Lecture notes for G5703

These informal notes are a complement to the slides and materials covered during the year 2018-2019 for the course ``Statistical Inference and Modeling''. They have not been subject to the scrutiny of formal publications. No originality is claimed for their contents. The notes are largely but not solely inspired by references listed below.

  1. Introduction
  2. Parametric estimation
  3. Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing
  4. Exponential family and sufficiency
  5. Straight line regression
  6. Survival data
  7. Missing data
  8. Multivariate normal data
  9. Discrete Markov chains
  10. Time series
  11. Linear regression model
  12. Generalized linear models
  13. Nonparametric regression
  14. Generalized additive models
  15. Bayesian statistics

Main references

Other references