MOWSC is the Man O' War Swim Conference in Lexington, Kentucky.

We are a neighborhood summer swim league for children and youth up through high school age.  The league comprises these nine teams and totals over 1,000 swimmers.  Our league was started in 1994 by Steve Bedingfield of the Copperfield neighborhood.  It began with several teams formerly of BGSC (Blue Grass Swim Conference).   Steve's vision was to create a neighborhood league that fostered good-natured rivalry while reducing the travel time for busy working parents.

Conference Champions

2023 - Cumberland Hill

2022 - Cumberland Hill

2021 - Cumberland Hill

2020 - N/A (season cancelled due to pandemic)

2019 - Copperfield

2018 - Cumberland Hill

2017 - Copperfield

2016 - Copperfield

2015 - Copperfield

2014 - Copperfield

2013 - Palomar

2012 - Palomar

2011 - Copperfield

2010 - Copperfield

2009 - Copperfield

2008 - Copperfield

2007 - Copperfield

2006 - Firebrook

2005 - Firebrook

2004 - Firebrook

2003 - Palomar

2002 - Palomar

2001 - Copperfield

2000 - Copperfield

1999 - Palomar

1998 - Waterford

1997 - Palomar

1996 - Palomar

1995 - Palomar (MOWSC's inaugural championship meet)

1994 - League founded