
We are actively looking for new members to join our group. The new members will work on developing ultrasound elastography models for applications in fatty liver disease diagnosis.  We are also interested in developing deep learning models for image reconstruction and enhancement in ultrasound shear wave elastography. Interested candidates may apply.

Graduate Students:

If you are a Masters' / Ph.D. student at IIT-G and want to join our group, please drop me an email along with your CV. You are expected to have a keen interest in deep learning, signal processing, and mathematics.

Undergraduate Students:

Undergraduate students at IIT-G are welcome to join our group to explore their interest in biomedical imaging. Please drop me an email along with your CV.


Interested candidates from other universities may apply through the official IIT-G announcement for academic internships.

I am committed to fostering an equal opportunity research group to increase the number of underrepresented sections in STEM. Therefore, female candidates, under-represented social minorities, LGBTQ+ candidates are encouraged to reach out.