Name: Marcelo Fabián Ochoa

Year of Birth: 1968

Place of Birth: Pergamino, Argentina

Marital Status: Married with Claudia Marcos

Children: Matias and Luca

Tandil - Argentina

e-mail address: mochoa <at>


Dropout at the 4th. year of System Engineer, UNCPBA, Fac. de Cs. Exactas, Tandil, Argentina.


English - Spanish




  • More than 10 years in XML related technologies.
  • More than 10 years of experience in Programming Languages, C/C++, Smalltalk, Lisp, Prolog, Perl, Tcl/Tk, PLSQL, Java, Lex y Yacc.
  • More than 10 years of experience in Operating Systems Administration on Unix (SunOS 4.1, Solaris, Silicon Graphics IRIX y Linux), Windows and Novell 3.11.
  • More than 10 years of experience in Data Bases, Oracle 7.x, Oracle 8i/9i/10G, 9iLite, XMLDB, OracleJVM.
  • Applications Servers, OWS 3.x, OAS, iAS, OC4J, JBoss, Orion 1.x/2.0, Tomcat, WebSphere.
  • Presentations Frameworks, Apache Cocoon, JSP/Struts.
  • Collaborations tools, CVS, bug track, discussions groups, JIRA.
  • Solid knowledgement in Open Source developent.
  • IDEs, Oracle JDeveloper 2.x-10.x, since 1997.
  • Persistent frameworks Oracle BC4J, EJB, Toplink ,Hibernate.
  • UML, Design Patterns and Object Oriented Design.
  • Integration tools, Ant/Maven/GForge.
  • Docker DevOps.


  • 2017, Technical reviewer at Packt Publishing book Learning Elasticsearch.
  • 2017, Technical reviewer at Packt Publishing book Mastering Elastic Stack.
  • 2017, Technical reviewer at Packt Publishing book Mastering Elasticsearch 5.x - Third Edition.
  • 2017, Technical reviewer at Packt Publishing book Elasticsearch 5.x Cookbook - Third Edition.
  • 2015, Technical reviewer at Packt Publishing book Solr Cookbook - Third Edition.
  • 2014, Technical reviewer at Packt Publishing book Apache Solr 4 Cookbook 3rd edition.
  • 2014, Technical reviewer at Packt Publishing book Mastering ElasticSearch Server 2nd edition.
  • 2013, Technical reviewer at Packt Publishing book Apache Solr 4 Cookbook.
  • 2013, Technical reviewer at Packt Publishing book Mastering ElasticSearch Server.
  • 2013, Technical reviewer at Packt Publishing book ElasticSearch Server.
  • 2012-present, Principal board member at the ArOUG, Argentinian Oracle User Group.
  • 2010-present, CTO in Scotas – Real Time Search Solution.
  • 2009-2012, DBA Consulting Services (Performance and Tunning Assesstment and HA) for VTours GmbH on behalf Temperies.
  • 2007, Senior Java Architect, Advanced Software Development for LendingClub Corp. New release of OJVMDirectory, an Oracle-Lucene Integration implemented using a new Domain Index, December.
  • 2007, Senior Architect on Oracle JVM technologies at Assicurazioni Generali SpA (Italy) on behalf Oracle EMEA, June-July.
  • 2006, EDSA, Coaching and Mentoring of the J2EE development team, for the Penta Assurance system using J2EE, Eclipse, CVS, Maven, Spring, WebSphere Portal and Hibernate.
  • 2005, Technisys, Coaching and Mentoring of the J2EE development team, for the Software Argentval using J2EE, Eclipse, CVS, Maven, XSLT, Tomcat and BFC.
  • 2005, Newport Software Technologies, Refactoring of the software of the Hydrological Data Base (, Instituto de Hidrología de Llanuras UNICEN, CIC and AZUL (
  • 2004, Companía de Seguros La Dulce, Optimization of the Wireless Network Architecture.
  • 2004, Idea Factory Software, Java/SOA Architect for the project QFRi at Quilmes Industrial S.A. (
  • 2004, Idea Factory Software, Java/J2EE Architect for the project SIDIFi at Ministerio de Economía y Producción de la Republica Argentina (
  • 2003,2004 Entrepids, Java/J2EE Architect for the project ArcorNet at Arcor S.A. (
  • 2002-2003, Develop of the software for project management for IAEA (, using JSP/Struts/Oracle9i/OracleLite.
  • 1994-present, Faculty of Cs. Exactas, Tandil University, Argentina. Responsible of the System Laboratory (
  • 1999-present, Author of DBPrism (Servlet Engine which works as the PLSQL Cartridge of the Oracle Web Application Server or mod_plsql of Internet Application Server) ( and DB Generator which permits integration of Oracle Database with Apache Cocoon Framework (
  • 2000, Oracle Argentina, Developer of a WEB software for the Servi-Club division of Repsol/YPF (
  • 1997-1999, Developer of the OWSKiller version 3.0 (Servlet Engine that works as the PLSQL Cartridge of the Oracle Web Application Server 3.0) (
  • 1999, Oracle Argentina, Developer of a WEB software for the Lubricants division of Repsol/YPF.
  • 1998, Faculty of Cs. Exactas, Tandil, Argentina. Planning and installation of the network for the Faculty of Cs. Exactas, consisting of workstations and Unix, Windows NT, Windows 95 and Windows NT Workstation servers.
  • 1997, Oracle Corporation, Reviewer of the Spanish version of the lecture "CBT DBA: Architecture".
  • 1997, Oracle Corporation, Reviewer of the Spanish version of the lecture "CBT DBA: Backup & Recovery".
  • 1997, Oracle Corporation, Reviewer of the Spanish version of the lecture "CBT DBA: Create Database".
  • 1997, Oracle Corporation, Reviewer of the Spanish version of the lecture "CBT DBA: Manage Data".
  • 1997, Oracle Corporation, Reviewer of the Spanish version of the lecture "CBT DBA: Manage Security Data" .
  • 1997, Oracle Corporation, Reviewer of the Spanish version of the lecture "CBT Backup & Recovery: Techniques".
  • 1997, Oracle Corporation, Reviewer of the Spanish version of the lecture "CBT Oracle Enterprise Manager".
  • 1997, Oracle Corporation, Translation into Spanish of the lecture "Introduction to Oracle version 7".
  • 1993, Research Institute of the Cs Exactas Faculty (ISISTAN), Tandil, Argentina. Planning and installation of the Olimpo network, workstations and unix server (
  • 1990, Faculty of Cs Economics, Tandil University, Argentina. Planning and installation of the Academic and Administration network workstations Novell, DOS, Windows and Windows for Workgroups (
  • 1990, Faculty of Cs Economics, Tandil University, Argentina. Responsible of the development (requirements, analysis, design, and implementation) of the Control Academic System for students.
  • 1989, Tandil University, Argentina. Technical collaborator with the Administrator Group of the Internet Network (CAR), in the planning and installation of the Internet Network (
  • 1988, Tandil University, Argentina. Developer of the Budget System for the respectively commission.
  • 1988, Faculty of Cs Exacts, Tandil University, Argentina. Responsible for the maintenance tunning, and installation of the mailing services for the Electronic Quantum Laboratory of the Physic Institute "Arroyo Seco" (