

Continuous and binary sets of responses are not the same: Evidence from the field - with Noelia Rivera-Garrido, Pablo Brañas-Garza, Michela Accerenzi. Published in Scientific Reports.

El mercado de trabajo y el desempleo - with David Troncoso. Published in Economía Española. Homenaje a Joan Sardá

Conformity and truthful voting under different voting rules - with Bernardo Moreno and Ismael Rodríguez-Lara. Published in Social Choice and Welfare.

Voting by Conformity - with Bernardo Moreno. Published in Social Choice and Welfare.

Downsian Competition with Assembly Democracy - with Socorro Puy. Published in The Political Economy of Governance: Institutions, Political Performance and Elections. Editors: Schofield, N. and G. Caballero. Ed: Springer.

Working papers

When Political Parties want to be Ambiguous but they can't - with Socorro Puy.

Looking at Creativity from East to West: Risk Taking and Intrinsic Motivation in Socially and Culturally Diverse Countries - with Giuseppe Attanasi, Ylenia Curci, Patrick Llerena, Adriana Carolina Pinate and Giulia Urso. GREDEG Working Papers 2019-21, Groupe de Recherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS), University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.

Blockchain and smart contracts for education - with Bernardo Moreno and Domingo Víquez.

Work in progress

Political competition between heterogeneous parties - with Socorro Puy.

Evaluating creativity in a creative field: how cognitive ability, 2D:4D and risk preferences influence creativity - with Giuseppe Attanasi, Michela Chessa and Adriana C. Pinate.

Blog contributions

Entendiendo Blockchain - in Spanish. Published in LoyolaEcon.