Curriculum Vitae

Academic Positions

  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Jul 2017 - current
    • School of Biological Sciences, University of Reading
      • Applying Bayesian phylogenetic approaches to answer key questions on the effects of mass extinctions on macroevolution
      • Can we detect differences between the survivors and the extinct?
      • Does mass extinction alter the course of macroevolution?
      • Can we detect signatures of mass extinctions from phylogenetic trees?
  • Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Jul 2014 - June 2017
    • School of Biological Sciences, University of Reading
      • Applied Bayesian phylogenetic approaches to study macroevolutionary processes of living and extinct animals
      • Revealed long-term decline in dinosaurs before their final extinction
      • Revealed bite force evolved through multiple bursts of exceptional rapid evolution in amniotes
      • Revealed transitions between locomotor modes in mammals are associated with rapid rates of body size evolution
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Jan 2010 - Dec 2012

Industry Positions

  • Feb 2013 - May 2014: Data Scientist, BrainPad Inc, Tokyo
    • Analysed and modelled behavioural responses to multi-media advertisement (web, TV)
    • Developed predictive model based on clinical symptom data


Grants and Awards

  • Research Grant, Jul 2017 - Jun 2020
    • The Leverhulme Trust
    • Named PDRA
  • 2017 Research Output Prize for Early Career Researchers, Mar 2017
    • University of Reading - £1000 prize
  • Research Grant, Jan 2010 - Dec 2012
    • BBSRC, Responsive Mode
    • Named PDRA


  • Research paper, Dinosaurs in decline tens of millions of years before their final extinction, 50th on Altmetric’s 100 Top Articles 2016 (
  • Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) by University of Michigan on Coursera. Certificate earned on August 31, 2017

Professional Memberships