Last update 04/05/2024

SCI publications

46 - Grilo C., Neves T., Bates J., Silva I., le Roux A., Medrano-Vizcaíno P., Soanes K., Quaranta M., Wang Y., Damián A.S., Abra F.D., Cedeño S.A., Alencar P.R., Almeida M.F.P., Alves M.H., Alves P., Assis A.A., Ament R., Andrášik R., Araguillin E., Araújo D.R., Araujo-Quintero A., Arca-Rubio J., Arianejad M., Armas C., Arnold E., Ascensão F., Azhar B., Baek S.-Y., Bajpai H., Bakaloudis D., B. Silva A.C.F., Balestrieri A., Balestrieri R., Bansal U., Barg A., Barrientos R., Bartonicka T., Basile M., Bastianelli M.L., Batista B., Baxter-Gilbert J., Behera S., Bélanger-Smith K., Belkacem M., Benedetti Y., Benítez Badillo G., Betlhoff J., Beulahbah A.J., 15 Bezerra A.M.R., Bíl M., Blamires D., Bogoni J.A., Bontzorlos V., Borzee A., Boves T., Bovo A.A.A., Boyle S.P., Bueno C., Bülbül U., Camacho C., de Campos A., Campos J., Canal D., Canova L., Canul Chuc P., Caravaggi A., Carlson B.E., Carmona G., Carvalho F., Castelazo-Calva V., Ceron K., Cervantes-Huerta R., Červinka J., Chala D., Charney N., Chatfield M.W.H., Cherem J.J., Chruszcz B., Çiçek K., Cicha V., Cicort-Lucaciu A.-S., Clevenger A.P., Colino-Rabanal V.J., Collinson W., Costa G.C., Costa J.R.N., Costa-Silva A.L., Covaciu-Marcov S.-D., Cove M.V., Crandall K.A., Crane M., Crivellari L.B., Ferreira da Cunha H., Cupșa D., D'Amico M., Das J., Ferraz K.M.P.M.B., de los Reyes Lara L., Delgado J.D., Desai S., Desbiez A.L.J., Desrochers A., Dias R.I., Dias T.C., Duengkae P., Duľa M., Durán-Antonio J., Engleder T., Ernst M., Mauricio F., Faiz A. ul H., Falaschi M., Fantacini F.M., Ferenți S., Ferrer M., Cabral Filho R.G., Filius J., Foltête J.-C., Fontes M.A.L., Quintana M.F., Gálvez D., G. Campillo L.M., Garcia N., García-Carrasco J.-M., G. Rovira N., Gavril V.D., Geller I.V., Gherghel I., Girardet X., González-Calderón A., González-Gallina A., G. Chávez E.J., Green-Barber J.M., Gunson K., Haileselasie T.H., Hamici F., Hannibal W., Hazrati M., Heber S., Hernandez A., Herrmann M., Heurich M., H. Mihart M.G., van Hooft P., Huck S., Huijser M.P., Husby M., Jaeger J.A.G., Jakubas D., Janík T., Jarrín-V P., Jirků M., Joshi N., Joshi R., Carvalho Junior M.V., Kaczmarski M., Kang W., Karthik P., Karthick S., Karunarathna S., Karuppusamy S., Kassie A., Keken Z., Kelly E., Khandakar N., Knitter D., Koç-Gür H., Kolenda K., Kotsonas E., Kubeček J., Kummoo W., Kušta T., Lahkar B.P., Langbein J., Lapadula S., L. Palma M.D., Lazaridou D., Lazarus M., Leal C.R.O., LeClair G., Lee S.-M., Lehn C.R., L. Princy J., Leontiou S., Lesbarrères D., Li Q., Litskas V., Litzgus J.D., Liu Y., L. Cabrera G., Loehr V.J.T., Vargas Lopes E., Lord I., Ludgate R., L. Ruíz R.d.C., Machado F.S., Machado R.A., M. González M., MacPherson J., Magioli M., Manenti R., Manhas A., Marchesini R.d.B, Marko A., Marneweck D.G., Martínez-Freiría F., Martins L.B., M. Zayas E.E., Mattia D.L., Mattisson J., Mayadunnage S., Mayer M., McLennan M.R., Melenciuc R., Melo F.C.S.A., Melo F.R., Meneguz P.G., Menezes J.F.S., Mesfin M., Meza-Joya F.L., Miranda J.E.S., Miyamoto A., M. Ordóñez E.J., Mohammadi A., Montori A., Morelli F., Moreno-Baez M., Moreno-Rueda G., Moriano R., Moura A.S., Mulualem G., Mundy C., Mysłajek R.W., Najafi-Majd E., Navarro S., Neda B., Nelli L., Neudert J., Nieuwenhuis M., Nowak S., Old J., Rodrigues Oliveira Santos L.G., de Oliveira J.E., Rezende Oliveira S., Orsi M.L., Ortega Z., Ottburg F.G.W.A., Özcan A.U., Özkan H., Paansri P., Pacheco Figueroa C.J., Parmelee J., Patterson-Abrolat C., Pease B.S., Pereira A.D., Pereira J.R., Pereira K.F., Pereira M., Perelló M., Peters W., P. Anchundia O., Pither R., Plante J., Plodowski G.K., Pop D.-R., Prakash L., Qashqaei A.T., Quiles P., Rai A., Ramos E., Rascon N., Rassati G., Read K., Redinger J., Revilla E., Ribeiro P., Ribeiro Y.G.G., Riley J.L., Rocha L.M., Rocha V.J., Rodríguez A., Rodríguez B., R. Soto O., Rolheiser M.J., Román J., Romportl D., Rosa C., Ryś M., Munhoz de Sá G.A., Sachet J.V., Sacramento E., Saenz J.C., Sahlean T.C., Saito E.N., Salas J.A., Šálek M., Samson A., Sanjar A., Santhoshkumar P., Plata V.M.S., dos Santos A., Santos X., Sarıkurt S., Savini T., Sayers S., Schalk C.M., Schmidt G., Seburn D., Sedoník J., Seijas A.E., Sekiama M.L., Sharma B.K., Shrestha B.R., Sidooski R., Sillero N., da Silva A.G.C., da Silva A.L.F., Silva D., Silva E.A., Slomp D.V., Soofi M., Sosa R., de Souza M., Souza W.F., Spanowicz A.G., Stanciu C.R., Stannard H., Sternberg M., Stonecipher G., Strugariu A., Suksavate W., Surasinghe T.D., Swanepoel L.H., Swarts H., Tamanaha S., Teampanpong J., Teferi M., Tejera G., Teles L.T., Tesfahunegny W., Thompson B., Tizzani P., Trakimas G., Umetsu R.K., Utsa P., Vadodariya V., Valdez Leal J.d,D., Valerio F., van der Grift E.A., van der Hoek Y., Vasava A., Velázquez N., Velo-Antón G., Vianna V.R., Vidotto-Magnoni A.P., Vogiatzakis I., Wale M., Watari Y., Williams S.T., Winter M., Woo D., Yabu M.H.S., Yadav P.B.S., Yahya M.S., Yogui D.R., Zaharia R., Zanzini A.C.S., Zeferino G., Zenere J.L., Zocche J.J., Zoel L., Zotos S., Guinard E. (Submitted).  Global roadkill data: a data set on terrestrial vertebrate mortality caused by collision with vehicles

45 - Ascensão F., Biasotto L.D.*, D’Amico M.*, Navarro L.M.,* Rebelo H., Kindel A., Branquinho C. (Under review).  Harmonizing nature and power: mainstreaming biodiversity into electric grid expansion. * equal contribution.

44 - Dhiab O., D’Amico M., Boukhriss J., Selmi S. (Under review). Risk-taking behavior in birds foraging along interurban roads

42 - D’Amico M., Brehme C.S., Colino-Rabanal V.J., Fisher R.N., Langen T.A., Petrovan S.O., Schmidt B.R., Ascensão F. (Submitted). A global risk assessment for the impact of roads on amphibians and reptiles

41 - Ascensão F., Barrientos R., D’Amico M. (Under review). A framework for large-scale risk assessment of road-related impacts when data is scarce

40 - Barrientos R., D’Amico M., Fahrig L., Teixeira F.Z., Ascensão F. (Submitted). Evaluating the impacts of linear infrastructure on wildlife abundance is fundamental for sustainable development. 

39 - D’Amico M., Catry I., Martins R.C., Moreira F. (Submitted). Wildlife and linear infrastructure: a happy ending story for white storks breeding on power lines? 

38 - Román J., Rodríguez C., Garcia-Rodriguez A., Diez-Virto I., Gutiérrez-Expósito C., Jubete F., Paniw M., Clavero M., Revilla E., D'Amico M.* (2024). Beyond crippling bias: carcass-location bias in roadkill studies. Conservation Science and Practice xxx(xxx): xxx-xxx. DOI: 10.1111/csp2.13103. Pdf. Appendix. * Corresponding author. Temporary IF (2022) = 3.1.

37 - Botting I.*, Ascensão F., Navarro L.M., Paniw M., Tablado Z., Román J., Revilla E., D'Amico M.* (2024). The road to success and the fences to be crossed: considering multiple infrastructure in landscape connectivity modelling. Wildlife Biology xxx(xxx): xxx-xxx. DOI: 10.1002/wlb3.01187. Pdf. Appendix. * Corresponding authors. Temporary IF (2022) = 1.9.

Invited to the Special Issue "Fencing as a tool for conflict management".

Post on the Blog of Wildlife Biology

Video-abstract on the Youtube Channel of Wildlife Biology

Interview on the radio station: Onda Local de Andalucía (in Spanish) 

Press releases by Doñana Biological Station CSIC and Delegación Institucional del CSIC en Andalucía y Extremadura (in Spanish)

36 - Viviano A., D’Amico M.*, Mori E. (2023). Aliens on the road: surveying wildlife road-kills to assess the risk of biological invasion. Biology 12(6): 850. DOI: 10.3390/biology12060850. Pdf. Appendix. * Corresponding author. Temporary IF (2022) = 4.2.

Invited to the Special Issue "Risk Assessment for Biological Invasions".

35 - Dhiab O., D’Amico M., Selmi S. (2023). Experimental evidence of increased carcass removal along roads by facultative scavengers. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195(1): Article 216 (8 pp.). DOI: 10.1007/s10661-022-10829-8. Pdf. Temporary IF (2022) = 3.0.

34 - Mulero-Pázmány M., Rollán L., D’Amico M., González-Suárez M. (2023). Road orientation affects the impact of roads on wildlife. Wildlife Research 50(1): 39-46. DOI: Pdf. Temporary IF (2022) = 1.9.

33 - Ascensão F., D’Amico M., Revilla E., Pereira H.M. (2022). Road encroachment mediates species occupancy, trait filtering and dissimilarity of passerine communities. Biological Conservation 270(1): 109590 (11 pp.). DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109590. Pdf. IF in year of publication = 5.9.

Preprint on - the preprint server for Biology.

32 - Biasotto L.D., Moreira F.,  Bencke G.A., D'Amico M., Kindel A., Ascensão F. (2022). Risk of bird electrocution in power lines: a framework for prioritizing species and areas for conservation and impact mitigation. Animal Conservation 25(2): 285-296. DOI: 10.1111/acv.12736. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 3.4.

31 - Fischer C., Hanslin H.M., Hovstad K.A., D’Amico M., Kollman J., Kröger S.B., Bastianelli G., Habel J.C., Rygne H., Lennartsson T. (2022). The contribution of roadsides to connect grassland habitat patches for butterflies in landscapes of contrasting permeability. Journal of Environmental Management 311(1): 114846. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114846. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 8.7.

30 - Ascensão F., D'Amico M., Barrientos R. (2022). No Planet for Apes? Assessing global priority areas and species affected by linear infrastructures. International Journal of Primatology 43(1): 57-73. DOI: 10.1007/s10764-021-00207-5. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 2.5.

Invited to the Special Issue "Principle drivers and conservation solutions to the impending primate extinction crisis".

29 - Campioni L., Marengo I., Román J., D’Amico M. (2022). Mud-puddling on roadsides: a potential ecological trap for butterflies. Journal of Insect Conservation 26(1): 131-134. DOI: 10.1007/s10841-021-00367-y. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 2.2.

28 - Kröger S.B., Hanslin H.M., Lennartsson T., D’Amico M., Kollman J., Fischer C., Albertsen E., Speed J.D.M. (2022). Impacts of roads on bird species richness: a meta-analysis considering road types, habitats and feeding guilds. Science of the Total Environment 812(1): 151478. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151478. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 9.8.

27 - D’Amico M., Barrientos R., Ascensão F. (2022). Infrastructures and Next Generation EU: mitigation and preservation areas for European mammals. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 33(Suppl.): 14. DOI: xxx. Pdf. IF in year of publication = 1.8.

Included in the Special Issue "Conference Proceedings of the XII Italian congress of Mammalogy"

26 - Ascensão F., Barrientos R., D’Amico M. (2021). Wildlife collisions put a dent in road safety. Science 374(6572): 1208. DOI: 10.1126/science.abm8468. Pdf. IF in year of publication = 63.7.

25 - Barrientos R., Ascensão F., D’Amico M., Grilo C., Pereira H.M. (2021). The lost road: do transportation networks imperil wildlife population persistence? Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 19(4): 411-416. DOI: 10.1016/j.pecon.2021.07.004. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 5.7.

Press release by the Complutense University of Madrid (in Spanish)

Highlighted by SINC-FECYT (in Spanish)

24 - Quiles P., Ascensão F., D’Amico M., Revilla E., Barrientos R. (2021). Are road-kills representative of wildlife community obtained from atlas data? Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 32(1): 89-94. DOI: 10.4404/hystrix-00396-2020. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 2.1.

23 - Dulsat-Masvidal M., Lourenço R., Lacorte S., D’Amico M., Albayrak T., Andevski J., Aradis A., Baltag E., Berger-Tal O., Berny P., Choresh Y., Duke G., Espín S., García-Fernández A.J., Gómez-Ramírez P., Hallgrimsson G.T., Jaspers V., Johansson U., Kovacs A., Krone O., Leivits M., Martínez-López E., Mateo R., Movalli P., Sánchez-Virosta P., Shore R.F., Valkama J., Vrezec A., Xirouchakis S., Walker L.A., Wernham C. (2021). A review of constraints and solutions for collecting raptor samples and contextual data for a European Raptor Biomonitoring Facility. Science of the Total Environment 793(1): 148599. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148599. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 10.8

22 - Ascensão F., D'Amico M., Martins R.C., Rebelo R., Barbosa A.M., Bencatel J., Barrientos R., Abellán P., Tella J.L., Cardador L., Anadón J., Carrete M., Murgui E., Fernandes P., Santos S., Mira A., da Luz Mathias M., Tiago P., Casabella E., Reino L., Paulo O.S., Pereira H.M., Capinha C. (2021). Distribution of alien tetrapods in the Iberian Peninsula. Neobiota 64(1): 1-21. DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.64.55597. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 4.2.

21 - Duffett D.*, D’Amico M.*, Mulero-Pázmány M., González-Suárez M. (2020). Species’ traits as predictors of avoidance towards roads and traffic. Ecological Indicators 115(1): Article 106402. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106402. Pdf. Appendix. * Shared first authorship. IF in year of publication = 5.0.

Blog entry by Dr. Manuela González-Suárez 

20 - Barrientos R., Ascensão F., D’Amico M. (2020). Inappropriate tourist behavior in protected areas can lead to wildlife road-kills. Animal Conservation 4(3): 343-344. DOI: 10.1111/acv.12547. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 3.6.

19 - Ascensão F., Kindel A., Zimmermann Teixeira F., Barrientos R., D’Amico M., Borda-de-Água L., Pereira H.M. (2019). Beware that the lack of wildlife mortality records can mask a serious impact of linear infrastructures. Global Ecology and Conservation 19(1): e00661. DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00661. Pdf. IF in year of publication = 2.5.

18 - D’Amico M., Martins R.C., Álvarez-Martínez J.M., Porto M., Barrientos R., Moreira F. (2019). Bird collisions with power lines: prioritizing species and areas by estimating potential population-level impacts. Diversity and Distribution 25(6): 975-982. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12903. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 4.0.

17 - Fabrizio M., Di Febbraro M., D'Amico M., Frate L., Roscioni F., Loy A. (2019). Habitat suitability vs landscape connectivity determining road-kill risk at a regional scale: a case study on European badger (Meles meles). European Journal of Wildlife Research 65(7): Article 7 (10 pp.). DOI: 10.1007/s10344-018-1241-7. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 1.4.

Included in the Topical Collection on Road Ecology

16 - Ascensão F., D’Amico M., Barrientos R. (2019). Validation data is needed to support modelling in Road Ecology. Biological Conservation 230(1): 199-200. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2018.12.023. Pdf. IF in year of publication = 4.7.

15 - D’Amico M., Ascensão F., Fabrizio M., Barrientos R., Gortázar C. (2018). Twenty years of Road Ecology: a Topical Collection looking forward for new perspectives. European Journal of Wildlife Research 64(3): Article 26 (2 pp.). DOI: 10.1007/s10344-018-1186-x. Pdf. IF in year of publication = 1.2.

Editorial of the Topical Collection on Road Ecology on the European Journal of Wildlife Research

Cover photo of the June Issue of the European Journal of Wildlife Research

14 - Barrientos R., Martins R.C., Ascensão F., D’Amico M., Moreira F., Borda-de-Água L. (2018). A review of searcher efficiency and carcass persistence in infrastructure-driven mortality assessment studies. Biological Conservation 222(1): 146-153. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2018.04.014. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 4.5.

13 - D’Amico M., Bastianelli G., Faraone F.P., Lo Valvo M. (2018). The spreading of the invasive Italian wall lizard on Vulcano, the last island inhabited by the critically endangered Aeolian wall lizard. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 13(1): 146-157. DOI: xxx. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 0.7.

12 - Moreira F., Martins R.C., Catry I., D’Amico M. (2018). Drivers of power line use by white storks: a case study of birds nesting on anthropogenic structures. Journal of Applied Ecology 55(5): 2263-2273. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.13149. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 5.8.

11 - D’Amico M., Catry I., Martins R.C., Ascensão F., Barrientos R., Moreira F. (2018). Bird on the wire: landscape planning considering costs and benefits for bird populations coexisting with power lines. Ambio. A Journal of the Human Environment 47(6): 650-656. DOI: 10.1007/s13280-018-1025-z. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 4.1.

10 - Silva J., Correia R., Alonso H., Martins R.C., D’Amico M., Delgado A., Sampaio H., Godinho C., Moreira F. (2018). EU protected area network did not prevent a country wide population decline in a threatened grassland bird. PeerJ 6: e4284. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4284. Pdf. Appendix 1-2-3-4. IF in year of publication = 2.4. 

Highlighted by the Portuguese newspaper Público 

9 - González-Suárez M., D’Amico M., Mulero-Pázmány M. (2017). Advancing road ecology in Africa with robust analyses and cautious inferences. A response to Jackson et al. (2017). Journal of Zoology 302(4): 224-227. DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12484. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 2.0.

8 - Moreira F., Encarnaçao V., Rosa G., Gilbert N., Infante S., Costa J., D’Amico M., Martins R.C., Catry I. (2017). Wired: impacts of increasing power line use by a growing bird population. Environmental Research Letters 12(2): 024019. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa5c74. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 4.5.

7 - Blas J., Abaurrea T., D’Amico M.*, Barcellona F., Revilla E., Román J., Carrete M. (2016). Management-related traffic as a stressor eliciting parental care in a roadside-nesting bird: the European bee-eater Merops apiaster. PLoS ONE 11(10): e0164371. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164371. Pdf. Appendix. * Corresponding author. IF in year of publication = 2.8.

6 - Mulero-Pázmány M.*, D'Amico M.*, González-Suárez M.* (2016). Ungulate behavioral responses to the heterogeneous road-network of a touristic protected area in Africa. Journal of Zoology 298(4): 233-240. DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12310. Pdf. Appendix. * Shared first authorship. IF in year of publication = 2.2. 

Cover photo of the April issue of Journal of Zoology

Highlighted by Conservation Magazine

Blog entry by Dr. Manuela González-Suárez 

5 - D'Amico M., Périquet S., Román J., Revilla E. (2016). Road avoidance responses determine the impact of heterogeneous road-networks at a regional scale. Journal of Applied Ecology 53(1): 181-190. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12572. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 5.3.

Postcard of the British Ecological Society Annual Meeting (2017)

4 - D’Amico M. (2015). On the road: the different impacts of motorized traffic on animal populations. Ardeola: International Journal of Ornithology 62(2): 431. DOI: 10.13157/arla.62.2.2015.407. Pdf. IF in year of publication = 0.7.

3 - D'Amico M., Román J., de los Reyes L., Revilla E. (2015). Vertebrate road-kill patterns in Mediterranean habitats: who, when and where. Biological Conservation 191(1): 181-190. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2015.06.010. Pdf. Appendix 1-2-3. IF in year of publication = 4.0.

2 - D'Amico M., Clevenger A.P., Román J., Revilla E. (2015). General versus specific surveys: estimating the suitability of different road-crossing structures for small mammals. The Journal of Wildlife Management 79(5): 854-860. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.900. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 1.7.

1 - D'Amico M., Tablado Z., Revilla E., Palomares F. (2014). Free housing for declining populations: optimizing the provision of artificial breeding structures. Journal for Nature Conservation 22(4): 369-376. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2014.03.006. Pdf. Appendix. IF in year of publication = 1.6.

Other scientific publications

4 - Caballero-Díaz C., Rodríguez C., Oñorbe M., García F.J., Cabezas-Díaz S., López C., Ayllón E., D’Amico M. (Submitted). Los anfibios y reptiles más atropellados en las carreteras españolas: primeros resultados del Proyecto SAFE [Amphibians and reptiles roadkilled on Spanish roads: preliminary results from SAFE Project]. In Spanish.  

3 - D’Amico M., Ascensão F., Barrientos R. (2019). Towards a unified framework for studying the impact of linear infrastructures. Journal of Brief Ideas [online]. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2548952. Pdf.

2 - D’Amico M., Rouco C., Russell J.C., Román J., Revilla E. (2013). Invaders on the road: synanthropic bird foraging along highways. Oecologia Australis 17(1): 86-95. DOI: 10.4257/oeco.2013.1701.08. Pdf.

Invited to the Special Issue "Road Ecology"

1 - D'Amico M., Rivilla J.C. (2006). Primera cita de calderón gris Grampus griseus (Cuvier, 1812) en la provincia de Huelva [First record of Risso's dolphin Grampus griseus (Cuvier, 1812) in the province of Huelva]. Galemys, Spanish Journal of Mammalogy. 18(1-2): 27-31. DOI: xxx. Pdf. In Spanish.

Signatures supporting scientific articles

3 - Pe'er G., Bonn A., Bruelheide H., Dieker P., Eisenhauer N., Feindt P.H., Hagedorn, G., Hansjürgens B., Herzon I., Lomba A., Marquard E., Moreira F., Nitsch H., Oppermann R., Perino A., Röder N., Schleyer S., Wolf C., Zinngrebe Y., Lakner S., and 3647 signatories (2020). Action needed for the EU Common Agricultural Policy to address sustainability challenges. People and Nature 2(2): 305-316. DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10080. Pdf.

2 - Ripple W.J., Wolf C., Newsome T.M., Barnard P., Moomaw W.R., and 11258 signatories (2020). World scientists' warning of a climate emergency. Bioscience 70(1): 8-12. DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biz088. Pdf.

1 - Kehoe L., Reis T., Virah-Sawmy M., Balmford A., Kuemmerle T., and 604 signatories (2019). Make EU trade with Brazil sustainable. Science 364(6438): 341. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaw8276. Pdf.

Popular science publications

7 - Rodríguez C., Oñorbe, M., Cabezas-Díaz S., Caballero-Díaz C., García F.J., D’Amico M. (2024). Proyecto SAFE: más de 8500 atropellos de fauna detectados [SAFE Project: more than 8500 roadkills detected]. Quercus 456 (February): xxx-xxx. Pdf. In Spanish.

6 - Botting I., D’Amico M. (2023). The road to success and the fences to be crossed. Wildlife Biology Blog. Pdf.

5 - Rodríguez C., Román J., Garcia-Rodriguez A., Rivilla J.C., D’Amico M., Oñorbe, M. (2023). Fauna atropellada: el Proyecto SAFE evalúa los muestreos [Road-killed wildlife: SAFE Project evaluates the surveys]. Quercus 448 (June): 48-49. Pdf. In Spanish.

4 - Tella J.L., Clavero M., Vilà M., Delibes M., Revilla E., Traveset A., Valladares F., Maestre F.T., Carrete M., and other 800 researchers (2021). Derechos de los animales y conservación de la biodiversidad [Animal rights and biodiversity conservation]. El País 16/10/2021. Pdf. In Spanish.

Interview to Dr. Miguel Clavero by Podcastidae (in Spanish)

3 - Barrientos R., Ascensão F., D’Amico M. (2020). Sobre la eficacia de las medidas destinadas a reducir atropellos de fauna [On the effectiveness of mitigation measures aimed to reduce wildlife road-kills]. Quercus 409 (March): 66. Pdf. In Spanish.

2 - Moreira F., Martins R.C., D’Amico M., Catry I., Hall M., Marques A.T., Silva J.P. (2016). Cátedra REN em Biodiversidade. Aumentando o conhecimento científico sobre a interação entre aves e linhas de transporte de eletricidade [REN Biodiversity Chair. Increasing the scientific knowledge on the interactions between birds and transmission power lines]. Pardela 53: 23-25. Pdf. In Portuguese.

1 - Pérez-Méndez N., Camacho C., Polaina, E., Rodríguez R., González-Moreno P., Pastor-Beviá D., Hernández-Pliego J., Gómez J., Gonzalez-Borrajo N., Ferraguti M., Dugo-Cota A., Marmesat E., Jácome-Flores M., Montero-Castaño A., D'Amico M., Rodríguez-Rodríguez M.C., Burraco P., Gilarranz J.L., Soto-Navarro C. (2014). Un tránsito de lo muy local a lo internacional. Líneas de investigación abiertas en la Estación Biológica de Doñana [A change from very local to international scale. Current research lines of Doñana Biological Station]. Quercus 343: 52-60. Pdf. In Spanish.


1 - D'Amico M., Barrientos R., Ascensão F. (Accepted). Road Ecology: synthesis and perspectives. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham (Switzerland). xxx pp. Pdf

3 - Ament R., Clevenger A.P., van der Ree R., Editors (2023). Addressing ecological connectivity in the development of roads, railways and canals. Transport Working Group (TWG) of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Connectivity Conservation Specialist Group (CCSG). Technical Report Series No. 5. Gland (Switzerland). 129 pp. Pdf.

Book chapters

8 - Barrientos R., Ascensão F., [...], D’Amico M. (Accepted). Research needs in Road Ecology. In: Road Ecology: synthesis and perspectives (Eds: D'Amico M., Barrientos R., Ascensão F.). Pages xxx-xxx. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham (Switzerland). Pdf.

7 - Kollmann J., Uhe L., D’Amico M., Habel J.C., Heger T., Kröger S.B., Lennartsson T., Hanslin H.M. (Accepted). Roadsides as novel ecosystems and potential ecological traps: reviewing the state of knowledge (Eds: D'Amico M., Barrientos R., Ascensão F.). Pages xxx-xxx. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham (Switzerland). Pdf.

6 - Lennartsson T., D’Amico M., Linkowski W.A., Hanslin H.M., Kollmann J., Kröger S.B., Uhe L., Westin A., Wissman J. (Accepted). Roadside habitats: communities and ecology. In: Road Ecology: synthesis and perspectives (Eds: D'Amico M., Barrientos R., Ascensão F.). Pages xxx-xxx. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham (Switzerland). Pdf.

5 - Hossin S.A., Lacorte S., D’Amico M. (Accepted). Chemical pollution due to roads. In: Road Ecology: synthesis and perspectives (Eds: D'Amico M., Barrientos R., Ascensão F.). Pages xxx-xxx. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham (Switzerland). Pdf.

4 - D’Amico M., et al. (Accepted). Impacts of roads on animal behavior. In: Road Ecology: synthesis and perspectives (Eds: D'Amico M., Barrientos R., Ascensão F.). Pages xxx-xxx. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham (Switzerland). Pdf.

3 - D’Amico M., et al. (Accepted). A conceptual framework for road mortality. In: Road Ecology: synthesis and perspectives (Eds: D'Amico M., Barrientos R., Ascensão F.). Pages xxx-xxx. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham (Switzerland). Pdf.

2 - Samia D.S.M., Angeloni L.M., Bearzi M., Bessa E., Crooks K.R., D’Amico M., Ellenberg U., Geffroy B., Larson C.L., Loyola R., Møller A.P., Reed S.E., Sadoul B., Shannon, G., Tablado Z., Zacarias D., Blumstein D.T. (2017). Best practices towards sustainable ecotourism. In: Ecotourism’s promise and peril: a biological evaluation (Eds: Blumstein D.T., Geffroy B., Samia D.S.M., Bessa E.). Pages 153-178. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham (Switzerland). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58331-0_10. Pdf.

1 - Tablado Z., D'Amico M. (2017). Impacts of terrestrial animal tourism. In: Ecotourism’s promise and peril: a biological evaluation (Eds: Blumstein D.T., Geffroy B., Samia D.S.M., Bessa E.). Pages 97-115. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham (Switzerland). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58331-0_7. Pdf

My theses

3 - D'Amico M. (2015). On the road: los distintos impactos del tráfico motorizado sobre poblaciones animales [On the road: the different impacts of motorized traffic on animal populations]. PhD Thesis. Supervisors: Revilla E., Román J.; Doñana Biological Station (CSIC) and Pablo de Olavide University, Seville (Spain). DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2748.4967. Pdf. In Spanish and English.

Reviewed in PhD-Dissertation Reviews in Ornithology (2014-2015 Academic Year); Ardeola: International Journal of Ornithology. 62(2): 407-437. Pdf.

2 - D'Amico M. (2009). Amphibian road-kills in Mediterranean habitats. Master Thesis. Supervisors: Revilla E., Román J.; Doñana Biological Station (CSIC) and Pablo de Olavide University, Seville (Spain). DOI: xxx. Pdf.

1 - D'Amico M. (2008). Il coniglio selvatico europeo come preda fondamentale per la lince iberica: misure di conservazione in un ripopolamento a grande scala [The European wild rabbit as staple prey for the Iberian lynx: conservation measures in a large-scale restocking]. Degree Thesis. Supervisors: Palomares F., Boitani L.; Doñana Biological Station (CSIC) and Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). DOI: xxx. Pdf. In Italian.

Supervised theses

9 - Suárez-Couselo M. (ongoing). The impact of roads on wetlands. PhDThesis. Supervisors: Silva-Sánchez N., D'Amico M.; xxx University, xxx (Spain). DOI: xxx. Pdf.

8 - Liberati L. (ongoing). The impact of roads and traffic on the short-range endemic Doñana wolf spider. MSc Thesis. Supervisors: D'Amico M., Fochetti R.; Tuscia University, Viterbo (Italy). DOI: xxx. Pdf.

7 - Inés-Puebla A. (2023). Global patterns of powerline electrocution in mammals. MSc Thesis. Supervisors: D'Amico M., Biasotto L.; Pablo de Olavide University, Seville (Spain). DOI: xxx. Pdf.

6 - Gómez-Peña G. (2023). Estimating actual roadkill impact by accounting for roadkill-survey biases. MSc Thesis. Supervisors: D'Amico M., Paniw M.; Pablo de Olavide University, Seville (Spain). DOI: xxx. Pdf.

5 - Yáñez-da-Silva C. (2023). The impact of traffic on reproductive success of a roadside-breeding bird. MSc Thesis. Supervisors: D'Amico M., Blas J.; Pablo de Olavide University, Seville (Spain). DOI: xxx. Pdf.

4 - Suárez-Couselo M. (2022). Roads facilitate population spreading in ground-nesting European bee-eaters. MSc Thesis. Supervisors: D'Amico M., Blas J.; Pablo de Olavide University, Seville (Spain). DOI: xxx. Pdf.

3 - Fabrizio M. (2019). Road-kill risk models for mustelids in Italy. PhD Thesis. Supervisors: Loy A., D'Amico M.; University of Molise, Isernia (Italy). DOI: xxx. Pdf.

2 - Ferrara A. (2019). Sviluppo di un metodo analitico per l’analisi di contaminanti nel sangue di rapace [Development of an analytical method for the analysis of contaminants in the blood of birds of prey]. BSc Thesis. Supervisors: Albrizio S., D'Amico M.; University of Naples Federico II (Italy). DOI: xxx. Pdf. In Italian.

1 - Cuzzi C. (2019). Estrazione e analisi di contaminanti organici persistenti in campioni di suolo del Parco Nazionale di Doñana: applicazione del metodo completo per l'analisi di micro-inquinanti in polvere domestica [Extraction and analysis of persistent organic pollutants in soil samples of Doñana National Park: application of comprehensive method for the analysis of micro-pollutants in indoor dust]. BSc Thesis. Supervisors: Albrizio S., D'Amico M.; University of Naples Federico II (Italy). DOI: xxx. Pdf. In Italian.

Conference presentations

69 - D'Amico M., Rodriguez C. (2024). Avances PT9, #ProyectoSAFE, Estudio piloto recopilación datos de atropellos, eBoletín GTFHT. XXVIII Reunión del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Fragmentación de Hábitats causada por Infraestructuras de Transporte (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico). Madrid (Spain). Oral presentation (Invited talk). Abstract.

68 - D’Amico M., Rodriguez C., Clavero M., García-Rodríguez A., Ascensão F., Gómez-Peña G., Paniw M., Román J., Revilla E. (2023). SAFE  Project:  an overview of preliminary results concerning mammal roadkills in Spain. XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) [14th Congress of SECEM (Spanish Society of Mammalogists)]. Granollers (Spain). Oral presentation, in Spanish. Abstract.

67 - Gómez-Peña G., Rodríguez C., Román J., García-Rodríguez A., Clavero M., Paniw M., Revilla E., D’Amico M. (2023). Estimating roadkill impact by accounting for survey bias. VI Congreso Internacional CONSERBIO de Biodiversidad y Conservación de la Naturaleza: Divulgación y transferencia del conocimiento entre los distintos sectores de la sociedad [VI CONSERBIO International Conference on Biodiversity and Nature Conservation: Dissemination and knowledge transfer among different sectors of society]. Huelva (Spain). Oral presentation, in Spanish. Abstract.

66 - Yañez-da-Silva C., Blas J., Suarez-Couselo M.A., Román J., Revilla E., D’Amico M. (2023). The impact of road traffic on the reproductive success of a roadside-breeding bird: a case study on European bee-eaters in Doñana. VI Congreso Internacional CONSERBIO de Biodiversidad y Conservación de la Naturaleza: Divulgación y transferencia del conocimiento entre los distintos sectores de la sociedad [VI CONSERBIO International Conference on Biodiversity and Nature Conservation: Dissemination and knowledge transfer among different sectors of society]. Huelva (Spain). Oral presentation, in Spanish. Abstract.

65 - D'Amico M. (2023). Proyecto SAFE: marco conceptual, avances e implicaciones para la desfragmentación de infraestructuras de transporte. Jornadas sobre Restauración Ecológica y vías de transporte (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, Proyecto LIFE LynxConnect, Proyecto LIFE Safe-Crossing). Seville (Spain). Oral presentation (Invited talk).

64 - D'Amico M. (2023). Temas emergentes en Ecología de carreteras. 3ª Jornada de participación del Plan Nacional de Desfragmentación de Infraestructuras Lineales de Transporte (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico). Madrid (Spain). Oral presentation (Invited talk). 

63 - D'Amico M. (2022). NaturaConnect. Designing a resilient and coherent Trans-European network for nature and people. 1ª Jornada de participación del Plan Nacional de Desfragmentación de Infraestructuras Lineales de Transporte. Madrid (Spain). Oral presentation (Invited talk).

62 - Ascensão F., Gortázar C., D’Amico M. (2022). Wildlife mortality in energy and transport infrastructure: calling for data! IENE (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe) International Conference (Connecting people, connecting landscapes). Cluj-Napoca (Romania). Poster presentation. Abstract.

61 - D'Amico M., Barrientos R., Ascensão F. (2022). “Road Ecology: Synthesis and Perspectives”: an upcoming book on Road Ecology. IENE (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe) International Conference (Connecting people, connecting landscapes). Cluj-Napoca (Romania). Poster presentation. Abstract.

60 - Patriarca A., Cippitelli V., Puddu G., D’Amico M. (2022). Environmental and traffic-related factors determining wildlife road-kills threatening human safety in Mediterranean landscapes. IENE (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe) International Conference (Connecting people, connecting landscapes). Cluj-Napoca (Romania). Oral presentation. Abstract.

59 - Rhodes H., Ascensão F., Barrientos R., Clavero M., García-Rodríguez A., Rodriguez C., Román J., Revilla E., D’Amico M. (2022). A global assessment of the impact of scavengers in roadkill persistence. IENE (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe) International Conference (Connecting people, connecting landscapes). Cluj-Napoca (Romania). Oral presentation. Abstract.

58 - Suárez-Couselo M., Blas J., Román J., Bastianelli G., Carrete M., Revilla E., D’Amico M. (2022). Roads as drivers of population spreading: the case study of bee-eaters in Doñana. IENE (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe) International Conference (Connecting people, connecting landscapes). Cluj-Napoca (Romania). Oral presentation. Abstract.

57 - D’Amico M., Brehme C.S., Colino-Rabanal V.J., Langen T.A., Petrovan S.O., Schmidt B.R., Ascensão F.  (2022). A global risk assessment for the impact of roads on amphibians and reptiles. XIV Congresso Nazionale della Societas Herpetologica Italica (SHI) [14th National Congress of the Societas Herpetologica Italica (SHI)]. Turin (Italy). Oral presentation. Abstract.

56 - D’Amico M., Barrientos R., Ascensão F. (2022). Infrastructure and Next Generation EU: mitigation and preservation areas for mammals at an European scale. XII Congresso Italiano di Teriologia [12th Congress of the Italian Society of Mammalogy (ATIt)]. Cogne (Italy). Oral presentation. Abstract.

55 - Ascensão F., D’Amico M., Barrientos R. (2021). Human Footprint as basal information for detecting connectivity corridors for large carnivores. XV Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) [14th Congress of SECEM (Spanish Society of Mammalogists)]. Cordoba (Spain). Oral presentation. Abstract.

54 - D’Amico M., Barrientos R., Ascensão F. (2021). Infraestructuras y Next Generation EU: áreas de mitigación y de preservación para mamíferos a escala europea [Infrastructure and Next Generation EU: mitigation and preservation areas for mammals at an European scale]. XV Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) [14th Congress of SECEM (Spanish Society of Mammalogists)]. Cordoba (Spain). Oral presentation, in Spanish. Abstract (in Spanish).

53 - Barrientos R., Ascensão F., D’Amico M., Grilo C., Pereira H.M. (2021). Las carreteras como amenaza para la persistencia de poblaciones animales [Roads as a threat for the persistence of animal populations]. XV Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre (AEET) [XV Conference of the Ecological Association of Terrestrial Ecology (AEET)], Plasencia (Spain). Poster presentation. Abstract (in Spanish).

52 - Campioni L., Madeiros J., Oró-Nolla B., Granadeiro J.P., Lacorte S., Marengo I., D’Amico M., Silva M.C (2021). Beyond safe land: revealing the oceanic distribution and exposure to anthropogenic contaminants of the globally endangered Bermuda petrel. 3rd World Seabird Conference (WSC3), Online. Oral presentation. Abstract.

51 - Revilla E., Barón A., D’Amico M., Rivilla J.C., Rodríguez C., Román J. (2021). Estimating roadkill risk when there is no roadkill data. IENE (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe) International Conference (LIFE LINES - Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions). Evora (Portugal), Online. Oral presentation. Abstract.

50 - Biasotto L., Moreira F., Bencke G.A., D’Amico M., Kindel A., Ascensão F. (2021). Risk of bird electrocution in powerlines: a framework for prioritizing species and areas for conservation and impact mitigation. IENE (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe) International Conference (LIFE LINES - Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions). Evora (Portugal), Online. Oral presentation. Abstract.

49 - Kroeger S., D’Amico M., Hanslin H.M., Hovstad K.A., Kollman J., Lennartsson T. (2021). Importance of roadside habitats for biodiversity: what do we know? IENE (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe) International Conference (LIFE LINES - Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions). Evora (Portugal), Online. Oral presentation. Abstract.

48 - Hanslin H.M., Kollman J., Kroeger S., Uhe L., Behrendt S., Wissman J., Lennartsson T., Habel J.C., D’Amico M., Hovstad K.A. (2021). How do roads affect the ecological processes and biodiversity? Summing up a systematic literature review for the decade 2008-2018. IENE (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe) International Conference (LIFE LINES - Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions). Evora (Portugal), Online. Oral presentation. Abstract.

47 - Quiles P., Ascensão F., D’Amico M., Revilla E., Barrientos R. (2021). Are large-scale citizen science data precise enough to determine road-kill patterns? IENE (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe) International Conference (LIFE LINES - Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions). Evora (Portugal), Online. Oral presentation. Abstract.

46 - Barrientos R., Ascensão F., D’Amico M., Grilo C., Pereira H.M. (2021). Towards next level in Road Ecology: from counting road-kills to assessing population impacts. IENE (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe) International Conference (LIFE LINES - Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions). Evora (Portugal), Online. Oral presentation. Abstract.

45 - González-Suárez M., Duffet D., Mulero-Pázmány M., D’Amico M. (2020). Using species' trait data to predict of wildlife behavioural responses towards roads and traffic. British Ecological Society’s (BES) Annual Meeting - a Festival of Ecology, Online. Poster presentation. Abstract. 

44 - Mulero-Pázmány M., Duffet D., D’Amico M., González-Suárez M. (2020). Species' traits as predictors of avoidance responses to roads and traffic: a case study on African ungulates. 18th Savanna Science Network Meeting, Kruger National Park (South Africa). Oral presentation. Abstract. 

43 - Ascensão F., D’Amico M., Barrientos R., Pereira H.M., Revilla E. (2019). Hacia  una evaluación del riesgo a escala global de los impactos que las carreteras tienen sobre los Mustélidos [Towards a global-scale assessment of road-related impacts for Mustelids], XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) [14th Congress of SECEM (Spanish Society of Mammalogists)]. Jaca (Spain). Oral presentation, in Spanish. Abstract (in Spanish and English).

42 - Quiles P., Ascensão F., D’Amico M., Revilla E., Barrientos R. (2019). ¿Pueden los datos de ciencia ciudadana detectar patrones en los atropellos de fauna? [Can citizen-science data detect wildlife road-kill patterns?], XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) [14th Congress of SECEM (Spanish Society of Mammalogists)]. Jaca (Spain). Oral presentation, in Spanish. Abstract (in Spanish and English).

41 - D’Amico M., Ascensão F., Barrientos R., Gortázar C. (2019). Ecología  de Carreteras en el European Journal of Wildlife Research: una nueva Topical Collection y un llamamiento para datos de mortalidad en mamíferos [Road ecology on the European Journal of Wildlife Research: a new Topical Collection and a call for mortality data in mammals], XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) [14th Congress of SECEM (Spanish Society of Mammalogists)]. Jaca (Spain). Poster presentation, in Spanish. Abstract (in Spanish and English).

40 - D’Amico M., Duffett D., Mulero-Pázmány M., González-Suárez M. (2019). Las  características específicas intrínsecas como predictores de los impactos de carreteras y tráfico: un ejemplo con ungulados africanos [Species' traits as predictors of road and traffic impacts: a case study with African ungulates], XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) [14th Congress of SECEM (Spanish Society of Mammalogists)]. Jaca (Spain). Oral presentation, in Spanish. Abstract (in Spanish and English).

39 - Vrezec A., Wernham C., Lourenço R., Leivits M., Andevski J., Johansson U., Martínez-López E., Krone O., Kohl I., Kocijančič S., Espín S., Peniche G., Duke G., Shore R., García-Fernández A.J., Movalli P., Mateo R., Sarajlić N., Baltag E., Choresh Y., D’Amico M., Denac D., Genero F., Mulej A., Robinson R., Sánchez -Virosta P., Saurola P., Hallgrímsson G.T., Velevski M., Gómez-Ramírez P. (2019). European Raptor Biomonitoring Facility (ERBF) for pan-European contaminant monitoring in raptors. 6th World Owl Conference (WOC), Pune (India). Video presentation. Abstract.

38 - Revilla E., Barón A., D’Amico M., Rivilla J.C., Román J. (2019). Estimación indirecta del riesgo de atropello a múltiples escalas cuando no hay datos de atropellos [Indirect estimation of multi-scale roadkill risk when there is no roadkill data]. VI Jornadas Técnicas del Grupo de Trabajo de Fragmentación de Hábitats causada por Infraestructuras de Transporte (Mortalidad de fauna en vías de transporte - Conocimiento actual y avances metodológicos) [6th Technical Conference of the Working Group on Habitat Fragmentation due to Transport Infrastructures (Wildlife mortality on transport infrastructures - Current knowledge and methodological advances)]. Barcelona (Spain). Oral presentation, in Spanish (Invited talk). Abstract (in Spanish and English).

37 - D’Amico M. (2019). A conceptual framework for road-kill risk considering susceptibility and exposure. VI Jornadas Técnicas del Grupo de Trabajo de Fragmentación de Hábitats causada por Infraestructuras de Transporte (Mortalidad de fauna en vías de transporte - Conocimiento actual y avances metodológicos) [6th Technical Conference of the Working Group on Habitat Fragmentation due to Transport Infrastructures (Wildlife mortality on transport infrastructures - Current knowledge and methodological advances)]. Barcelona (Spain). Oral presentation (Invited talk). Abstract.

36 - D’Amico M., Ascensão F., Barrientos R., Gortázar C. (2019). Road ecology on the European Journal of Wildlife Research: a new Topical Collection and a call for mortality data in birds. 20th Italian Congress for Ornithology (XX CIO), Naples (Italy). Poster presentation. Abstract.

35 - D’Amico M., Ascensão F., Barrientos R. (2019). The impact of linear infrastructures on birds: an upgrade to population- and ecosystem-level research. 20th Italian Congress for Ornithology (XX CIO), Naples (Italy). Oral presentation. Abstract.

34 - Revilla E., Barón A., D’Amico M., Rivilla J.C., Román J. (2019). Indirect estimation of regional roadkill risk when there is no roadkill data. The 2019 International Conference on Ecology & Transportation (ICOET), Sacramento (USA). Poster presentation. Abstract.

33 - Kroeger S., Hanslin H.M., Hovstad K.A., Kollmann J., Lennartsson T., D’Amico M. (2019). Effects of road infrastructure on biodiversity: the good, the bad and the unknown. The 2019 International Conference on Ecology & Transportation (ICOET), Sacramento (USA). Oral presentation. Abstract.

32 - D’Amico M., Ascensão F., Barrientos R., Gortázar C. (2019). Road ecology on the European Journal of Wildlife Research: a new Topical Collection and a call for mortality data. 29th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). Poster presentation. Abstract.

31 - D’Amico M., Martins R.C., Álvarez-Martínez J.M., Porto M., Barrientos R., Moreira F. (2019). Prioritizing species and areas by estimating potential population-level impacts by linear infrastructures. 29th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). Oral presentation. Abstract.

30 - Moreira F., D’Amico M., Martins R.C., Porto M., Álvarez-Martínez J.M., Barrientos R. (2019). Bird collisions with power lines: a method to identify sensitive species and geographic areas to help onshore grid route planning. CIGRÉ (Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Électriques) Symposium, Aalborg (Denmark). Oral presentation. Abstract.

29 - Mulero-Pázmány M., Terreros-Martín J., Jones A., González-Suárez M.,  D'Amico M., Revilla E., Acevedo P., Vicente J., Galán J.M. (2019). Drones and camera traps to study animal trail networks in Doñana National Park. 4th Natura 2000 Monitoring Workshop (The roles of new technologies and citizen science), Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Spain). Oral presentation. Abstract.

28 - D'Amico M., De Osma Vargas-Machuca A., Román J., Figuerola J., Revilla E. (2019). Beach-nesting birds selecting areas with high off-road traffic during pre-breeding season. 5th World Seabird Twitter Conference #WSTC5, Twitter. Twitter presentation. Abstract.

27 - Mulero-Pázmány M., Duffet D., D’Amico M., González-Suárez M. (2019). Species traits as predictors of road-avoidance responses in African ungulates. African Conference for Linear Infrastructure and Ecology (ACLIE), Kruger National Park (South Africa). Oral presentation. Abstract. 

26 - D’Amico M., Ascensão F., Barrientos R., Gortázar C. (2019). Road ecology on the European Journal of Wildlife Research: a new Topical Collection calling for African studies. African Conference for Linear Infrastructure and Ecology (ACLIE), Kruger National Park (South Africa). Oral presentation. Abstract. 

25 - Moreira F., Martins R.C., Catry I., D’Amico M. (2018). Drivers of bird nesting on anthropogenic structures: a case study on storks and power lines. British Ornithologists' Union (BOU) Twitter Conference 2018 #BOU18TC, Twitter. Twitter presentation. Abstract.

24 - Hanslin H.M., Kallioniemi E., Kollmann J., Bär A.K., Johansen L., Wissman J., Lennartsson T., Habel J.C., D’Amico M., Lacorte S., Hovstad K.A. (2018). Ecology in Practice: Improving infrastructure habitats along roads (EPIC ROADS) - A new CEDR project. IENE (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe) International Conference (Crossing borders for a greener and sustainable transport infrastructure), Eindhoven (Netherlands). Poster presentation. Abstract

23 - Ascensão F., D’Amico M., Barrientos R., Revilla E., Pereira H.M. (2018). Frontiers for conservation: targeting European borders as conservation areas. IENE (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe) International Conference (Crossing borders for a greener and sustainable transport infrastructure), Eindhoven (Netherlands). Oral presentation. Abstract

22 - D’Amico M., Bastianelli G., Faraone F.P., Lo Valvo M. (2018). The spreading of the invasive Italian wall lizard on Vulcano: a threat to the last populations of the critically endangered Aeolian wall lizard. 1st International Twitter Conference of Herpetology #IHERP18, Twitter. Twitter presentation. Abstract

21 - Barrientos R., Ascensão F., D’Amico M., Borda-de-Água L., Pereira H.M. (2018). Where is Road Ecology going? 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology (ECCB), Jyväskylä (Finland). Oral presentation. Abstract

20 - Ascensão F., Pereira H.M., D’Amico M., Revilla E., Barrientos R. (2018). Frontiers for conservation: targeting European borders as conservation areas. 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology (ECCB), Jyväskylä (Finland). Oral presentation. Abstract

19 - De Osma Vargas-Machuca A., D'Amico M., Román J., Figuerola J., Revilla E. (2018). Off-road vehicles on the beach determining ecological trap for ground-nesting birds. 4th World Seabird Twitter Conference #WSTC4, Twitter. Twitter presentation. Abstract.

18 - D’Amico M., Ascensão F., Barrientos R., Moreira F. (2017). El impacto sinérgico de diferentes infraestructuras lineares en la probabilidad de presencia de mamíferos [Synergistic effect of different linear infrastructures on the presence probability of mammals], XIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) [13th Congress of SECEM (Spanish Society of Mammalogists)]. Guadalajara (Spain). Oral presentation, in Spanish. Abstract (in Spanish and English).

17 - Fabrizio M., Di Febbraro M., D'Amico M., Frate L., Roscioni F., Loy A. (2017). A road risk map for the European badger (Meles meles) in Central Italy. 32nd European Mustelid Colloquium, Lyon (France). Oral presentation. Abstract.

16 - Novoa D.C., Fattebert J., D'Amico M., Mulero-Pázmány M., Hunter L., Janse van Rensburg J., González-Suárez M. (2017). Temporal patterns in ungulate distribution along the road-network of a South African protected area. 28th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB), Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). Poster presentation. Abstract.

15 - D’Amico M., Ascensão F., Barrientos R. (2017). New perspectives in Road ecology: the need for a switch to population- and ecosystem-level research. 4th Conference of the Study Center for Ecological Networks: Road ecology experiences: research, planning and design for the ecological sustainability of infrastructures, Pettorano sul Gizio (Italy). Oral presentation (Invited talk). Abstract.

14 - Barrientos R., Martins R.C., Ascensão F., D’Amico M., Moreira F., Pereira H.M., Borda-de-Água L. (2017). A meta-analysis of carcass disappearance field experiments in conservation biology with guidelines for future trials. The 2017 International Conference on Ecology & Transportation (ICOET), Salt Lake City (USA). Oral presentation. Abstract.

13 - D'Amico M., De Osma Vargas-Machuca A., Román J., Figuerola J., Revilla E. (2017). Motorized vehicles on protected beaches affecting resting-site selection for threatened seabirds. 3rd World Seabird Twitter Conference #WSTC3, Twitter. Twitter presentation. Abstract.

12 - D'Amico M., De Osma Vargas-Machuca A., Román J., Figuerola J., Revilla E. (2016). Terrestrial threats to seabirds: motorized vehicles on the beach affect gull resting-site selection. 2nd World Seabird Twitter Conference #WSTC2, Twitter. Twitter presentation. Abstract.

11 - D'Amico M., Román J., Clevenger A.P., de los Reyes L., Périquet S., Quirós F., Revilla E. (2015). Ecología de Carreteras y mamíferos: atropellos, efecto barrera y medidas de mitigación [Road ecology and mammals: road-kills, barrier effect and mitigation measures], XII Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) [12th Congress of SECEM (Spanish Society of Mammalogists)]. Burgos (Spain). Oral presentation, in Spanish. Abstract (in Spanish and English).

10 - González-Suárez M., Mulero-Pázmány M., D'Amico M. (2015). Impalas on the road: assessing ungulate behavioral responses to the heterogeneous road-network of Kruger National Park. 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB) and 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology (ECCB), Montpellier (France). Oral presentation. Abstract.

9 - D'Amico M., Périquet S., Román J., Revilla E. (2013). Efecto barrera en ungulados a lo largo de redes viarias heterogéneas [Barrier effect and ungulates along heterogeneous road-networks]. XI Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) [11th Congress of SECEM (Spanish Society of Mammalogists)], Avilés (Spain). Oral presentation, in Spanish. Abstract (in Spanish and English).

8 - Barón A., D'Amico M., Rivilla J.C., Román J., Revilla E. (2011). Evaluación indirecta del riesgo de atropello en caminos del Espacio Natural de Doñana [Indirect evaluation of road-kill risk along the unpaved roads of Doñana Natural Area], X Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) [10th Congress of SECEM (Spanish Society of Mammalogists)]. Fuengirola (Spain). Poster presentation, in Spanish. Abstract (in Spanish and English).

7 - D'Amico M., Román J., de los Reyes L., Revilla E. (2011). Características de vía y entorno que determinan la localización de los atropellos de mamíferos en hábitats mediterráneos [Road-related and environmental features determining spatial distribution of mammal road-kills in Mediterranean habitats], X Congreso de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) [10th Congress of SECEM (Spanish Society of Mammalogists)]. Fuengirola (Spain). Oral presentation, in Spanish. Abstract (in Spanish and English).

6 - D'Amico M., Román J., de los Reyes L., Revilla E. (2009). Atropellos de vertebrados en hábitats mediterráneos: ¿son diferentes los mamíferos? [Road-kill patterns in Mediterranean habitats: are the mammals different from other vertebrates?],  IX Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) [9th Congress of SECEM (Spanish Society of Mammalogists)]. Bilbao (Spain). Oral presentation, in Spanish. Abstract (in Spanish).

5 - D'Amico M., Rodriguez-Llanes J.M., Román J., Revilla E. (2009). Meso-vertebrate road-kills in Mediterranean landscapes: a preliminary approximation.  IENE (Infrastructure and Ecology Network Europe) Open Day (Transport Infrastructure of the 21st Century: Connecting People and Wildlife). Evora (Portugal). Poster presentation. Abstract.

4 - D'Amico M., Tablado Z., Palomares F. (2008). Survival in large-scale European wild rabbit restockings. 3rd World Lagomorph Conference, Morelia (Mexico). Poster presentation. Abstract.

3 - D'Amico M., Revilla E., Palomares F. (2007). Reproducción en una población translocada de conejo silvestre en la Reserva Biológica de Doñana [Reproduction in a wild rabbit population translocated to Doñana Biological Reserve],  VIII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) [8th Congress of SECEM (Spanish Society of Mammalogists)]. Huelva (Spain). Oral presentation, in Spanish. Abstract (in Spanish).

2 - Rivilla J.C., Alís S., Cobo D., D'Amico M., López-Bao J.V., Viota M., Tablado Z., Martínez-Fonturbel A. (2005). Situación de la marsopa común (Phocoena phocoena) en aguas onubenses [Status of the harbour porpoise (Phoecena phoecena) along the coast of Huelva province (Spain)], VII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) [7th Congress of SECEM (Spanish Society of Mammalogists)]. Valencia (Spain). Poster presentation, in Spanish. Abstract (in Spanish and English).

1 - D'Amico M., Palomares F. (2005). Mortalidad post-suelta en una población de conejo silvestre (Oryctolagus cuniculus) translocada en la Reserva Biológica de Doñana [Post-release mortality in a wild rabbit population (Oryctolagus cuniculus) translocated to Doñana Biological Reserve]. VII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM) [7th Congress of SECEM (Spanish Society of Mammalogists)], Valencia (Spain). Oral presentation, in Spanish. Abstract (in Spanish and English).

Scientific-technical reports

12 - Lennartsson T., Axelsson-Linkowski W., Wissman J., Westin A., D'Amico M., Kollman J., Uhe L., Kröger S.B., Bastianelli G., Kallioniemi E., Hovstad K.A., Hanslin H.M. (2023). Roadside habitats and biodiversity conservation - a literature review with focus on vascular plants and arthropods. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Swedish Biodiversity Centre, CBM:s skriftserie nr 126. Uppsala (Sweden). 

11 - Kollman J., Angermeier-Scharl T., EPICroads Consortium (2021). EPICroads – Ecology in practice: Improving infrastructure habitats along roads. Development of a classification system that evaluates roadside habitats in Europe. Report for CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads) Transnational Road Research Programme Call 2016: Biodiversity, Brussels (Belgium). 

10 - Hanslin H.M.*, Kröger S.B., Bastianelli G., Lennartsson T.*, Axelsson-Linkowski W., Wissman J., Westin A., D'Amico M.*, Fischer C., Kollman J.* (2021). EPICroads – Ecology in practice: Improving infrastructure habitats along roads. Practical Guidelines Ecology in practice: improving infrastructure habitats along roads. Report for CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads) Transnational Road Research Programme Call 2016: Biodiversity, Brussels (Belgium). * Chapters' leaders.

9 - Lennartsson T., Axelsson-Linkowski W., Wissman J., Westin A., D'Amico M., Kollman J., Uhe L., Kröger S.B., Bastianelli G., Kallioniemi E., Hovstad K.A., Hanslin H.M. (2021). EPICroads – Ecology in practice: Improving infrastructure habitats along roads. Roadside habitats and biodiversity conservation - a literature review with focus on vascular plants and insects. Report for CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads) Transnational Road Research Programme Call 2016: Biodiversity, Brussels (Belgium).

8 - D'Amico M. (2020). Deposición de contaminantes relacionados con el tránsito de vehículos a motor [Distribution of contaminants related to motorized vehicular traffic]. Report for Doñana Natural Area. Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC), Barcelona (Spain). In Spanish.

7 - Hanslin H.M., Kröger S.B., Hovstad K.A., Lennartsson T., Wissman J., D'Amico M., Habel J.C., Kollman J., Uhe L., Behrendt S. (2019). EPICroads – Ecology in practice: Improving infrastructure habitats along roads. Ecological effects of roads – a review of the literature. Report for CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads) Transnational Road Research Programme Call 2016: Biodiversity, Brussels (Belgium).

6 - D'Amico M. (2017). El efecto a escala regional del tráfico motorizado sobre el éxito reproductivo de aves que nidifican en márgenes de carreteras y caminos [Regional-scale effect of motorized traffic on breeding success of birds nesting along paved and unpaved roads]. Report for SEO-Birdlife. Doñana Biological Station (CSIC), Seville (Spain). In Spanish.

5 - D'Amico M. (2016). The introduced Podarcis siculus vs the critically endangered P. raffoneae on Vulcano Island (Sicily). Report for COST Action TD1209 ALIEN Challenge. University of Palermo, Palermo (Italy).

4 - D'Amico M., Román J., de los Reyes L., Revilla E. (2010). Factores fenológicos, espaciales y de historia de vida que determinan el riesgo de atropello de vertebrados en Doñana [Phenological, spatial and life history factors determining vertebrate road-kill risk in Doñana]. In: Evaluación de los efectos del tránsito a motor sobre especies y comunidades de interés en el Espacio Natural de Doñana [Evaluation of the effects of motorized traffic on species and communities of concern in Doñana Protected Area], (Eds. Román J., Barón A. and Revilla E.). Report for the Regional Government of Andalusia. Doñana Biological Station (CSIC), Seville (Spain). In Spanish.

3 - Cuscó F., de los Reyes L., D'Amico M., Román J., Revilla E. (2010). Riesgo de atropello en las poblaciones de camaleón (Chamaeleo chamaeleon) en Mazagón [Road-kill risk for chameleon (Chamaeleo chamaeleon) populations of Mazagón]. In: Evaluación de los efectos del tránsito a motor sobre especies y comunidades de interés en el Espacio Natural de Doñana [Evaluation of the effects of motorized traffic on species and communities of concern in Doñana Protected Area], (Eds. Román J., Barón A. and Revilla E.). Report for the Regional Government of Andalusia. Doñana Biological Station (CSIC), Seville (Spain). In Spanish.

2 - Palomares F., Román J., Tablado Z., D'Amico M., Revilla E., Rodríguez A., Azevedo D., Martínez-Fonturbel A. (2007). Recuperación del lince ibérico en la Reserva Biológica de Doñana: aumento a gran escala de las poblaciones de su presa básica [Recovery of the Iberian lynx in Doñana Biological Reserve: large scale increase of their staple prey populations]. Report for La Caixa and Doñana 21 Foundations. Doñana Biological Station (CSIC), Seville (Spain). In Spanish.

1 - Román J., Palomares F., Revilla E., Rodríguez A., Tablado Z., López-Bao J.V., D'Amico M. (2006). Seguimiento científico de las actuaciones del Proyecto LIFE-Naturaleza: Recuperación de las poblaciones de lince ibérico en Andalucía [Scientific monitoring of the Project LIFE-Nature: Recovery of Iberian lynx populations in Andalusia]. Report for the Regional Government of Andalusia. Doñana Biological Station (CSIC), Seville (Spain). In Spanish.