I am currently Statistician at ZEG - Berlin Center for Epidemiology and Health Research, working on post-authorization studies and clinical trials.

Previously I was Statistician at Bayer AG Pharmaceuticals, in Berlin, working in preclinical research of drug development. Previously I was PostDoc Researcher at the Hasso-Plattner Institute (Chair of Algorithm Engineering), University of Potsdam, Germany. My research project aimed at studying and implementing efficient time series models and optimization algorithms for data related to turbomachineries and their physical substitute models (principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich). The partner company of the project was the startup Industrial Analytics IA, based in Berlin.

I have obtained my Master's degree in Statistics and Decision Sciences (curriculum Biostatistics) and my Ph.D degree in Methodological Statistics at the Department of Statistical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome, both under the supervision of Prof. Francesco Battaglia. I was also PostDoc Research Fellow at the same department. My main research and Ph. D thesis topic were the application of evolutionary computation methods to statistical problems and the analysis of nonstationary time series.


manuel  dot  rizzo2806  at  gmail  dot   com