2014) "Aligning Monitoring and Compliance Requirements in Evolving Business Networks" Proc. 22nd Int. Conf. on Cooperative Information Systems - CoopIS 2014, pp. 166-183.

[C22] M. Comuzzi and R.I. Rafael Martinez (2014) "Customized Infrastructures for Monitoring Business Processes," Proc. 8th IEEE Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE), Oxford, UK, pp. 122-127.

[C21] E. Luftenegger, M. Comuzzi, and P. Grefen (2013) "The Service Dominant Ecosystem: Mapping a Service Dominant Strategy to a Product-Service Ecosystem," Proc. 14th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE), Dresden, Germany.

[C20] M. Comuzzi, G. Jacobs, and P. Grefen (2013) "Understanding SLA elements in Cloud Computing," Proc. 14th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE), Dresden, Germany.

[C19] P. Van Gorp, M. Comuzzi, A Fiahlo, and U. Kaymak (2012) Addressing Health Information Privacy with a novel cloud-based PHR system architecture. Proc. 2012 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), pp. 1841-1846.

[C18] P. Van Gorp and M. Comuzzi (2012) MyPHRMachines: lifelong Personal Health Records in the Cloud. Proc. 25th IEEE Int. Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), Special Track on Informatics Challenges of Patient Centric Health and Social Care, pp. 1-6. 

[C17] M. Comuzzi, S. Angelov, and J. Vonk (2012) Patterns to Enable Mass-Customized Business Process Monitoring. Proc. 24th Int. Conf. on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2012), pp. 445-459.

[C16] M. Comuzzi and I. Vanderfeesten (2011) Product-Based Workflow Design for Monitoring of Collaborative Business Processes. Proc. 23rd Int. Conf. on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2011), pp. 154-168.

[C15] M. Comuzzi, J. Vonk, and P. Grefen (2010) Continuous Monitoring in Evolving Business Networks. Proc. 18th Int. Conf. on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2010), pp. 168-185.

[C14] M. Comuzzi and G. Spanoudakis (2010) Dynamic set-up of monitoring infrastructures for Service-Based systems. Proc. of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2010), pp. 2414-2421.

[C13] M. Comuzzi, K. Kritikos, and P.Plebani "A Semantic based framework for supporting negotiation in Service Oriented Architectures" Proc. 11th IEEE Conf. on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC 2009), Vienna, Austria.

[C12] M. Comuzzi, C. Kotsokalis, G. Spanoudakis, and R. Yahyapour (2009) “Establishing and Monitoring SLAs in Complex Service-Based Systems” Proc. 7th IEEE Int. Conf. on Web Services (ICWS'09) - Applications and Industry Track, Los Angeles (CA), USA.

[C11] C. Cappiello and M. Comuzzi (2009) “A utility-based model to define the optimal data quality level in IT service offerings” Proc. 17th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2009), Verona, Italy.

[C10] M. Comuzzi and G. Spanoudakis (2009) "A Framework for Hierarchical and recursive Monitoring of Service Based Systems" Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Internet and Web Applications and Services, Venice, Italy.

[C9] M. Comuzzi, K. Kritikos, and P. Plebani (2008) "Semantic aware Service Quality Negotation". Proc. ServiceWave Conference 2008, Madrid, Spain (LNCS 5377)

[C8] C. Cappiello and M. Comuzzi (2007) Efficient allocation of quality improvements efforts to support the definition of data service offerings, Proc. 12th Int. Conference on Information Quality, ICIQ'07, Cambridge (MA), USA.

[C7] E. Capra, M. Corso, M. Comuzzi, C. Francalanci, A. Giacobbe, and S. Modafferi (2007) Knowledge Management benefits from cooperation: evidence on SMEs, Proc. 2nd Knowledge Management in Organizations Conference, KMO 2007, Lecce, Italy.

[C6] M. Comuzzi and M. Malatesta (2007) Knowledge Management in the Italian landscape: insights from a desk review of case studies, Proc. 2nd Knowledge Management in Organizations Conference, KMO 2007, Lecce, Italy

[C5] C. Cappiello, M. Comuzzi, P. Plebani (2007) On Automated Generation of Web Service Level Agreements, Proc. 19th Int. Conf. Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2007, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 264-278.

[C4] D. Ardagna, C. Cappiello, M. Comuzzi, C. Francalanci, and B. Pernici (2005). A broker for selecting and provisioning high quality syndicated data, Proc. 10th International Conference on Information Quality, ICIQ 2005, Cambridge (MA), USA.

[C3] M. Comuzzi and B. Pernici. (2005) An Architecture for Flexible Web Service QoS Negotiation, Proc. 9th IEEE EDOC Conference, EDOC 2005, Enschede, The Netherlands, pp. 70-79.

[C2] M. Comuzzi, C. Francalanci, and P. Giacomazzi (2005). Trade off based negotiation of Traffic Conditioning and Service Level Agreements in DiffServ networks, Proc. 19th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA 2005, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 189-194.

[C1] M. Comuzzi and C. Francalanci (2004). Agent-based negotiation in cooperative processes: automatic support to underwriting insurance policies, Proc. 6th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, ICEC'04, Delft, The Netherlands, pp. 121-129.

[B5] D. Bianchini, M. Brambilla, A. Campi, C. Cappiello, S. Ceri, M. Comuzzi, V. De Antonellis, B. Pernici, and P. Plebani (2010) "Model-Based Service-Oriented Architectures for Internetworked Enterprises", in G. Passiante (Ed.) Evolving toward the Internetworked Enterprise, Springer 2010. (DOI:10.1007/978-1-4419-7279-8)

[B4] E. Capra, M. Comuzzi, C. Francalanci, and S. Modafferi (2009) "HSProvider: Knowledge-Based Solutions for the Tourism and Travel Industry" in E. Geisler and N. Wickramasinghe (Auth.) Principles of Knowledge Management: Theory, Practice, and Cases, M. E. Sharpe, Part IV - Case 3.

[B3] D. Ardagna, L. Baresi, C. Batini, M. Brioschi, C. Cappiello, M. Comerio, M. Comuzzi, F. De Paoli, C. Francalanci, S. Grega, A. Maurino, S. Modafferi, N. Simeoni. “Development of Services for Mobile Information Systems” In B. Pernici (Ed.) “Mobile Information Systems: Infrastructure and Design for Adaptivity and Flexibility” Springer 2006.

[B2]     D. Ardagna, A. Avenali, L. Baresi, D. Berardi, D. Bainchini, C. Cappiello, M. Comuzzi, V. De Antonellis, F. De Rosa, D. Desideri, C. Francalanci, C. Leporelli, G. Matteucci, A. Maurino, M. Mecella, M. Melchiori, S. Modafferi, E. Mussi, B. Pernici, P. Plebani, D. Presenza.  “E-Services” In B. Pernici (Ed.) “Mobile Information Systems: Infrastructure and Design for Adaptivity and Flexibility”, Springer 2006.

[B1] M. Adorni, F. Arcelli, D. Ardagna, L. Baresi, C. Batini, C. Cappiello, M. Comerio, M. Comuzzi, F. De Paoli, C. Francalanci, S. Grega, P. Losi, A. Maurino, S. Modafferi, B. Pernici, C. Raibulet, and F. Tisato (2006). The MAIS approach to web service design, in K. Siau (Ed.) Advanced Topics in Database Research - Volume 5, Idea Group Publishing, chap. XI, pp. 187-204.

M. Comuzzi, C. Kotsokalis, C. Rathfelder, W. Theilmann, U. Winkler, and G. Zacco "A Framework for Multi-Level SLA Management" Proc. 3rd NFPSLAM-SOC'09 Workshop, Co-located with ICSOC 2009, Stockholm, Sweden.

M. Comuzzi and G. Spanoudakis (2009) " Describing and Verifying Monitoring Capabilities for SLA-Driven Service Based Systems " Proc. CAiSE 2009 Forum, held in conjunction with the 21st Int. Conf. on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

M. Comuzzi, M.G. Fugini, and S. Modafferi (2008) "Quality Contracts for Cooperative Processes and Associated Resources" BPM Workshop on Collaborative Business Processes, BPM-CBP'08, Milan, Italy.

Barbagallo, D. and Comuzzi, M. (2008) "Towards understanding the role of adverse selection and moral hazard in automated negotiation of service level agreements". Proc. 3rd int. Workshop on Services integration in Pervasive Environments, SIPE'08, Sorrento, Italy, pp. 7-12.

M. Comuzzi and S.L. Jarvenpaa (2007) Field of dreams in Knowledge Management Systems: Design Principles for Enhancing Psychological Attachment between Person and Knowledge, Interdisciplinary Aspects of Information Systems Studies, Springer, pp. 295-301

L. Baresi, D. Braga, M. Comuzzi, F. Pacifici, and P. Plebani (2007) A Service-based Infrastructure for Advanced Logistics, Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering, IW-SOSWE'07, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

C. Cappiello, M. Comuzzi, E. Mussi, and B. Pernici (2005). Context Management for Adaptive Information Systems, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 146(2), pp. 68-84.

M. Adorni, F. Arcelli, D. Ardagna, L. Baresi, C. Batini, C. Cappiello, M. Comerio, M. Comuzzi, F. De Paoli, C. Francalanci, S. Grega, P. Losi, A. Maurino, S. Modafferi, B. Pernici, C. Raibulet, and F. Tisato (2005). The MAIS approach to web service design, Proc. 10th Int. Workshop on Exploring Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design, EMMSAD'05, Porto, Portugal, CAiSE Workshops Proceedings Vol.I, pp. 387-398.

M. Comuzzi and B. Pernici (2004). Description of web service negotiation capabilities, presented at EDOC Workshop on Contract Architectures and Languages, CoALa'04, Monterey (CA), USA.

M. Comuzzi and B. Pernici (2004). Negotiation support for web service selection, in Proc. 5th VLDB Workshop on Technologies for E-Services, TES'04, Toronto, Canada, (LNCS 3324, pp.29-38).