Manny's "Fanboy" Corner

As some of my colleagues can (begrudgingly) attest, my brain is a "Rolodex" of research, in that I tend to casually cite random (but relevant!) research publications in everyday conversation. I teach some of my graduate courses in a “free-flowing” way that allows us to delve into diverse topic areas in I-O psychology. In the process, making this "skill" of mine come in handy. I tend to bring up different papers I’ve read, either for their underlying ideas or because I see them as getting-started resources (“if you find this interesting, check this out for a deeper dive”). At my students’ suggestion, I pulled some of those readings and more into a suggested reading list.

This list is a sample of articles that either have underlying ideas that I resonate with or frameworks that I see as good introductions to specific topic areas, especially for graduate students studying industrial-organizational psychology, organizational behavior, or human resources. Many of these articles are written for an academic audience, but I think they all have implications for scientist-practitioners in terms of their underlying ideas or takeaways. 

This list is NOT exhaustive of all the valuable knowledge in our field, and should be seen as a “first step” rather than the be-all-end-all. This is a living document and may change over time. I hope it comes in handy for anyone using it!

Manny's Fanboy List